Posts by SebastianSarbu:
- Maximum risk (over 60%): four countries (Vietnam at 68,1%; Bangladesh at 64,9%; Nepal at 62,4%; and Mongolia at 60,2%).
- High risk: 67 countries, including India (59,2%), China (46,7%), Kazakhstan (46%), Azerbaijan (44,1%), Russia (41,5%), most African countries.
- Moderate cyber attacks rate (computer viruses) (21-40,99%): 78 countries from all over the world, including European countries such as Spain (36%), France (33,9%), Portugal (33,1%), Italy (32,9%), Germany (30,2%), the UK (28,5%), Switzerland (24,6%), Sweden (21,4%), as well as other relevant countries such as the USA (29%), Ukraine (37,3%), Brazil (40,2%), Argentina (35,2%), Chile (28,9%), South Korea (35,2%), or Singapore (22,8%).
- Low/local degree of infection (0-20,99%): 9 countries.
Romania, the ally of the United States facing new international challenges and threats
September 5th, 2018
The Deveselu shield has been for a long time the target of belicose statements coming from the East.
But no one knew in 2013 that Iran could be the next strategic attack target for the USA’s political and military leadership.
It is all part of a plan laid out at a congress in Switzerland in 1987, with participants from the USA and Israel, and where a geopolitical recomposition of the world was convened.
During the talks at the aforementioned congress, undertaking actions against the European Union and contesting any European construction centered around Germany were mentioned.
At the same time, destabilizing the Middle East and Turkey is part of the plan to destabilize the European Union and ensure US supremacy. Islam, whose main vehicle is Iran, is viewed through the lens of Huntington’s theory as a system opposed to globalism and a risk factor towards globalism.
By globalism we mean not only corporations, but any form of world government based on imposing certain values.
On the other hand, the stakes are much higher and at the same time more pragmatic: Europe and Asia are dependent upon Iran for energy. Not only oil with its diminishing reserves, but also gas with important reserves.
The clear position of the United States, claiming that the Deveselu shield has a defensive purpose and is not aimed at Russia, but at Iranian threats instead, might well reflect reality.
And that because the new president Donald Trump did not hesitate to invoke a military intervention in Iran, a personal promise to Benjamin Netanyahu made in the context of cancelling the USA-Iran deal agreed upon during the Obama administration and considered damaging to national security. Moreover, naming “Mad Dog” (General James Mattis) as chief of Defense is aimed at this purpose. Therefore, the Deveselu shield will not be dismantled, as some believe, but used according to the plan as it was described by the USA.
DESTABILIZING TURKEY IS A NEW THREAT FOR THE BALKANS. In any case, the assasination of the Russian ambassador in Ankara is part of a larger plan aiming first at the entry of Turkey in a new area of influence directed first and foremost against the European Union.
In case of a war initiated by the US against Iran, Turkey would be the USA’s new strategic regional ally against Iran; as the outflow of illegal Arab immigration in Europe continues, the premises are set for a strong economic and security crisis of the European Union which would speed up its end, especially in the context of some countries deciding their own Brexit.
The alert in intelligence milieus is tied to the area of the Near and Middle East which remains the center for catalizing events that could change the European and world maps.
Russia will agree to the US military intervention in Iran, as it is itself competing with the European Union, not the mention the desire for vengeance because of economic sanctions, but it could at any time change sides if the US do not make concessions, for example, regarding China or the way in which Russia is co-opted in the fight against terrorism and ISIS.
Romania could face an Islamic threat from Turkey and Iran. Both Russia and Turkey will play at both ends. Their interest will be the islamization of Europe and creating a EU superstate according to Anglo-American plans. The risk that nuclear weapons are used or that they are acquired by terrorist forces following the destabilization of Iran is very high.
Europe will divide itself in two regions: Euro-America and Euro-Asia. It is upon Romania to decide the area of influence it wants to belong to.
During the Trump-Putin summit the Iranian threat was discussed. The two parties agreed to keep the discussions secret.
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Global Security Strategies In The 21st Century
July 18th, 2018Comments Off on Global Security Strategies In The 21st Century
Operation “Storm Shadow”: Iran vs USA and England
May 23rd, 2018By Sebastian Sarbu.
The Pentagon has already prepared the operational strategic plans to attack Iranian nuclear facilities in case of international diplomacy failure.
As such, initiating Operation “Storm Shadow”, named after the British missile, is envisioned, aiming at a sudden war in Iran, a sort of raid together with Great Britain.
It is possible that France and Italy take part in this military operation as well.
Moreover, an intensification of American military presence in the Persian Gulf area has been planned for the near future.
The USA will at first increase their military presence in the region.
This will lead to escalating provocations on both sides.
The decision will then be up to President Donald Trump.
Once Donald Trump is notified of the 2 American marines having been wounded by the Iranian side, he will make some vague statements. It is all part of the script. He will postpone the decision in order to see what international support he has and because of the opposition from North Korea, a country which has also been targeted in a nuclear affair.
Attempt from China at international conflict mediation will result in an increasingly complicated situation.
Trump will postpone his decision to intervene militarily in Iran, thereby creating an international crisis as well as internal controversy, as the American President should risk impeachment. He will nonetheless finally decide to launch Operation “Storm Shadow”, following talks with British Prime Minister Theresa May. He will be able to count on the support of other allies as well.
The removal of the vice-president of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), responsible for the Iranian nuclear file, was set up by European secret services in agreement with the American ones to allow France, Italy, and maybe even Germany, to intervene militarily against Iran.
It is evident that the new IAEA’s chief for Iran will confirm Israeli and US intelligence proofs for Iranian nuclear weapons, and the great European powers will decide accordingly.
As such, France will intervene militarily later, alongside the United States, while being assured that it will be a fast rather than a long term war.
It is interesting to note that not for no reason the chosen name for the operation will be “Storm Shadow”, the same as the name of the military missiles produced in Great Britain, France, Italy.
It is thus intended to co-opt these countries in the military intervention against Iran for a longer period.
The attack on Iran will be carried out nonetheless in several stages, the first of which will be a US-Great Britain operation only, signaling Israel that it is defended.
The UN Security Council will assemble sooner or later. Russia will vote against an intervention in Iran in the second stage of the conflict while being guaranteed an ease on Assad and no economic sanctions against Russia.
Just as was the case with Libya in 2010. The Libyan scenario will repeat itself, with the same lead actors.
Moreover, in the case of an air intervention by the Coalition lead by the USA, a ground intervention could be carried out by Saudi Arabia. In this case, we may have an internationalization of the conflict, its course being decided by the political situation in Turkey.
This scenario is secret. It will not be made available to the public. It is one of the possible scenarios; it does not mean that it will be followed through in every detail.
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The Third World War Starts In The USA And Will Enter History As The Steel And Aluminum War
April 16th, 2018The recent taxes on steel and aluminum imposed by the USA on the European Union and China have huge geopolitical and economic stakes. Practically, these measures are part of Washington’s new strategy concerning economic or commercial warfare.
The European Union contested these measures, considering them protectionist measures and threatening with counter measures.
We can see every day that the world economy is on a downhill slope, as specialists in intelligence and defense economics expect an economic crisis in Europe as well as in the USA towards the end of this year, a crisis which can not be overcome but via an outright global scale war.
According to a secret report, partially confirmed by the US Census Bureau, the Obama administration left America a commercial deficit of 83%, practically 796 billion USD. According to estimates, Beijing and Brussels hold together the economic supremacy, owning 527 billion USD, and 414 billion USD, respectively, in gas and energy, while the US budget totals 1.54 trillion dollars.
China and the European Union are net importers of oil and gas. The 8.3 million daily imported barrels represent 70% of Chinese oil, while the 8.8 billion cubic meters of gas represent 39% of Chinese consumption.
According to analyses carried out by specialized structures in Washington, a war against Iran would not suffice to stabilize the US economy. According to data centralized by the US Bureau of Economic Analysis, US oil, natural gas, NGL (natural gas liquids), and coal exports amount to only 45 billion USD annually in the most recent commercial years (2016 and 2017).
For that reason, what is at stake for the USA is not the oil and natural gas needed for internal consumption, but the possibility of destabilizing the European Union and the Far East, both dependent on Iranian oil.
What few people know is that aluminum ans steel are massively used by the American defense industry, as the Department of Defense is a large consumer of both metals. Access to these metals is critical for the production of American defense systems. This leads us to consider the industrial military complex and the Pentagon’s war plans, as well as the necessity of laying out a collective war scenario involving the USA’s economic enemies: China and the European Union.
The nomination of Bolton coincided with the transfer of decision concerning aluminum and steel tariffs from the economic field to the field of national security, and evaluated as such.
By the means of this transfer, the war intentions relating to the necessity of developing the defense industry, as well as to pressure from China in the steel field (which, according to the same secret report, would affect US economy), are acknowledged.
It is clear: the USA are in an economic war with China. The European Union is targeted as well.
Specialists in the Pentagon and Washington are still evaluating the economic impact on the European Union and Asia of a war against Iran. America would be the only winner of such a conflict.
Moreover, the Trump administration nominated for the Department of State the former CIA director, Mike Pompeo, precisely because of the need for secrecy concerning information about the US economy and the war against Islam and China, as the Trump administration is looking for a way to obscure via counter propaganda measures the statements of the former White House strategist, Steve Bannon.
It is equally interesting that on the 2018 agenda of the USA’s Council on Foreign Relations is to be found the scenario of a NATO–Russia conflict, as many conflict scenarios of this Council were confirmed, such as the one between Turkey and the Kurds. The security agenda of the White House strangely coincides with the agenda of the Council on Foreign Relations, seen as being on the Democrats’ side.
How would this affect Romania?
The North Stream II Project or the Intermarium Project are basically one and the same thing. It envisions an extended natural gas network comprising transit countries such as Romania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, and Ukraine, the latter one using the project in its economic war with Russia.
Intermarium is a economic cooperation concept, having geopolitical value, involving the countries around 3 seas: the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, and the Adriatic Sea. It is called, in intelligence analyses, “the American resistance box in the European Union”.
The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis will take part in a new meeting concerning Intermarium this summer.
A conflict with Russia is possible for economic reasons, but we are under NATO protection and we need to act diplomatically until summer for economic and security reasons, while coordinating our actions with Washington’s.
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About Security Culture
February 7th, 2018
By Sebastian Sarbu.
Abstract: Security culture focuses on a broader scope: the ideas, customs and social behaviours, values of a group that influences the group and also society security at large level.
Must to know the cyber risk, geopolitical influence, terrorism preventing, security institutions, the warfare information for confronting these problems and global challenges.
This concept uses a new institutional approach concerning promoting dialogue with public institutions, as well as validating their social mission in the spirit of knowledge of new types of threats, risks, and vulnerabilities, at an individual, group, societal, national, regional, and global level. Security culture – modern institutional approach promoting security issues; knowing the register of public political, military, economic, societal, and environmental urgencies; the entirety of notions, ideas, and informations available at a given time to the citizens of the state concerning the national security values, interests, and necessities; the ways in which to develop attitudes, motivations, and behaviors which are necessary for the defense and protection of persons, groups, and states, againsts vulnerabilities, risk factors, threats, states of danger, or potential agressions, as well as promoting them in the security internal and international environments. (Dictionary of modern public security)
The fight against terrorism, organized crime, cross border criminality are realities which the representatives of civil society must know in order to take part together with state institutions in knowing, preventing, and confronting these problems. And when the challenge is at the security level, it should concern us all equally.
The current geopolitical context has transformed the space of strategic interest in which Romania is found into a real source, transit area, and destination of serious criminal activities consisting in: illegal weapon, munition, and explosives trafficking; drug trafficking; illegal immigration and human trafficking; counterfeit products trafficking; money laundering; etc.
The new democracies in this region continue to be confronted with certain negative phenomena which affect the quality of government. In this context, inefficient government – an effect of democratic deficit and institutional corruption, reflecting itself in manifestations of political clientelism, public administration inefficiency, authoritarian tendecies, lack of public transparency and responsability – undermines public institutions and can become a real threat with respect to national security. In Romania, inefficient government represents a potential risk for national development and national security, on the long run.
Corruption is another threat to national security, but on the short run, with a negative impact on living standards, human rights, and fundamental freedoms, as well as sound economic development.
The new asymmetrical threats, economic and information globalization, global issues, the growth of interstate dependancy in all fields, global anomie, are sources of insecurity which concern us all.
