Sexual Harassment How To Protect Yourself



What is Sexual Harassment? 

Sexual harassment is defined as the act of making unwelcome or obscene remarks towards someone. It typically happens to women, but men can also be a victim of it. It is estimated that 30 percent of women have been a victim of sexual harassment at work. The following things can be classified as sexual harassment. 

  • Making lewd or sexual jokes
  • Asking sexual questions
  • Inappropriate touching
  • Making sexual comments about a person’s appearance
  • Making sexually suggestive advances such as whistling
  • “Quid pro quo” sexual advances

Sexual harassment is a problem that has to be taken seriously. This problem can affect a person’s mental and emotional health. It can also cause a person to experience a great deal of stress and anxiety. 

What to do if You Have Been A Victim of Sexual Harassment 

It is important to recognize what constitutes sexual harassment and take the necessary steps. You will need to do the following if you are sexually harassed. 

Talk to the Harasser 

If you feel comfortable approaching the harasser, then you should talk to them. Make sure that you let them know that what they are doing makes you uncomfortable. Ask that they stop the behavior going forward. 

Find Out About Your Company’s Sexual Harassment Policy 

You should check your employee contract, memo or handbook to find out if there is a sexual harassment policy in place. If there is a policy in place, then you should follow all of the steps that it recommends. You will likely be advised to report the incident to a supervisor and your Human Resources department. 

Contact the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 

The EEOC is an organization that enforced anti-discrimination laws in 1964. You can file a claim with them and do not have to hire an attorney. You will have six months to file a claim after the incident. Your employer will be notified when you file a claim. You can get a settlement. However, if no settlement is reached, then you may have to go to court. 

Contact an Employment Lawyer 

Many states have laws regarding sexual harassment in the workplace that can be difficult to navigate. Even understanding what terms like quid pro quo actually means can be difficult for those without any legal training (the Harrell & Harrell Law Firm tells us that quid pro quo is the demand of sexual favors for personal advancement, both expressed or implied). You should hire an attorney who can tell you what steps you will need to take next and explain what the process will entail.  

Document the Incident 

You will need to keep track of all of the important information that pertains to the sexual harassment incident. This includes a description of the incident, the date it occurred and the witnesses. You will also need to keep track of job evaluations and anything that shows you have done well on the job. Doing so will prepare you for any legal issues that may come up in the future.

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