This is why security education and culture, crisis management, combating disinformation, are necessary for a new collective defense, no longer done by the state, as a political and administrative entity, but by citizens via civil society, in such a way that resources, information, and responsability decentralization is attained, an outcome necessary for preventing and managing security crises.Nowadays security is a modern concept, which in an open, democratic society represents a systemic reality, comprising economic, social, and cybernetic security, food safety, the protection of citizens rights and liberties, etc. This is why it is necessary for citizens to have access to information, to be aware of security needs, for security culture does not belong to interest groups or closed bureaucratic institutions, as it was the case in the era of state Communism.
A modern state is looking forward to identify new security solutions, to make modern, European laws in this field, and to make available the necessary resources for developing the system of national security. The most important resources to be organized and put to proper use are the informational resource and the human resource. Without long term development and a satisfying GDP, which represents a nation’s state of internal sufficiency, allowing it to compete on the international level, we are rather security consumers instead of security generators.The role of civil society is to get involved actively in actions of preventive education and management of the new security reality as an indicator of a Euro-Atlantic and European Community vocation. The pursued objective is stability, peace, and the construction of a modern, democratic society connected to Euro-Atlantic values.
Cybernetic security, terrorism, and critical information infrastructure – new challenges for the management of security culture and the European geopolitical space. The objectives of the European Union in the new global context.
On the 30th of March 2009, the European Commission issued a communiqué regarding the protection of critical information infrastructure (“Protecting Europe against large-scale cyber-attacks: improving the degree of preparation, security, and resilience”) by which it established a plan (“the plan of action concerning the protection of critical information infrastructure”) for consolidating the security and resilience of vital information technology and communications infrastructure. Its aim was to stimulate and support the development of a high level of response, security, and resilience capacity on a national and European level. This approach was largely approved by the Council in 2009. The plan of action concerning the protection of critical information infrastructure is built on five pillars: preparation and prevention; spotting and reaction; risk reduction and recovery after incidents; international cooperation; and the criteria for the critical European infrastructure in the sector of information technology and communications. It establishes the measures to be taken with respect to every pillar by the Commission, member states and/or industry, with the support of the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA).
The digital agenda for Europe, adopted in May 2010, and the associated conclusions of the Council have underlined the common vision according to which confidence and security are fundamental preliminary conditions for using on a wide scale information technology and communications and for achieving thus the objectives concerning the dimension of “intelligent growth” of the Strategy Europe 2020. The digital agenda for Europe underlines the necessity that all interested parties unite their forces in a global effort in order to guarantee the security and resilience of information technology and communications infrastructure by emphasizing prevention, degree of preparation, and sensitivity, as well as to develop efficient and coordinated mechanisms in order to react to the increasingly sophisticated forms of attacks and cyber crimes.This approach guarantees that the preventive, as well as the reaction dimensions are challenges which are taken seriously.
The Commission has adopted in September 2010 a directive proposal regarding the attacks on information systems. It concerns the consolidation of the fight against cybernetic attacks by better cooperation between the criminal law systems of member states and between judicial authorities and other competent authorities. Moreover, the proposal introduces some dispositions regarding the ways of fighting new forms of cybernetic attacks, namely botnets. At the same time the Commission forwarded a proposal for a new mandate of consolidation and modernization of the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) in order to increase networks’ degree of reliability and security. The consolidation and modernization of ENISA will allow the European Union, member states, and interested parties from the private sector to develop capacities and training to prevent, detect, and approach challenges pertaining to information security.
Moreover, the digital agenda for Europe, the Stockholm program/its plan of action, and EU’s Strategy of internal security in action underlines the Commission’s commitment to construct a digital environment in which all Europeans could express their full economic and social potential. This is why security culture involves cyber security, but at the same time involves proactive solutions for using human potential and community democratic participation, which could discourage security threats. The communiqué of the European Commission reviews the results that have been achieved since the adoption of the plan of action in what concerns the protection of critical information infrastructure. It describes future expected measures for each action both at an European and at an international level and it focuses at the same time on the global dimensions of the challenges and importance of increasing cooperation between the national administrations of member states and the private sector on national, European, and international levels, in order to handle global interdependencies.
New, more technologically sophisticated threats have emerged
The global geopolitical dimension of these threats is becoming increasingly clear. We are experiencing in the present a tendency to use information technology and communications in order to achieve political, economic, and military supremacy, including through offensive capabilities. “Cybernetic warfare” and “cybernetic terrorism” are sometimes mentioned in such contexts.
Moreover, as shown by the recent events in the Southern Mediterranean region, some regimes are ready and capable to forbid or undermine arbitrarily the access of their own citizens to informatic means of communication – especially the Internet and mobile communications – for political reasons. Such unilateral internal interventions could have severe consequences on the rest of the world.
In order to better understand such diverse threats, it can be useful to divide them into the following categories: exploits, such as “persistent advanced threats”, for the purpose of economic and political espionage (for example, GhostNet), identity theft, the recent attacks against the marketing systems of emissions quotas or against government information systems; sabotage, such as DDoS attacks, or spam generated via botnets (for example, the Conficker 7 million computers network or the Spanish Mariposa 12.7 million computers network); and destruction – this is a scenario which hasn’t materialized yet, but, given the increasing use of information technology and communications in critical infrastructures (for example, intelligent networks and water distribution networks), it is not excluded for the coming years. Future challenges are not specific to the European Union and cannot be solved by the EU only. The increasing degree of use of information technology and communications and the Internet allows for more efficient and profitable communication and coordination between interested parties and has for result a dynamic innovative ecosystem in all areas of life.
The experts of the Kaspersky Lab group have issued a report regarding threats for 2013 and 2014, which was published in December 2013, containing the following statistical data, accompanied by a map of information crimes:
As we can see, we have a moderate infection rate for the European Union in 2013. As for 2014, although there are no significant differences, and being too early for a full evaluation done at the end of each year, the same experts predict important cybernetic threats/information crimes in the financial field and in cyber espionage. The target here is individual citizens’ money, as well as obtaining illegal economic information such as banking secrets. The conclusion that can be drawn here is that cyber attacks of any kind represent an asymmetrical, but real threat to economic welfare and national security.
It is the role of civil society, as well as mass media, to inform and implement security culture and the technical solutions devised by the innovative intelligence analysis centers, which promote educational excellency.
At present, threats can arise anywhere in the world and, because of global interconnection, can affect any part of the world.
We must make an advancement in the direction of global awareness of the risks incumbent in the massive use of information technology and communications by all segments of society. Moreover, we must develop strategies to manage such risks adequately and efficiently, be it for the purposes of preventing, fighting, reducing, or approaching them. The digital agenda for Europe launches an invitation to “organize the cooperation between relevant actors . . . on a global level so that they are able to fight against and reduce security risks” and establishes the objective of “cooperating with interested parties on a global level to consolidate global risk management in the digital and physical spheres and to adopt specific internationally coordinated measures against information crimes and security attacks”.
Education, scientific research, and security culture.
The intellectual, educational, and cultural dimensions of national security. Defending one’s country and achieving a state of national security suppose first and foremost a creative intellectual endeavor, by prioritizing education, research, and security culture.
As such, a nation that cannot be internationally competitive and cannot use the resources, technology, and human potential at its disposal, is a security consumer, not a security provider. Development is a condition of liberty, and security is the means by which the values and norms created by society can generate the state of balance and safety needed for every citizen’s exercise of freedom. The right to information becomes a commitment from society, which is aware of this right as an obligation when security, democracy, peace, and freedom are under threat.
Education is the first pillar which permits national defense and security sectors to adapt in order to respond to new challenges. We need a new quality of military, public order, and information education, which supposes achieving full compatibility with the education programs of NATO and EU countries.
The private security industry represents the future for the security industry and the public security system.
Technology is the materialization of new concepts and innovations which satisfy modern security demands.
The second pillar is scientific research, an important endeavor for understanding the nature of current threats, by studying their implications. This understanding must be transferred to state institutions which allows them to develop adequate policies. It is equally important that public opinion, civil society, various think tanks participate in this effort, by contributing their own expertise.The third pillar is security culture by which we mean norms, values, attitudes, or actions which determine the comprehension and assimilation of the concept of security and other derived concepts: national security, international security, collective security, insecurity, cooperative security, security policy, etc. The development of education in the field of social sciences – especially political science, international relations, security studies – has led to the democratization of the field of defense and national security. As a consequence of the ever growing number of students and graduates in these fields, expertise is no longer the privilege of the state, which has a positive effect on the dialogue between the state and civil society, contributing to a higher quality of government in the area of defense and national security. (National Defense Strategy, 2010). With the help of OSINT and HUMINT-type information (by evaluating, corroborating, analyzing, and interpreting data), we can draw conclusions and identify possible ways in which events can unfold; specialized structures create a security culture via the projects that they develop and implement (by acting both preventively and offensively, through initiatives meant to discourage actions against personal, group, or societal security, as well as to consolidate security); they manage to grow in real terms the value of security indices in the field of reference and to proactively build the premises for the preservation and future affirmation of the communities’ interests.
In order to establish the concrete ways to prevent risk materialization and/or fighting a threat, security culture provides the necessary expertise, by offering information with the purpose of knowing tendencies, facts, as well as events’ circumstances, including:
1.Relevant territory (location, region, zone, country);
2.Fields of interest (directions of action);
3.Specific problems and cases;
4.Risks to national development;
5.Defense of fundamental and social values;
6.Information security;
7.Social environment.
The objectives of civil society with respect to education and security culture involve:
1.Stimulating interest and preoccupation by institutions and private individuals towards security culture/education, via mass media and other visibility actions targeted for this purpose;
2.Integrating in learning institutions – at the primary, secondary, high school, and university levels – security education both for children and adolescents, as well as adults, by organizing classes, conferences, symposiums, trainings, seminaries, meetings, colloquims, presentations, workshops, talk groups, round tables, camps, trips, and other recreational and educational activities;
3.Editing, publishing, and disseminating informative and scientific materials, books, magazines, flyers, and other printing and audiovisual materials;
4.Establishing contacts and permanent collaboration with scientific institutions both home and abroad, with experts, as well as with other organizations, government or nongovernmental institutions which have security culture or adjacent fields as their field of interest;
5.Drawing, supporting, and couseling private or legal entities that wish to be initiated in or perfect themselves in the fields of security, personal protection, educational management of security culture, as well as anyone interested in security culture;
6.Undertaing concrete actions, within the limits of academic competence, for preventing and stopping aggression/violence, for ensuring personal, group, and societal protection;
7.Taking part in projects, conferences, and scientific communications sessions having for subject the field of security, organized/supported by higher education institutions in Romania and abroad, local and central public authorities, as well as by institutions who have responsabilities in the field of national security.
It is necessary to promote, develop, and implement projects/models and standards of community and individual security in order to create a security culture, through research, studies, information, and education via partnerships with both state and private educational institutions, as well as medical, military, police, justice, and religious institutions, with governmental and nongovernmental organizations, for the purposes of developing a community that cares about the safety of its citizens, as well as of promoting knowledge, respect, and mutual trust between the members and the institutions of the community.
COM (2010) 2020 and the conclusions of European Council – 25 &26 march 2010 (EUCO 7/10)
Kaspersky Lab Group, Financial cyber threats in 2013, in,, Kaspersky Lab Report”, April 2014.
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China Is The United States Real Target In The North Korean Dispute
September 14th, 2017By Sebastian Sarbu.
The real reason for the tensions in ASIA is the economic competition and confrontation between the Euro-Asian and the Euro-American blocks.
The United States are sure to gain, economically and financially, from maintaining the tensions with North Korea.
However, nuclear or military war is far from being initiated. The reason is that the United States have to settle earlier disputes with China and the so-called partnership with China alongside various commercial sanctions keep China in geopolitical and economic stalemate, thus rendering impossible a proportional reaction.
The United States have started an economic war with China, and North Korea is the pretense for commercial sanctions imposed on Beijing and, naturally, for shifting the focus away from the true economic objectives. On the other hand, even a conflict with North Korea would ensure that ASIA capitulates in the face of an increasingly stronger American economic rise.
Why is North Korea seen as a greater threat than Iran to the United States?
The answer is simple. In the Trump Era, threats are no longer evaluated from a “challenge to security” perspective, or by taking into account human rights or democracy. Instead of ideological enemies, America now has economic enemies.
By taking into account the shift of America’s strategic interests towards the economic sphere, Trump puts forward the scenario of a war with North Korea, knowing that he thus threatens not only China’s economy, but also the economy of the European Union, the real strategic enemies of America. This would not have been the case with Iran and it allows for the accomplishment of two objectives in one blow.
We must also consider the bizarre statement of the French Defense Minister, who claimed recently that North Korean missiles threaten the EU, which would imply that the EU should adopt sanctions against North Korea.
This proves that the EU realizes what strategic game the USA are playing and that it wants to play a part in this crisis.
To conclude, the USA’s economic trends might dictate a military intervention in North Korea, but the true target is China, as well as the European Union, an indirect target, as the EU is an economic rival of the United States.
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The Snake Conspiracy
August 4th, 2017By Sebastian Sarbu.
The oldest and most dangerous secret society is known as the Brotherhood of the Good, being followed down the line by the Brotherhood of Fire, the Black Snake, the Order of the Assassins or Ishmaelites, the Secret Jesuit Order, the Order of Baphomet, and the Circle of the Poles.
We shall prove first the connection between the phenomena of life, by revealing the laws that govern the world, as well as the true science of survival, which, given appropriate social conditions, would have led to a healthy evolution, well-adapted to existing races, civilizations, and to the national characteristics of every society.
These explanations are necessary given that in order to talk about controlling conscience we have to define first what is conscience, since it is impossible to destroy the enemy’s system if we continue to adopt the same manner of thinking, the same values, as well as the same soul devastating ideology. That is to say, we cannot eliminate the historical adversary by thinking like him and thus allowing him to be reborn or transposed in the vital space of collective consciousness. Let’s proceed.
The science and the occult
Before idealizing science, and thus behaving like those who are disappointed by speculative philosophical and religious currents, we must know that there is no great difference between science and religious, political, or ideological doctrines. The specific differences have been nullified via the subordination of any free and independent research to the ideologies of various powers.
Moreover, we can see that the exact sciences, which provide mankind and society with the technical and material basis for survival, have profoundly religious foundations!!!
The foundation for the exact sciences, but also of the social sciences, including psychology, can be correctly defined as being metaphysical. We refer to classical science, for the modern one is one big mental manipulation which was created for occult purposes and whose purpose is the creation of an experimental society, the globalist one.
Physics rests upon metaphysics, to which it is still close. Chemistry rests upon alchemy.
Mathematics is based upon numerology, or sacred initiate mathematics. Both were founded by Pythagoras, whose system we have inherited. It is thus not an accident that Pythagoras was a freemason, as he was initiated at the Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt (actually, Aton’s pyramid).
The philosopher and mathematician Auguste Comte (1798 – 1857), the founder of positivism and of modern sociology, proved the fact that numbers do not represent real quantities, but mere abstract proportions, adopting the same conceptual line of thinking as Kant, who regarded knowledge as a process preceding experience, a product of the mind, which is nothing else than mathematics par excellence.
It must be said that positivism is the best-oriented form of knowledge; it is necessary to the individual more than to society given that modern society is a utilitarian-progressive one which can apply positivism only in certain fields.
Positivism is not a science as it is understood nowadays. It is a manner, a way, a direction of research by which man bases his knowledge upon experience and doubts the systemic realities being decreed as unique: matter and spirit.
We are hence positivists and we will apply positivist criteria and principles to political reality, by proving that the laws of existence are a mirror and a reciprocal manifestation of the acts carried out by an individual or collectives.
Worse (or more dubious) even, as is revealed by special research, the so-called science, even positivist science, was organized, or, more specifically, modified for the purpose of differing from metaphysical or spiritual science, in the purest dialectical reactionary way.
We mention that we are not interested in saving or denouncing the metaphysical aspects, but we merely observe the facts in a neutral way, with a maximal degree of objectivity, as in any independent research. We cannot ignore the quackery. As such, we can only take one direction: the one showing that modern manipulation, comprising occult structures, both operational and emergent, originates in the mythical past of humanity, where the so-called “snake conspiracy” began.
Therefore, before evaluating a conventional or unconventional phenomenon, one has to look for the causes, having in mind the knowledge that wherever there is a relationship between cause and effect there is nothing supernatural, no force superior to man which could suspend the natural order.
Moreover, people should not mix the plans and components of their bio-energo-plasmatic beings, which function autonomously, and thus via different laws generating other types of effects.
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Middle East: A New War On The Horizon
June 14th, 2017By Sebastian Sarbu.
7 Arab countries, namely Saudi Arabia (the leader), the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Libya, the Maldives, Yemen, and Bahrain have imposed a blockade against Qatar, and are accusing them of financing terrorism and association with organizations such as ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Al Qaida.
The blockade consists of:
– air space closure, flight suspensions;
– suspension of maritime and commercial connections;
– land border closure;
– withdrawal of diplomatic personnel;
– forbidding the citizens of the 7 countries to travel to Qatar;
– demanding Qatari citizens to leave the 7 countries’ territories within 14 days.
The blockade already has worldwide economic effects. The price of oil rose, by 76 cents for WTI oil in August, and for Brent oil in Europe by 1,26%.
On the other hand, Qatari stocks collapsed.
It is assumed that it is all connected to the recently signed agreement between the USA and Saudi Arabia, by which Saudi Arabia benefited from a multibillion dollars arms deal.
According to Romanian and foreign military analysts, every time an Arab state was armed by the West, that state did not hesitate to use it for fulfilling its military and geopolitical ambitions.
Saudi Arabia is known for its historic rivalry against Iran.
Recently, Saudi Arabia associated Qatar with Iran, by making reference to financing international terrorism.
It is no secret that Saudi Arabia received weapons from the US for it to use them against Iran.
It is clear that it is all part of a plan whose aim is the annihilation of Iran. The real target of the blockade against Qatar is actually Iran.
For a start, Iran’s reaction to this geopolitically risky regional crisis will be tested.
At a later stage, there will be a military intervention of the 7 countries, under the leadership of Saudi Arabia, in Qatar, having for aim the removal from power of the current regime, which is accused of illegal financing of terrorism.
This action will exert huge pressures on Iran, given that it will certainly provoke an economic and energy crisis in Iran, and thus creating a geostrategic context for an American intervention.
Iran has one immediate geopolitical alternative for saving its economy, namely blocking the Hormuz Strait, but the Americans can’t wait for such a strategic “mistake” in order to carry out a military intervention in Iran.
Iran is accused of developing a nuclear program for military purposes, as well as financing terrorism.
According to a recent media analysis, 80% of Americans do not approve of the recent collaboration between the USA and Saudi Arabia, for they see Saudi Arabia as a sponsor of international terrorism.
Is Qatar the scapegoat in this situation? No matter how we look at things, there is a well-made plan having for main stake Iran.
In case of a war with Iran, Romania has sufficient security guarantees, and the Deveselu missile shield is meant to protect us from Iranian missiles.
The great loser in this conflict is Russia, which will remain at the periphery of the fight against terrorism.
In case of a new war with Iran, we are not to expect countermeasures from Russia, given that the US have already made concessions to Russia with respect to Syria.
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Risk of War in Asia
May 16th, 2017By Sebastian Sarbu.
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The Cyber Threat And The Problem Of Information Security
April 28th, 2017
By Sebastian Sarbu.
A critical analysis of the concepts of cyber-power and cyber-space
Abstract. In this paper are approached from a researcher angle and analyzed the concepts of cyber-space, cyber-power both from the security school perspective, of the international organizations, and from the civil society point of view. Are introduced herewith the documents and the international initiatives concerning the data transfer safety in the context of actual menace against cybernetic security, the quantification as threat to the values, rights and democratic liberty, of the civil society.
The society of risk is defined both through the grid of political sociology, of the Copenhagen school, the key element as reference being in this case as well the necessity to build a safe cyber space, here being scrutinized in value-based antithesis the terror versus democracy and freedom of speech.
The data security and control, but also the internet-based data transfer are here approached from the angle of the European documents, but also of the civil society being highlighted the regulation efforts from authorities and civil campaigns. The cybernetic attacks are studied from the angle of the NATO strategic concept and also fully endorsing the UN and EU documents.
In connection to the cyber-power concept this finds its ,,implementation” inside the sphere of the geopolitical world, being quite relevant the security vulnerabilities of the software constructs, of the international and local nets, the cyber power being associated with cyber-espionage, cyber-war, cyber-criminality and cyber-space.
Keywords: cyber-war, cyber-terrorism, cyber-space, cyber power, cyber-criminality, cyber-weapon, cyber-espionage, cyber-war, the Copenhagen school, the society of risk, data safety, data transfer, information control, critical infrastructures ACTA.
In NATO’s Strategic Concept for the Defense and Security of the Members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization adopted by Heads of State and Government in Lisbon, 2010, we find the following text at the 12th paragraph (“The Security Environment” chapter):
“Cyber attacks are becoming more frequent, more organised and more costly in the damage that they inflict on government administrations, businesses, economies and potentially also transportation and supply networks and other critical infrastructure; they can reach a threshold that threatens national and Euro-Atlantic prosperity, security and stability. Foreign militaries and intelligence services, organised criminals, terrorist and/or extremist groups can each be the source of such attacks.”
In fact, the increasing number of attacks is the result of the growing number of software being used, as well as of Internet users, and not an endemic fact or one linked to an increase of cyberspace aggressiveness. The vulnerabilities of a single application can be exploited by using the same tactics on a wide range of similar implementations. What is most striking is rather the poor quality of applications, as well as implementation defects, the absence of legal framework for consumer protection, software being the only (legal) goods not being subject to quality regulations. Standards of quality in the software industry are a subjective unit generally measuring extended functions and post-sales assistance services.
Costs are growing as the number of users utilizing the same vulnerable (and eventually badly implemented) application increases.
In another recent NATO document mentions are made about difficulties generated by lack of consensus regarding the definitions of terms associated with the threats and consequences of certain actions in cyberspace. Similar difficulties can be observed in defining terrorism, although a UN resolution is trying to solve the problem. Nonetheless, interpretations are rather subjective and vary by country.
For example, the USA, openly fighting against terrorism in multiple war theatres, after more than 11 years, were unsuccessful in properly operationalizing the terrorism-linked definitions in cases such as: the legal status of people captured in its operations; a legal formal framework concerning their treatment during detention; or their legal status once they are set free. Conceptual definitions are susceptible to transformation with time, on relatively short intervals, and may be partially replaced by other conceptualizations, varying by region. It is important to mention this precedent for it establishes without doubt that the absence of international consensus does not lead to an absence in a strategy’s operativeness, at least not unilaterally.
Cyber-war, cyber-terrorism, cyber-espionage, and cyber-crime refer to the same set of events, the differences being rather syntactic. Despite laws against cyber crimes, the problem of cyber-aggression entered largely under military scope. Although legal definitions are generous enough to cover all these events (unauthorized access or preventing authorized access to data or information systems is a crime), instituting a new conceptual background (via these “cyber” derivatives) renders military action to substitute civil legislation.
In the same NATO study, certain questions are posed:
– when is a cyber attack an act of war and when is it a crime?
– when is unauthorized access to computer systems a cyber attack?
– what are cyber weapons?
– how does the victim of the attack identify the aggressor and what degree of confidence is necessary for positive identification?
In the document, cyberspace is defined as the national environment where digital information is stored or transmitted via information systems and networks. A first objection to this definition relates to the national character of information. Since information systems (or networks) do not distinguish between information and execution codes, their interpretation is linked only to the subject, a certain set of instructions being considered both data and information carriers. How can certain data carry (symbols of) nationality? The only possible valid response is linked to the physical environment it passes through: if it is located on a certain territory then the data is considered to belong to that territory. The speed at which data travels, as well as other characteristics of data transportation, give it a time frame of a few milliseconds. Another problem is linked to the source: if the source is “foreign” code (generated by an information system in a pre-programmed fashion), does the data keep its territoriality/nationality?
In a Ph.D. thesis (this time from Romania) centered on the problem of cyber terrorism, the author tries to systematize the terms being used:
“The concept of ‘cyber-terrorism’ refers to utilizing tactics and techniques of information warfare by terrorist organizations, thus affecting cyberspace. The cyber terrorist operates exclusively in the virtual space and does not physically destroy the infrastructure rendering possible the existence of virtual space. While information terrorists aim for an impact on the actions of ‘real’ people in the ‘real’ world, they operate inside the virtual world of cyberspace in order to manipulate these actors.”
As we can easily see, the three sentences contradict and exclude each other: warfare tactics and techniques are (by admitting their nature) attributes of the military (calling it ‘information’ warfare is even more ambiguous, and I will not discuss this), not of terrorists; the phrase “affecting cyberspace” is contradicted by the following sentence (“does not physically destroy […] virtual space”), the impact being on the “real” world, as if cyberspace were fictitious.
In the Lipman Report, published in the latest edition of “Foreign Affairs” (November 2010), the definition of cyber terrorism is closer to that of the “classical” one but just as ambiguous: cyber terrorism supposes “the fear of terrorist violence”. The tautological aspect of the phrase (“fear of terrorist violence”) should not prevent us from identifying reality: technology is not violent, nor information infrastructure or systems (despite the appearances). If we were to accept this definition for IEDs (improvised explosive devices), then mobile phones would also be terrorist, and the possible term of “tele-terrorism” would challenge even more the intelligence of the readers.
The context of international initiatives for cyber security
In the USA, the initiative to secure cyber space became the responsibility of a (four star) army general, Keith Alexander, in the newly-formed USCYBERCOM. When instated he expressed his vision: “the only way to counter the threats of online crime and espionage is via a proactive attitude”. Immediately after, he brought into discussion the Chinese threat to electricity networks (generally and particularly) in the United States – a threat cited (including in the press), with very few exceptions, in all discourse referring to cyberspace and cyber security (Wikipedia, 2011).
USCYBERCOM has competences in the sector of military communications, but according to its statute intervention in civil communication networks may be operated when solicited by the President. It is extremely difficult to operate with sectorial notions in the field of Internet communication, given the exhaustive nature of the concept (the Internet represents all the public communication networks using TCP/IP protocol), and thus a sector is impossible to identify, since it belongs to the whole (Internet) by the very nature of its (technical) behavior.
NATO has included in its security strategy, alongside the (increasing) necessity of collaboration with Russia, a defense component against cyber warfare, without omitting, when announcing its policies and objectives, an offensive component.
The NCIRC (Computer Incident Response Capability), created in 2002, deals with security incidents and disseminates information about incidents. The structure is a part of NATO Communications and Information Services Agency.
The CCDCOE (Cooperative Cyber Defence Center of Excellence), created in 2003 and accredited as a NATO center of excellence, performs training in cyber warfare techniques.
The CDMA (Cyber Defence Management Authority) coordinated cyber defense in the Alliance.
ENISA, a recently founded EU agency, offers counseling on cyberspace security problems, by (as described) reaching an effective, high level of network security in the Union.
Romania has included as well, in its Strategy for National Security, in the chapter “Main risks and threats to Romania”, cyber terrorism and/or virtual environment propaganda, listed before the threat of weapons of mass destruction, ballistic development programs, etc. Romania has (surprisingly) a recent history filled with cyber security problems (Cyber Bucharest). During the NATO summit in Bucharest, in 2008, the President presented during a ‘private’ meeting a series of documents regarding future NATO strategy for cyberspace security. While there is lack of public knowledge on the nature of these documents, a part of the subject is presented as having being in connection with the events in Estonia, in 2007.
In NATO terms, the purpose of a cyber attack is represented by two distinct (and somewhat contradictory) objectives:
– copying, then deleting data without affecting the system or data (passive attack – AP);
– affecting cyberspace by corrupting or modifying data, affecting the functioning of systems or communication networks, or preventing usage of systems or networks (active attack, destructive in character – AC).
Both definitions are included in the texts of information crime legislation (except for contradictory matters).
USDOD ‘s definitions for the two categories in NATO terms are: computer network exploitation (CNE); and computer network attack (CNA).
AP and CNE, and AC and CNA, respectively, are equivalent. The AP/CNE class includes cyber crime, cyber espionage (if government actors are involved), and cyber terrorism (if the agent is an individual or terrorist group).
The objections to these definitions are primarily linked to their legal aspect. Neither governments, nor individuals or groups can refuse to abide by current legislation. No matter the nuances of the definitions emphasizing the agent (individual, group, state) or the action it provokes (cyber terrorism, cyber espionage, etc.), laws are applicable in a nondiscretionary fashion under the auspices of constitutionality. Another objection refers to the purpose of the action (copying, deleting, or blocking access) in the cases of CNE/CNA via the dynamics of data flow. Visiting an Internet website, if successful, to evoke an usual case, has invariably for consequence copying and/or deletion of data (both in the form of instructions, as well as effective information), no matter if the actor is a civilian, terrorist, or state functionary. As for blocking access to data or incapacitating communication networks, as recent cases proved, group actions, via high volume of requests, overwhelm (DDOS) the response capabilities of transit systems and networks. A single visitor of a website has a modest impact when compared to that of a group. Each visit uses a certain percentage of the processing and communication capabilities of the system, and thus, proportionally to the number of visits, capabilities are reduced up to the point of saturation. In both cases intention (or its absence) is a matter of judicial investigation, not tactical military evaluation.
Risk society
The word family pertaining to the concept of security (risk, threat, vulnerability, exploitation, impact, severity, attack, defense, war, criticality), in the context of talks regarding recent international relations and especially the school of security, and cyberspace security, drew the attention of all international organizations, of supranational institutions, governments, political and military representatives, civil society, and individuals.
The security concept ‘patented’ by the School of Copenhagen accurately explains the perspective used in the discourse technique addressing objects to be secured by a subject. The existence of security is conditioned by a threat, by the necessary existence of a threatening, harmful agent. Where its existence cannot be demonstrated, it can be speculated.
In order to have effect, security must identify an object finding itself under existential threat. The threat can be anything in the category of what is possible (not probable). Since anything is possible, it does not contradict socially accepted norms (in order to avoid ridicule, few social or political actors engage in pseudoscientific discourse or speculation, and they do it rarely) or it has a minimally calculated probability (it is negligible). In the security process, previously accepted rules can be bypassed. Saving the object is of primordial importance.
In order to have effect, the importance of the object or the criticality level, the severity of the direct or facilitated threat must be accepted by the audience. The threat is not formulated towards the object itself, but towards life or the fundamental values of societies.
The necessity of security is not oriented towards cyberspace, but towards society. The threats exploit vulnerabilities existing in cyberspace (or in functions facilitated by cyberspace) because they pose a risk to human life or societal values. The criticality of the object (life or fundamental values) amplifies the severity of the threat, imposing the most drastic measures to remove the threat. An answer sizing up to the threat can only be given by the iron arm of society: military institutions, the only ones capable to decisively respond to radical threats on life or fundamental values. In the fight or war between the agent of the diffuse, imprecise, but critical threat, and the armed forces any sacrifice is acceptable. In order to save life and values not even life itself is too much to sacrifice.
Alongside democracy, freedom of expression, knowledge and emancipation, terror as well propagates (at seemingly even greater speed) through cyberspace. Democracy itself becomes a dictatorship, freedom of expression becomes terrorist propaganda, knowledge becomes weapon making and destructive knowledge, and emancipation becomes primitive hatred.
Although it is easy to compare pre-Internet technologies to contemporary ones, and their extreme effects, the cyberspace facilitates the most subversive discourses. The printing press challenged the supremacy of religious institutions and of delirious societies, the radio facilitated the transfer of Nazi hatred and Communist propaganda to an even greater extent, and nonetheless it is not looked upon worryingly in any society, television immortalized the most shocking human actions, but it remains desirable as a social function even though it presents the marginal phenomena of human behavior.
The critique of the concept of cyber power
The concept of cyber power refers to a government’s exercise of the threat to launch cyber attacks on another country. The unit of measure for cyber power seems to be in this case the credibility of a threat, launched by a government, to engage in cyber attacks. The closer it is to being certain, the more prominent its character of cyber power. By being quite diffuse, this concept deprives the reader of the correlation between the certainty of a commitment and the capacity to carry out the threat with considerable impact. The mere intention, or engaging in the threat of a cyber attack does not itself represent a risk factor, as it represent a unit of measure for (im)morality. In this case, lack of power is highlighted.
Cyber power, by NATO methods, is exclusively used outside war theaters. The total commitment in the case of kinetic conflict is a truism. In the case of military engagement, the cyberspace is a component of the war theater, being, alongside psyops and propaganda, an attribute of secondary, support units. Cyber power and associated components, cyber warfare and cyber espionage, characterize exclusively the periods of military disengagement – peacetime. The army thus manages, at least on a discourse level, to ensure a permanent state of war, at least as seen by its personnel.
The problem of security, in NATO’s perspective, becomes corrosive when it is applied to civilian models in periods of military disengagement. In the context of military engagement, the security of communication networks is one of last components of the risk facing the aggressor or the aggressed. In kinetic intervention, communication networks become security components. In periods of disengagement they are components to be secured.
The reasons for accelerating security can only be speculated upon: from substantially increased budgets to respond to assumed cyberspace engagements to the intrigue unraveled by the possibility of exploring a new environment for the study of conflicts, from political capital gain by private corporations invested in the field to civil society charmed by the idea of absolute order, from enriching the vocabulary of political rhetoric to political gains.
The concept of cyber power includes another term that is common to military thinking: cyber weapons. It is actually a reconceptualization of the term “exploit”, or the technique of exploiting a vulnerability, defined as software which addresses one or several defects (vulnerabilities) in order to introduce an execution code whose effects are chosen by the attacker within the limits imposed by the context of the identified vulnerability.
Applying security
The security paradigm of cyberspace includes and relies exclusively on the model being used to define the context and supposed intention of the enemy. In the case of cyber espionage, as well as cyber terrorism – dichotomic models centered on effects – it is not the intention of the enemy, or the lack of protection mechanisms, that exposes possible tactics of exploiting system vulnerabilities. The military defense model used to consist in isolation, segregation, and control. Their absence is to be compensated by isolating individuals, segregating transportation environments, and controlling information nation-wide. Precisely that which Internet connection does not offer, since the purpose of communication is disseminating knowledge, facilitating access to information, and the ability to use them to advance one’s purposes. The worries generated by lack of control are an effect of professional (military) nature, since exaggerating risks is preferred to their underestimation in case of failure, for fear of being accused of incompetence.
Security depends on the level of control exercised on the object. For adequate protection it is necessary to adequately control context. In a context of apocalyptic threats, total control is required.
Models for controlling information transfer had started to appear since the 90s (at the same time as the invention of HTML and the development of electronic mail), when agencies such as CGHQ or the NSA were soliciting copies of encryption keys (in order to decipher messages) when certain advanced encryption forms were used (practically, anything that would have delayed decryption processes).
Another initiative followed which took the form of anti-pornography (especially child pornography) campaigns, when, using lack of tolerance for the online presence of such material as a moral pretense, governments were willing to censor information transfer entirely in their attempt to eliminate completely the transfer of offensive data (pornography).
In 2010, two initiatives aiming at information control were discussed in the EU Parliament: ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement), aiming to identify and eliminate counterfeit material (piracy), which, by means of generous definitions of the terms in use, could punish almost any kind of information transfer; and Gallo, which runs in tandem with and completes ACTA and addresses exchange of goods for which there is no copyright but which are seen as counterfeit nonetheless. The same generosity in term usage renders the necessity to control information transfer via the Internet mandatory.
Perhaps the most radical measure aiming at information control is filtering and recording communication data and, possibly, the content of communication. By the means of the same generosity of definition and ambiguity of the terms in use, means of control of information dissemination similar to censorship practiced by totalitarian regimes is instituted.
When looking at the conditions imposed on information transfer via the Internet in the People’s Republic of China, as well as the consequences of exclusive state control over the dissemination of information and content, the initiatives of the EU and the US in the same direction seem difficult to understand and explain.
The pressures that governments are facing are exerted particularly by the private economic sector, which announces terrible losses because of what they termed “piracy” (despite the fact that information cannot be stolen, but only copied, as the source remains intact). Media producers (film/music) announce via viral spots the equivalence of data transfer and theft, expecting regulation, by popularizing the theme of patented data transfer on one hand, and preparing legislation terms and avoiding an unfriendly image amongst consumers, on the other hand.
In a 2009 interview, Cambridge professor Ross Anderson, a specialist in information security, declined the legitimate possibility of controlling information in Western societies, putting forth as arguments the denseness of infrastructure and the amount of information, which would impossible to control entirely. While from a technical perspective a global control of Internet, military or civilian, is impossible, the pressure to restrict access and exchange of information remains in place. If interconnection paradigms multiply, the arguments for control will be made from a security perspective.
Former Google CEO, Eric Schmidt, advisor in the Obama administration, warns in an article in Foreign Affairs (“The Digital Disruption”, p. 75, November/December 2010) that “masses of citizens armed with nothing else than mobile phones, organizing mini-rebellions and contesting state authority” will generate surprises in the 21st century. Moreover, Schmidt is confident in the capacity for “great connecting powers such as the USA, EU and Asian countries to regulate interconnection status within their own borders in a way that would strengthen their values”, while not hiding his regrets that, in the case of developing societies, where regulation is not possible, there are “new methods for constraint oriented towards political opposition, which makes them closed and repressive societies”. When discussing the problem of national security, he warns about the challenges facing the USA and the EU in the context of the expansion of values promoted by countries like China: control and censorship. The image we have in “Digital Disruption” is that governments are the only actors not invited to the round table represented by the Internet. The Richelieu-inspired power game does not find its place in a world connected to an environment which doesn’t accept censorship.
The end-to-end functioning of Internet is that which makes, technically, extremely difficult to control information or enforce censorship, if not impossible. This manner of functioning supposes the existence of a center or transfer core lacking the ability to interpret information and leaving the interpretation applications to the model’s periphery. This transfer core is transited from one end to the other. On the ends there are applications for interpretation. For lack of data processing in the core, censorship can only be practiced on the periphery. In the case of China, censorship is applied to search engines (especially Google), that is at the peripheral level, at the end which solicits information (via filtering applications, individually installed on every interconnected computer) or the end that provides the information via regular controls and frames or via installing information transfer brokers (proxy solutions) which respect the end-to-end model controlled by government entities.
Be it civil or military control, the interface control model is to be discussed. As such, terms related to cyber power (cyber warfare, cyber terrorism, and cyber espionage) address the consequences generated by the systems’ state of insecurity (or vulnerability). In the case of cyber warfare, control over data transfer by individually interconnected users is exercised via regulations oriented towards communication companies (data storage and data recording). In the case of cyber terrorism control is oriented towards peripheral systems offering information, by using the argument of extremist “propaganda centers”, on one hand, and towards entities providing infrastructure services (electricity, gas, etc.) and are connected to the Internet for various reasons, on the other hand. In the case of cyber espionage, control is practiced on state actors and private corporations, namely to the periphery providing information.
There are, undoubtedly, tensions between interconnected actors (individuals, groups, or governments), as well as examples of such cases. The case of Estonia (2007) is well-known: the activities of government institutions and private corporations were blocked following excessive data traffic. The context which facilitated the incapacitation of communication was one of inadequate implementation and existing resilience components. The same scenario that was applied to Estonia, when oriented towards an experienced interconnected entity (Microsoft or BBC, for example), would not have included infrastructure resilience. It is a frequently-cited example, but the risk level is contextual. The case of Estonia is, for all practical purposes, atypical.
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The Rise of the Islamic State (ISIS) and the Fight Against Terrorism
February 28th, 2017By Sebastian Sarbu.
ISIS is an unrecognized Islamic enclave state, founded on the 26th of June 2014 by an Al-Qaida affiliated Sunni group and organized as an Arab Caliphate having the city of al-Raqqah (Syria) for capital. This new Islamic state’s geographic extent comprises Syria, the Levant, and Iraq, as well as territories in Turkey and Lebanon. It has recently expanded into Libya, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
Structure, leaders, resources, objectives:
The Islamic State, also known as ISIS, exceeds the size of typical terrorist organizations. It is organized as a network irregular army enrolling 100,000 armed agents, out of which 40,000 Western agents, as well as hundreds of thousands of supporters. Its resources amount to 2,000,000,000 USD, as well as access to nonfinancial resources. The member count is variable and fluctuating, as there is no rigorous instrument to estimate it given this paramilitary structure’s irregular, network-type organization, which follows the model of lonely wolves.
ISIS is counting on the oil reserves of most Islamic countries.
The Syrian-Iraqi Islamic State (ISIS) has expanded its reach towards Europe. Its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has for major objective the division of the world on religious criteria. Abu Bakr’s second-in-command, Fadel al-Hiyali, also known as Abu Muslim al-Turkmani, was an army officer and had appropriate knowledge of strategy and tactics.
ISIS was created following the beginning, in the Arab world and the entire area of North Africa, of a regional independence war and of emancipatory, anti-neocolonial revolution, which developed alongside the democracy wave initiated by the West itself. The Arab world is going through a series of revolutions for decolonization, a fact unknown by public opinion. Poverty and insecurity favor fundamentalist religious movements which are well-embedded in the Arab collective mind. Their purpose (and this is where Iran becomes interested) is to reactivate the pan-Arab movement. The desire to have a strong and united Arab world determined young Muslims, as well as other disfavored social categories, to join ISIS, as these people feel the West is attacking their fundamental values. This feeling is being exploited in an illegitimate and barbaric way by this terrorist entity financed by the same underground economy which led to poverty and insecurity; it is of great interest to Western reactionaries, not to mention that Euroscepticism and political extremist movements favored indirectly the rise of ISIS, as well as other extremist terrorist organizations.
It is equally true that ISIS was financed by Saudi Arabia, who plays a regional strategic part in the affair. As was the case with other terrorist organizations which developed in the context of globalization, they have benefitted from training centers hosted in Western countries, such as the USA or France. A few examples of such organizations: Al-Qaida, Hezbollah (pro-Iran), the Islamic Jihad, the Mali Group in Algiers, the Shaman Organization, Boko Haram. Past operations (1994): “Euphrates”, “Globalism”. Mission: a conceptual plan for an Islamic takeover of the world, by organizing terrorist acts in the USA via the Western Movement.
Note: All main terrorist organizations have merged with ISIS at the beginning of 2015, when ISIS tripled the number of its recruited members and expanded its actions and organizational structure into Libya, Nigeria, and Yemen. The secret merger with Al-Qaida was accomplished in January 2015 at the time of the events in Paris. ISIS’ targets are strategic and symbolic. USA and Russia are their main targets. They are trying to destabilize Turkey and China as the geostrategic aim is to threaten Europe’s security.
The West has discretely decided to disarm the Kurds living in the border areas.
Other data
The Islamic terrorists are not financed or organized in a planned way by the West. Both military leaders, as well as most political leaders in the Arab world have studied in Europe and the USA. Most Islamic terrorists are given an anti-Western education while benefitting from the West’s science and economy. They infiltrate the structures of other European states, including Romania, in a discrete way.
Affiliations and infiltrations involving organizations and facilities:
– the air force and airborne forces of Arlyse Special Agency, as combatants;
– access to the International Secret Computer.
The USA are interested in using the terrorist hotbed generated by the Islamic State in order to organize surgical military interventions or even larger scale interventions against Syria and especially against Iran. It is a strategic design involving political and economic interests in the pervasive competition with other power centers, especially the EU.
In the context of disputations with Russia, the US does not neglect the opportunity for cooperation with China on the issue of anti-terrorism. This is part of the USA’s strategic game: openness towards cooperation with China, especially if it is China that does the strategic move of considering cooperation in the fight against terrorism, and thus compensating from a geostrategic perspective the traditional imbalances between East and West.
We ask the Trump administration to make the following its highest priorities:
– Toppling the ISIS caliphate in the Middle East
– Continuing to deliver setbacks to ISIS in Syria and Iraq
– Focusing on the rising Islamist terror risk in Asia
– Funding, equipping and training more counter-terrorist squads like Delta 88 in Indonesia
– Using intelligence operations to work against Islamist politics around the world
– Negotiating with the Philippines to ensure that U.S. counterterrorism forces are not evicted
– Deepening pressure on Saudi Arabia to stop funding Islamist schools and institutions abroad
– Military sanction against Iran if is proved his involve in financing of terrorism.
– Capturing/killing Bahrun NAIM, the mastermind of the 2016 Jakara attacks, currently in Syria
Key allies in this renewed focus on defeating ISIS must be:
– Germany
– UK
– Turkey
– Israel
– Australia
– Indonesia
– Malaysia
– Singapore
With regard to Bahrun NAIM (aka Muhammad Bahrun Naim Anggih TAMTOMO aka NA’IM aka ABU RAYYAN aka ABU AISHAH), TR notes the following:
– Three militants killed in Indonesia in Dec 2016 were tied to NAIM, who also coordinated the attack in Jan 2016 in which four people were killed in a district of Jakarta popular with foreigners.
– He is associated with MUJAHIDIN INDONESIA TIMUR (MIT) leader Abu WARDAH, who has pledged allegiance to ISIS.
– His activities include funding foreign nationals and pouring funds into Indonesia to assemble bombs.
– In 2010, Indonesia sentenced him to two and half years for possession of firearms and explosives.
– From Oct 2015 to Nov 2015, a Facebook account named Muhammad Bahrunnaim Anggih TAMTOMO distributed tutorials on making bombs and firearms, with links to a radical website that listed more comprehensive bomb-making instructions.
– Since 2014, he has been in Syria as a member of ISIS and has been writing a blog at
With regard to Delta 88 (aka Special Detachment 88 aka Detasemen Khusus 88 aka Densus 88 aka Detachment 88), TR notes the considerable success it has had against the jihadi terrorist cells linked to the Central Java-based Islamist movement JEMAAH ISLAMIYAH.
Finally, it is a priority to implement the management of crisis situations, the strategy of integrated operational response: against terrorism, in crisis situations, against organized crime, and for social defense, to set up a National Antiterrorist Prosecution, as well as deport suspects of terrorism.
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Romania, Represented in Trump’s Organization. ROMEXIT, a Recent Solution
February 3rd, 2017By Sebastian Sarbu.
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An Alternative for Romania in the Era of Global Change: Open letter to President of the United States Donald Trump
January 8th, 2017By Sebastian Sarbu.
One does not have to be a politician, economist, or statistician in order to realize that, for the last two decades, Romania, as is the case with other Eastern European ex-socialist countries, is paying an enormous price for the favor of being accepted in the Euro-Atlantic structures.
The process of globalization imposed by the developed countries and accepted without reserve by Moscow’s former satellite countries allowed for the emergence, preservation, and development of markedly experimental transitional processes from socialism to capitalism with consequences which are difficult to predict in numerous areas: the social area, the economic area, the political area, or in the field of national, European, and global strategies.
History will certainly record sooner or later that membership in the Euro-Atlantic structures for Eastern European countries, as an instrument for the process of globalization, is the most important historical event of the last century, more important than even great military conflicts.
Romania got caught in this process and was forced to accept radical and profound changes including changes pertaining to the strategic industrial sector and other key sectors of the economy such as agriculture, services, health care, and education. Slowly but steadily, sometimes secretly, and at other times via loud media shows influencing Romanian society, much of national wealth “vanished” or changed owners, while the political class and the governing bodies were acceptant or complicit, having for effect today’s situation in Romania.
At the beginning of the 90s, special industry comprised 26 units where 200,000 people worked; on the ruins constituting what remained of it only 11,900 people work today.
Great chemical and petrochemical enterprises, renowned industrial units in the field of heavy or light industry changed owners overnight (these became national or international celebrities out of pathetic nobodies) or have disappeared, including the buildings they used.
The energy sector, representing 35% of national budget, was privatized sometimes by individual units, at other times in bulk, depending on the interest of decision making factors, not according to rigorous criteria of contemporary management practices.
Some privatizations were made while disregarding the fundamental law, the Romanian Constitution (article 136, paragraph 3, states that “underground resources of public interest, the air space, rivers whose potential energy can be exploited for national interest, the beaches, territorial waters, natural resources of the exclusive economic zone and continental waters, as well as other goods referred to in organic laws, are entirely publicly owned”).
Romania has the opportunity to develop its intellectual capital, its own national strategic potential via the allocation of resources, including foreign investment.
Intellectual capital refers to the spiritual component of the human capital, the creative potential of a nation, its cultural and scientific potential, which is being formed and accumulated continuously; it can be seen as the human creative capital produced by past and current generations.
The structure of the intellectual capital subsystem, is, in my view, represented by:
– the educational heritage;
– the cultural heritage;
– the medical heritage;
– the cultural and athletic heritage;
– the scientific heritage;
– the religious heritage.
For the national intellectual capital to be long lasting and efficient, it is of great importance to correctly manage human capital.
The fundamental objective of the management strategy for Romania’s national development is represented by the socio-economic microsystemic and macrosystemic imperative of overcoming primary needs, that is survival needs (food, water, sex, etc.) and safety needs (safety against theft, illness, natural contingencies and calamities) and at the same time by the increase in motivation and multidimensional socio-systemic standards, by satisfying the needs of efficiency, superior needs of processual development: (self)esteem, (self)development, productivity, and individual performance.
The necessity of accomplishing this multisystemic strategy is determined by the relationship between the resource represented by the vital power potential and the practical possibility of implementation, by eliminating the psychological barriers standing between idea and implementation, as well as between managers and workers.
Law abidance has to be imposed at all levels within a state organized according to the rule of law. The social, economical, and law experience in Romania after 1989 has shown that we have functional laws, but lacking methodology for applying them, and as such administrative and socio-economic measures lack in value and effects.
Legislative void, state of anomy, the absence of law in various fields of social life, the lack of regulation for certain economic measures, deterioration of quality, utility, and moral value of laws dictated by financial oligarchy and immediate needs, the absence of anticipation of long term consequences, have led to managerial chaos, waste of resources, decrease in production, moral, social, and professional corruption, as well as ensuring the supremacy of certain social interest groups. All these negative phenomena have taken place in the absence of an unitarily applied management strategy for the development of Romania. In the transitional period after 1989 we had political mimicry, attempts of applying foreign models of development, not well suited to the tendencies in Romanian society, production capabilities, as well as economic, political, social, and moral changes.
Historical processes no longer favor social uniformity leading to the emergence of institutions (structures), but favor instead the individual, seen as the basic and exponential entity within society.
The reform of social life can only be accomplished by reforming the life of the individual having for basis the ethics of free individual self-realization.
An evil still haunting Romanian political thinking is the destruction of conceptual and doctrinal continuity starting with the moment of social and historical discontinuity in the life of our nation which culminated in a progressive transition, which presents itself as a sort of nihilistic denial of all ideas of management developed in Romania’s past eras; this is the practical aspect of the crisis in management.
It is this denial that led to waste of resources, mismanagement of public funds, and lack of priorities in the allocation of resources according to the social and human needs for self-development.
Another kind of denial is related to the social character of the economy. Well-developed countries such as France, Japan, USA, Germany were not afraid to create an unique and unitary management strategy for development, while Romania, still an underdeveloped country, is dependent upon financial subjects and incapable of overruling the autarchy intrinsic in the financial and banking system while a number of its political leaders naively believe that by applying such strategies they are making political compromises which are of great importance for the correct management of human capital.
Romania can achieve this strategy of development and became an great partner of US in economy , researcher, and national security with his human capital, creativity and innovation capabilities. Romania can be mediator between Asia, Europe and USA, especially between East and West, because of his notorious geopolitical privilegiate position and due to its cultural vocation.
Romania is orienting itself towards implementing the solution of popular capital, which could boost the economy and production via the transition from gross domestic product to lasting domestic product.
While defining a people’s capitalism, we assert that equating money and wealth, or national wealth respectively, is a great error in economic, cultural, and civic thinking. Food, shelter, water, which are the premises for survival, are wealth. Money has value only if it can be exchanged for something of value, that is goods and services. Money is only a measure of potential available wealth.
The true source of wealth is information, as valuable ideas exploit and use resources better and ensure the continuity in strategic thinking.
It should be mentioned that the creativity factor often generates a country’s wealth. As such, in order to create a people’s capitalism, the community state has to be the main producer of wealth, controlling money and favoring the creation of goods and services by managing the resource of human capability, as well as informational resources, by having as a priority not money, but instead informational and material goods, with money acting as a catalyst. For example, Japan has almost no natural resources while Mexico has plenty. Statistics show that the Japanese are measurably wealthier than Mexicans. Similarly, North Korea is poorer than South Korea. East Germany created measurably less wealth than West Germany before their reunification in 1990. As such, resources are not the main factor favoring a country’s wealth, but the human resource is, its capabilities for work and creation are, as they translate into methodical ideas for creating material wealth in a people’s capitalism.
We can see a tendency, in many developed countries, towards achieving a synthesis between capitalism and socialism, as the state acts by simultaneously taking measures towards both centralization and decentralization, economic planning as well as encouraging individual economic freedom, as the state ensures the material basis for the economy and social protection, then reducing its intervention to favor the self-administration of companies and free initiative in the context of free (relatively autonomous) social organization.
This phenomenon can be named state capitalism, ordo-socialism, or post-globalism; as a synthesis of right-wing and left-wing policies, it would be a positive solution for Romania.
We consider that the transitional period in Romania has to end, by critically implementing within Romanian society a modern and efficient strategy for social reconstruction and economic recovery, for the unitary development of the country’s vital potential which would lead on the medium and long run to a regeneration in the people’s life conditions.
Certainly, humanity as a whole finds itself in a period of transition, but Romania cannot play a game by the rules of another game; any model for managing the interests and demands of citizens has to be correlated with and adapted to the actual conditions in society and the real possibilities of progress for Romania.
Romania finds itself is six types of crises:
1) social crisis;
2) administrative crisis;
3) moral crisis;
4) informational crisis;
5) management crisis;
6) institutional crisis.
Among these, we find the most serious to be the management, administrative, and moral ones.
By lack of a coherent and unitary management strategy we have witnessed decisional chaos, waste of resources, decreasing work productivity, disloyal competition, contradictions in economic development, decomposition of community spirit, and fragmentary and arbitrary reforms, based on incompetent state intervention, taken without creating a framework that would favor profound changes without affecting individual life security, individual rights, and self-realization of the individual at work.
In the same context, lack of a management strategy for development led to the crisis of control structures, of authority and good communication in all sectors of activity; as such, the functions of the so-called market economy weren’t well defined to ensure that the needs and interests of the human community were met without material prejudice or social disservices.
We consider that in the past people were told that they deserved everything while at the same time they received nothing. Now they are trying to take themselves what they need without offering something in return, and when they do not obtain what they want they blame it on the leaders. They are thus trying to play a modern game at high stakes by someone else’s rules.
Moreover, the management crisis led to corruption, disrespect for duty (by placing rights before duties), disrespect for the law, morality, or fairness within work relations and processes, as well as in the act of serving the good of the community.
We have to fight poverty and material insecurity by militating for a society characterized by mutual help, founded on solidarity, shared responsibility, civic sense, moral consciousness, justice, and individual enterprise.
We consider that the phenomenon of political capitalism generated poverty and mishandling of public funds; as a corrupt form of capitalism, it represented the main obstacle in the way of economic competition, free initiative, the formation of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the middle class.
We need an alternative, relatively new program, based on the values of democracy and militating for a society which is to ensure equal opportunity and equal rights. This form of equality is achieved through competition, but we nonetheless consider that for disfavored social categories or for groups whose interests, needs, and rights are at risk of being marginalized, the state must intervene in order to provide necessary goods and services, as well as other facilities which would put these groups on equal footing within a competitive framework. There is no freedom in poverty, or democracy without development and authority in the act of leadership. As such, we consider that we cannot build a democratic state governed by the rule of law from top to bottom, while sacrificing people for the sake of institutions, and experimenting with social and economic integration and disintegration.
We must treat information as value and source of power in order to create economic performance, market efficiency, social justice and social balance, healthy human civilization, to encourage individual initiative, and to increase the number of jobs. With respect to the latter aspect, we support job growth while respecting obligations in the field of social security, and a flexible system of work mobility. The lack of new solutions via creative efforts has led to an important loss in human capital, and lack of use of the young generating starting with school by not creating centers for social and professional training and job search.
A necessary solution is to give priority to measures that lead to the creation of value in the national economy over measures destined to increase consumption.
It is equally necessary to privatize and capitalize the whole economy for this will erase differences between rich and poor, but such privatizations should not be characterized, as in the past, by fraud, incompetence, and modern feudalism.
We want meritocracy in public life, as the credibility, authority, and legitimacy of politicians is decreasing in Romania.
Ideology must serve only as an instrument for adjusting differing and useful social policies, not as a justification for lack of solutions to people’s work and life problems.
With respect to the administrative crisis, we must promote the solution of administrative decentralization while undertaking institutional reforms if the following criteria are met:
– economic strength;
– good material basis;
– competence in managing resources;
– responsibility of decision making factors;
– a favorable political environment.
It should be stressed that it is not administrative decentralization that represents the condition for eliminating economic disparities and underdeveloped areas, but the other way around.
Romania has for its pro-Western strategy reference points and principles which were thus far desired and must now become imperatives for national development; its partners would be the centers of power that would appreciate its offer in terms of human, economic, informational, strategic, and creative potential:
1) correlating wealth with merit;
2) creating a justice house in order to promote public morals, mutual agreements, and elimination of conflicts between individuals as well as social groups, such that the government would oversee the nation’s morale and honor and the dignity of its citizens;
3) synthesis between capitalism and socialism;
4) integrated citizen engagement in forms of partial decision making and leadership; social autonomy must not lead to anarchy, but to group unity, self-organization, self-regulatory and orderly mechanisms;
5) respect for human rights and pluralism, the essence of democracy and rule of law;
6) the right for any citizen to refuse a negative process of social integration with vitiating effects;
7) ensuring some balance between production and consumption;
8) assistance, training, and mutual help for retired people, abandoned children, and pregnant women;
9) eliminating parasitical structures for accumulating resources and capital, as well as tax evasion, while taking measures for reducing fiscality;
10) converting economic growth into social well-being;
11) fighting economic discrimination;
12) introduction of taxes that are proportional to revenue and profit;
13) transparency and financial protection for state functionaries;
14) implementing laws for managing public funds and reinvesting capital by taking into account the fixed or variable investment indebtedness to the state;
15) debureaucratizing public services;
16) sanctioning social disservices and improving the quality of services, work, goods, and products in order to raise the citizens’ living standards;
17) establish by law values for law reform, institutions, fields of activity, and justice; justice should be validated by social ethics;
18) eliminating customs duties in agriculture (such duties raise the price of agricultural machinery and equipment);
19) eliminating the autarchy of the financial and banking system; banks must grant loans for industry and agriculture by taking into account the potential of these sectors;
20) founding a labor university for professional education, implementing participatory management, mediating and solving work conflicts.
Necessities for reform in Romania
We consider as necessary macroeconomic stability, the elimination of financial oligarchy, the reduction of excessive fiscality, structural adjustments to the economy, introducing new technologies for use in competitive industries, revitalizing agriculture, and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises.
It is equally necessary to attract investments by external lobbying while taking measures for decreasing bureaucracy and increasing transparency, innovation, and both horizontal and vertical communication.
We stand for guaranteeing property rights. Property must be exploited for everyone’s profit, within the conditions created by market rules.
The state budget must satisfactorily finance local budgets set on becoming autonomous, thus contributing to fighting bureaucracy and unjustified spending of citizens’ money. Budgetocracy has to end. Every local community should have its own budget and to manage public finance. Every city, commune, or village should be tasked, as far as it is possible, with managing public funds, fiscal issues in its jurisdiction, and contributing by proportional taxes.
If someone’s salary is below minimum living standards, then that person should pay no taxes. In our view, we need progressive taxation: taxes should increase to the extent surplus revenue exceeds minimum living standards. We must in no way organize capital against labor or labor against capital. Besides taxes on revenue, a tax on companies’ profits is required; revenue tax must not exceed the profit tax, which should also be proportional, according to the economic principle of legitimate profit. The more the profit of an economic agent is legitimate, the less it should be taxed; this is especially the case for contributing to national economic development, adding value to the field of activity, applying programs for development, investment, and professional training, as well as for applying national and European projects with minimum costs and maximum performance.
When it comes to law making, we consider that overlegislating creates confusion in interpreting the law.
Justice must be professional and independent with respect to political factors; it should exercise specialized constitutional control over law making and governmental decisions and force the state to pay social compensations in the case of restitutive justice. We also condemn law excesses where methodological norms for applying the law are lacking or are not assumed. Justice must compensate the victim since justice does not consist so much in punishing the wrongdoer as it does in compensating the victim and minimizing disservices to society. In many cases the law reverses value and effects according to the way it is applied. The laws are numerous, but social justice is lacking. The most corrupt state is the one with the most laws, especially if these laws are immoral or lack in quality or utility.
During Communism we had commutative justice (to everyone the same), which existed alongside with distributive justice (to everyone according to their needs). We consider that nowadays, in the era of disorderly capitalism proportional justice (to each according to their merits) is being unilaterally applied by disregarding distributive, complementary justice (to each according to their needs); the presence of the latter form of justice would mark a synthesis between capitalism and socialism.
Salaries should be directly proportional to the value and utility of each form of work and each social field of activity and should be correlated to results and individual performance.
Romania must not remain at the outskirts of the global system, but rather integrate via:
1) modern economic competition;
2) liberalization of trade without corruption or tax evasion;
3) limiting state monopolies to national strategic sectors; simplifying government and the act of governing;
4) informatisation and modernization of transport;
5) building the social state governed by the rule of law;
6) national, pragmatic, participatory democracy;
7) efficient human potential;
8) strong administration;
9) modern living standards, well-suited to people’s social demands;
10) adapting to the demands and challenges of the 21st century;
11) authentic capitalism;
12) the development of autochthonous capitalism;
13) controlling and limiting corruption by creating a socioeconomic and informational quasiimmune system;
14) conversion of economic growth into social well-being;
15) limiting organized interests by imposing democratic will;
16) unitarily applying the law and increasing judiciary independence from the executive;
17) encouraging individual social and economic freedom in the context of social responsibility, balance of freedoms, and convergence of legitimate interests;
18) implementing the pragmatic-utilitarian economic system;
19) using public policies preceding and following institutional and social reform objectives;
20) introducing business ethics while implementing advocacy policy;
21) generating security and solutions for international security and development.
We must set up a society governed by the rule of law via the implementation of ethical norms for civic organization and the integration of moral values into administrative order; every citizens has thus the duty of being useful to the community and must not inflict upon other people’s rights by causing them disservices. To that extent, education must be reformed, culturalized, morals must be socialized, and justice moralized. This would be a society based on meritocracy and individualism. We shall define the “polyvalent” security concept as being existential safety within zero level parameters, that is the normal functioning of every field of state action.
We must reduce both the costs of energy and its consumption. We should equally set up a hierarchy of production, transportation, and distribution of energy. Economic transactions involving electrical energy must be impartial.
To that extent, some strategic regulatory measures should be undertaken, such as:
– limiting state monopoly;
– reducing interest when granting loans;
– encouraging competition;
– investments for modernization and new technologies;
– facilitating the emergence of new producers and distributors;
– granting market entry and exit for producers.
The following decisions should be taken in the field of transportation:
– setting up transportation of any kind within the framework of a company;
– partial privatization;
– debureaucratization;
– modernization of transportation;
– informatisation of transportation;
– modernizing and consolidating infrastructure.
The same principles should be applied to other institutions subjected to the process of decentralization, having for objective purpose cost reduction and expansion of capabilities: ports, the postal service, radio communication, transportation by train, hospitals.
A scientifically based economic remark
In Romania there is no real capitalism as long as there is no national capitalism and as long as the EU sees Romania as a consumerist society and an outlet market.
“The fundamental principles of capitalism are private enterprise and market freedom. It is free competition that stimulates the economy, improves product quality, and moderates prices. Nowadays, when the creation and purpose of enterprises fall gradually, in all Western countries, into a ‘national’ economic plan and thus responding to a certain will of planning by the state, capitalism evolves towards a synthesis with socialism (the state has the power to stimulate or not certain sectors of the economy, by granting or not loans to enterprises) while absolutely preserving private initiative. Once a high degree of state intervention has been reached, can an economic system no longer be considered capitalist? Neologisms such as state capitalism have been conceived as a reply to this problem.” (Larousse dictionary of philosophy)
We hope that some of the solutions presented here, as well as other critical reflections, will pave the way for real capitalism where everyone is an owner and creator of wealth and added value.
The USA, an important partner of Romania, can uplift profound Romania and make it great and proud again of its survival tradition in millenary evolution!
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Conflict and Development
December 19th, 2016
By Sebastian Sarbu.
“Don’t force it, get a bigger hammer.” (The law of violence)
When classifying military conflicts, if we are to look beyond the balance of forces in the geopolitical and historical fields, no matter the nature and military means for carrying out wars (be it conventional or unconventional ones), the strategies being used, or the justifications employed by the world’s centers of power, we can name and outline two main categories of wars, by using the method of reduction:
– defensive wars, carried out according to national deterrence strategies, which are considered just wars;
– wars of conquest, which are considered unjust wars.
The latter category includes wars of economic disruption, interventionist wars (for various political reasons), ideological wars, economic wars, wars for the restauration of order and the rule of law, wars for imposing various interests, as well as for creating institutions and centers of power in a new administrative context under a new political leadership.
There are military conflicts generated by:
– geopolitical reasons;
– geoeconomical space;
– ethnicity;
– popular revolts;
– coups;
– severe economic crises leading to the deterioration of the rationality and political legitimacy of the agents of power;
– the need to solidify credibility, authority, and security by compensating the unbalances between developed and underdeveloped regions through force, leading to new power balances on the international stage; it is known that war can create, as well as destroy civilizations, and economic changes are the cause as well as the result of average and large scale armed conflicts, on the short run as well as on the long run.
We can also name wars of national liberation, wars generated by local customs and anthropological considerations, cultural and religious wars, which assert state identity and independence.
The German philosopher Fichte said that “war is holy when independence, the condition for culture, is threatened”. In some countries there are constant conflicts between conservatives and progressives, traditionalists and reformers, moderates and radicals, being at risk for becoming isolated if radical ideas triumph or being considered fundamentalist if the opposite camp triumphs.
Necessary wars have had an important role in the history of mankind. Seeing that right before the beginning of the first world war the German chancellor said that the Constitution was no more than a piece of paper, we can conclude that Erasmus of Rotterdam was right when saying that war is “collective madness” (a well organized and directed one, we might add), having unpredictable consequences for future generations. The belief in the historical necessity of war is not, as many wrongly believe, unique to the German national-socialists. Taking into consideration the operationalization of the idea of aggression and the emergence of new political values, military conflicts and their effects have been defined and recorded, the consequence being the reconceptualization of war. Once war has been rationalized by ideological and pseudocultural means, world wars would enrich the art, science, theoretical experience, and military practices of carrying out war itself.
The belief in the historical necessity of war, with its numerous aspects and dimensions, has nonetheless ancient roots in history; we shall consider only the most important events, what is strictly necessary for the current theoretical approach.
As already mentioned, during global economic crises political rationality and political legitimacy deteriorate. At the same time there is a need for the consolidation of authority, credibility, and security in the context of an increasing global anomie. As such, it often happens that, when quality of life decreases, when social order is subverted, when global anomy increases, not to mention financial insecurity or the moral crisis affecting social relations, authority, credibility, and responsibility (coming from statesmen and obviously from the institutions charged with ensuring social equilibrium by correctly fulfilling the obligations towards the community whose vital interests must be protected for a good management of financial resources and especially public funds) become more relevant.
Bad management of resources, of needs of security and growth, of deficiencies in the development of various social and professional groups leads to conflicts between state and society, between individuals and society, or between various special or private interest groups whose supreme value is profit rather than long-term development. Loss of authority is associated with lower credibility with respect to people, institutions, statesmen, which decreases managerial ability with respect to implementing necessary reforms meant to ensure social balance, economic growth which increases human well-being, stability, and collective security, having for aim to augment a country’s defensive capabilities. Negation of authority is linked to economic, ideological, and moral crises, but such crises do not appear out of nothing. Revolutions and wars happen in the context of historical justifications espoused by society. According to certain scientists, crisis is a source of change as well as stability, and fluctuations are the foundation of any order. Revolutions and wars have had for secondary causes systemic crises which nowadays are mostly linked to the economic component, the one which dominates the structure of the system. We claim this due to the fact that economic crisis is the secondary cause of revolutions and wars.
The essence of systemic crises is the erosion of authority, authority linked to collectively held political values, beliefs, convictions, and mindsets, to a nation’s collective consciousness, its state of inertia and creativity, its morals, as well as innovation and reform. It has to be noted that all well-rooted social systems are threatened by the fact that peace can be assimilated to a state of inertia, and thus peace is but a well-planned and directed moment of preparation for war, which is to change a country’s political regime and lead to a redistribution of power following an axiological equation in the social and political fields, which reasserts the truth of the idea expressed above.
It has to be noted further that the state of social inertia is opposed to authority, reform, innovation, and individual creativity. It is apparently a vicious circle since any action requires and produces a reaction. As such, even if there is desire for changing the state of inertia, be it via a well run information system or via the mobilization of the human resource, depending on the national strategy for development, there will always be forces associated with resistance, opposition, and reaction. The contrast between reality and the ideal values upon which political praxis rests launches real reform, and the opposition between various social forces, as well as the social and political confrontation itself, lead to synthesis, cooperation, and absolute social order.
If we are to synthesize, ideologies, cultural systems, new doctrines and approaches, as well as management strategies centered on objectives and creation of alternative solutions are the cause for revolution, peace, and conflict, but also their effects. What we intend to prove is that any social conflict can be a cause for war as well as for a new direction of development.
Favoring change in times of peace has to be done gradually, via structures of authority, control, and communication which are to eliminate institutional decision making and functional chaos proceeding from divisions between the rulers and the ruled.
Slow but steady and pragmatic change via creative solutions and social and political innovations which are to overcome ideological dogmatism and temporary political interests, by the means of which the subordination of resources and social power to certain power structures is sought, cannot be an end in itself. It has to be noted that not only global, but also national economic crises, happen when:
1) the information system is not functional;
2) administration is either very centralized or weakened, or corrupt;
3) the state is dependent upon internal or external financial subjects;
4) shadow economy represents more than 5% of GDP, or there is a parallel financial system;
5) work quality and efficiency decreases, ceasing to be sufficiently competitive, productive, and successful;
6) monopolies control and divide national wealth;
7) there is disloyal competition;
8) there is inflation;
9) resources are wasted;
10) there is no middle class;
11) there is a lack of individual skills to face competition;
12) there is no strategy for managing the nation’s development in a unique and unitary way on the long run;
13) the government does not provide the goods and services needed to protect its vulnerable citizens, and to encourage individual social and economic freedom;
14) there is a moral crisis;
15) there is axiological warfare;
16) there is informational genocide.
Beyond all these factors, the existence of a dangerous conflict between economic power, political power, and military power, has to be underlined. Prevailing corruption can also lead to social conflict and the dissolution of state authority. With this picture in head, we realize that without a solid economy in case of war, without a resilient, almost natural self regulating economy, able to overcome successive structuring, restructuring, and destructuring cycles without state intervention, any country can find itself in a situation where it is not able to defend itself except for the case when it resorts to its last resource, the human resource; it is widely known that war or any threat mobilizes the psychological forces of human collectivities, creating a renewed solidarity and forcing people to understand and rise above tragic phenomena, since, as Hegel said, “only war can shake society, making it aware of itself”.
It has to be remarked that during economic crises, which are associated with social, educational, and civic underdevelopment, democracy itself is threatened for historical experience shows that development is a condition for democracy and not the other way around. To that extent, authentic democracy is par excellence social as it involves the concept and practice of extended participatory management. At the basic level, people can be governed because they have passions, as political thinkers in ancient China said. The political wisdom which, socially and militarily, first takes into account security and defense, can be reduced to the following law: politics has to be the art of equilibrating forces in order to ensure steady change, conciliate opposing forces, and mobilize the masses.
From this law is derived the necessary alternative: that the masses themselves make those unconventional revolutions in information, knowledge, creativity, and morality by the means of which multisystemic security policy aiming to prevent risks concerning the safety and balance of the social system, institutions, individuals, and national defense is achieved with the help of perfected political instruments. Economy can deter the manifestation of this revolutionary spirit if ideological crises occur and spiritual resources are not valued, leading thus to the emergence of one-dimensional men. We can only hope that economic crises, war threats, any type on conflict, lack of confidence in pseudodemocracy and abstract political theory will challenge the peoples enough for them to generate moral self-determination of free human individuality, creating new attitudes by liberating superior consciousness and creative energies, and thereby fulfilling the purely human nature of society, to paraphrase the great German creator Richard Wagner. The way to peace is through the unification of the material and the spiritual, tradition and progress, religion and science, East and West.
We underline that a society able to mobilize itself autonomously and voluntarily, by not disintegrating by virtue of lack of ideals or following overproduction, can maintain a state of civic consciousness, thereby creating an immune system leading to independence in an increasingly insecure and interdependent world.
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Italian Political Diplomatic Strategy In Romania At New Level Of Trans-economic European Cooperation
September 28th, 2016By Sebastian Sarbu.
Ambassador of the Intergovernmental Organisations Dr Andrea Tasciotti, accompanied by his deputy for international affairs, writer, journalist Col. Sebastian Sarbu, met with the Vice President of the Romanian National Liberal Party, Adrian Iurascu, to discuss strategic alliances, diplomatic policies, in supporting future elections in Romania. Among the topics discussed are the promotion of the banking innovative project “Bank of Tourism and Trade”, the “Port of Zeus” in Italy, and the European Capitals of Culture in Romania for 2021, in conjunction with those from Greece, and building of an international political axis that promote growth of the social ground, through the newly formed organization World Bilateral Agency . The meeting served to outline the agenda for the 2017 presidential candidate of the Dominican Republic Hipolito Polanco.
The International Activities carried Honorary Ambassador Dr Andrea Tasciotti, to “promote the socio-cultural exchange initiatives be put in place between the institutions, laying the foundation for a series of institutional twinning with different Italian cities and to liaise institutional with National and International Organizations European Union and Latin America, promoting the introduction of a citizenship of the Near protection of rights and Services Citizens of third countries, give way to mutual exchange of cultural activities, initiatives health relevance and encourage the International Cooperation Actions with the Americas, Asia and Eastern Europe, including riots Activities Humanitarian Aid who “are pleased to welcome you”.
At the end of a concrete representation of the needs widespread social, cultural, entrepreneurial intended to be created with the Natural and Legal Persons which is intended to be part of the development of Diplomatic Intergovernmental Platform for institutional cooperation, cultural and commercial center of the newly formed organization W.B.A. – World Bilateral Agency.
World Bilateral Agency is the first transnational, interinstitutional cooperation organization.
International Activities conducted by Ambassador Dr. Andrea Tasciotti, are designed to promote the socio-cultural interchange initiatives to be implemented between the institutions, sets the stage for a series of institutional twinning with other cities of Italy and to establish relationships with the Institutional National and International Organizations with the European Union and Latin America; also to promote the implementation of a Citizenship Proximity in Protection of Rights and Services Citizens of third countries, giving the course to mutual exchange of economic, cultural, initiatives of a health and encourage Shares of International Cooperation with the Americas, Asia and Eastern Europe, including Activities for Humanitarian Aid.
The diplomatic activities of Ambassador Dr. Andrea Tasciotti are very positive.He decided to permit by the fiduciary for international relations – promoting cooperation and social, business and cultural international Organizations and Companies abroad for the creation of the Intergovernamental Comitee for Diplomatic relations and Global Growth – WBA World Bilateral Agency – Program EXPO EXPERIENCES– ASTANA 2017 – DUBAI 2020.
The Organizations, Companies and Organizations Institutions can involvedin : investment program for constitution of WBA, promoting cooperation and social, business and cultural International Organizations and Companies for the creation of the Intergovernamental Comitee for diplomatic relations and Global Growth in every Country – WBA World Bilateral Agency – Program EXPO EXPERIECES MILAN 2015 – ASTANA 2017 – DUBAI 2020.
Currently this services are so listed:
– Advertising and Communication Events
– Shooting WBE TV Channel USA 72 Countries Platform.
– Development Scouting Tenders European and International;
– Commercial Projects penetration in European and non European markets;
– Development projects Creative financing;
– Development projects for international cooperation;
– Development projects for the exchange of “best practices”
– Search Partner’s Commercial Customers Italian and foreign;
– Meeting to Be Well Fiera Milano;
– Opening of Incoming agencies in Italy and abroad;
– Legalization Enterprises Italian abroad and foreign companies in Italy;
– Legal and Consular Practices for Italian and foreign partners;
– Shuttle Airport Fair;
– Accreditation portal E-Platform.
– Credit to the Portal Fashion TV
For this investment program for constitution of WBA is needed to an network of contacts, for participation in international affairs, where the embassies and foreign delegations asked to organize exhibitions in their country of residence.
World Bilateral Agency also preparing a number of initiatives for the Jubilee 2016 incoming tourism that will be divided among other fair exposition of the best local produce from June to September 2016, in which has a stretch of the Tiber to the event which already reopening the accessions to book exhibition stands.
Are expected to participate 33 million tourists”
Since 2000, arrivals in the capital exceeding 77%.
For the Romans are “a godsend” .
Boom of tourists for the Jubilee of Mercy. He waited more than 33 million people. The total expenditure is expected to be 8 billion Euros, of which 70% of visitors from abroad. And ‘This is one of the findings from the 5th issue of the journal’ Rome towards the Jubilee ‘prepared by Censis and presented today.
According to the analysis institute Rome in recent years, from 2000 to 2014, he has had tourist flows in excess of 77%. If in fact the appearances were in 2000 amounted to 7.5 million arrivals, in 2014 the figure has almost doubled to 13.4 million, an increase of 77.5%.
For the Censis last year “are almost 8 million foreigners arrived in Rome and accounted for 63% of tourists in the capital.” Among foreign citizens lovers of the Capital in the first place rank Americans (1.6 million tourists arrived in 2014), followed by the British (643,000) and Germans (634,000). Under the podium Spaniards (494,000), the French (485,000) and Japan (477,000). Also according to the research institute there is instead a record growth of arrivals in the last six years by Argentine (+ 181.7%), China (+ 117.8%), Turkey (+ 109.5%), Russian (+ 91.5%) and Poland (+ 83.7%).
The analysis points out that the “flows” are “increasingly differentiated” and as to the capital there is “an allure not only religious.” For the Censis therefore “the attraction of Rome is constantly growing. If everyone will do their part by operating accordingly, (Roma ed) can find a new push in the Jubilee proclaimed by Pope Francis, largely due to flows that will be activated from abroad. ”
Even the Romans have the same opinion. The 89.3% of Roman citizens it judges the tourists an opportunity: 61.7% because they generate employment and 27.6% and also because they allow the city to open up to the world. ”
The Diplomatic Network International and consists of those international organizations accredited to the Transparency Register European Union and the UN – NGO BRANCH and the Department for Economic and Social Affairs.
Develop know-how and expertise of public administrations on enhancing organizational effectiveness through assisting of the decision making and accountability processes.
Improving the qualitative and efficiency results (from the democratic, governance, economic and human recourses point of view) in delivering public services in 5 counties/municipalities/communes within the project implementation period.
The expected results consist in :
Improvement of good governance and democratic decision making; strengthening the political, financial, and accountability framework; improvement of the organizational effectiveness.
Main activities : selection of 5 different pilot counties/municipalities/communes based on recommendation and invitation; implementation of an intensive training programme on PMI; implementation of PMI in 5 selected pilot counties/municipalities /communes; training program to follow-up PMI in public administrations (PMI training beneficiaries to identify further project ideas);drafting of self study materials on PMI; closing and conference including: workshop on project-ideas identified by the training participants for their respective municipalities/communes; feedback from the pilot municipalities; presentation of the value of good governance and the contribution of PMI.
The world of Labour, through EXPO EXPERIENCE Platform 2015 – 2020, would to create the base, through services and information, for the opening to international experiences inbound and outbound, inorder to create career paths and retraining of excellence in lack of real opportunities in the current jobmarket already saturated or deficiency of actual job opportunities after graduation or job reinstatement or re-employment situations.This makes define a possible future, more equitable and respectful of the common interests of the membership and the business community being guarantee of the established requirements of the welfare systems.
World Bilateral Agency want to give the humanitarian organizations and social interest, because the system can afford to close the gap between social policies inefficient and the correct allocation of services, through a representative acting as Organizations of interest and social pressure in the Institutions European, through experiences of Democracy Cooperative Organizations for global growth and development of the entire system. So, is needed of :
– Implementation of an International Agency for accredited work and through online training courses in the country of residence, and proposals for work in the country of arrival, lets you adjust the inflows of citizens of third countries;
– Participatory projects of creation of social tourism structures embedded in social canteens, with reflection to gender disability;
– Projects that promote Corporate Social Responsibility, through the establishment of solidary ventures including with the ausillio and financial support of Foreign Foundations, already active.
To answer this social mission they are being activated through the diplomatic representation abroad channels in various countries of Eastern Europe: Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, Spain and South America: Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Dominican Republic and Asia: India and Qatar.
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Kabbalah and the power of some secret societies
March 24th, 2016By Sebastian Sarbu.
Between 4 and 5 of October, 1994, on a “black moon” night (Moon eclipse), a huge fire focused the public attention on two real estate properties located somewhere up in highlands, nearby Geneve, belonging to STO.
From under the smoldering Cheiry Farm ruins, the Swiss authorities would afterwards retrieve 23 bodies all wrapped in long knight mantles, while in the basement of the Salvan compound other 25 charred corpses were found. This toll would be later supplemented with other 5 dead bodies found in a house in Morin Heights, Canada, belonging to the same faction (among these latter even a newborn just a few months old). 23+25+5 equals 53.
It should have been 54 actually (a symbolic number). Due to mere exhaustion and the excitement of the great executioners, some confusion must have occurred on the premises. Some foreboding urged the last person – not in the least willing to die yet lured to Salvan place under some pretense – to flee. We are talking about a high rank member who ran in a hurry to exhibit in print his personal emotions in a book entitled The 54th. The author highlighted some very probable copycats of these collective departures, so called, in the STO occult idiom “transitions” – bound to Sirius, a double planet onto the cosmic sphere and known by the astrologists of Ancient times.
The Solar Templar Order is a branch of the Templars Sovereign Military Order founded in 1314, like the Black Order as well. David Livingstone has published a book on the Black Terror, the White Soldiers and the New Age in which he unveiled the connection between the Illuminati and the Templars, between Islam and Fascism. Basically the aim is antichristian and actually represents the occult stream and the siege mounted by the Gnosis against religion and tradition. Initially they were granted the Pope Honorius the IInd blessing and then of the Pope Innocent the IInd as well, so putting together the Benedictine branch thereof. These are based on Kabbalah, the Kathars’ mostly, the old ones basing themselves on geometry, hermetic , solar mathematics and were using the megalictic yard as measuring unit of land and other objects of interest. The megalictic yard is an instrument cut to measure precisely 82,66956 cm.
In 1314 Jaccques de Molay dies. At that point Johannes Larmenius is taking over the Templars’ Order and issues the Cartha Transmisionista Larmenius by which relays further on the Molay heritage. He rules as leader until 1324 when Jean Francois Thibault takes over the Order under his leadership until 1340. In 1349 an interesting figure becomes the chief supreme of the Order, namely Jean de Clermont, the first crusade being the Council of Clermont, which actually is bearing his own name. We further discover that even the dictator Salazar himself, and president of Portugal was a descendent off the Templars lineage from a certain Galeas de Salazar who led the Order between 1497-1516, a period of time when the Order was sworn to secrecy or acted under anonymity.
According to some historical – biblical anticipations with a quite solid hermeneutic basis, after an elapse of 1260 prophetic days, that is chronologic years, occurs the downfall of a mighty power in fight with another, one of them being described as a beast in between sea and land. The Kingdom of Jerusalem was destroyed in 1260 as a consequence of lack of capability from the part of Templar crusaders and the Mongols to co-ordinate their movements which led eventually to the Mamelucs’ victory (that is the Beast) in the battle at Ain Jalut in 1260. The anti crusade, anti Israeli and basically anti Christians assault on the Middle East lands relays to yet another beast whose deadly wound healed (as set out in the decoded Biblical text) namely the ISIS supported by Russia which rises up after 1260 years from the foundation of Rome, a Kabbalistic meaning because now the pagan Rome was in cross-hairs represented not by the popes theocracy but by the Templars synarchy which kept involving the popeship more and more in the political mush and especially so along the United States of America line. As a matter of fact, two events occurred after 1260 years from the Rome’s foundation. The coming up of a new Pope (2013-2014) and the birth of ISIS. The link between the Islamic Order of the Ishmaelites or the Order of Assassins which ruled the Arab world, the Asia and a portion of Europe and the Templars Order was proved by historians, its decay consisting in the creation of the Black Order of Nazi type, re-baptized today as the Circle of Poles. Also the economic sanctions against Russia enforced by the Occident seem like some deadly wounds which keep coming, all bespeaking of decay of Rome, that is the exact opposite of the 753 moment of its foundation, a perfect match as projection with the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the Rampant Islam and an Imperial Russia with its airs of being the Fourth Rome. Jean de Clermont is murdered in 1356 as an outcome of failure to make peace between France and England during the One Hundred Years War times. Jean Arnold Clermont representative of Templars and Reform Church in the Saint Egidio community held on September 8, 2015 at the Orthodox cathedral in Tirana during an ecumenic meeting a speech on peace recalling the existing conflicts. This happening on the very eve of Pope Francisc’s visit to the USA in the same year. Interesting enough the restoration of the Templar Order in 1960 is taking place after 700 years since the Christ’s death plus the Kabbalistic number 666, a symbol of the turned upside down Christianity of Baphomet, an outstanding and main figure with the Templar Order. Baphomet is deemed as being the true Christ in the aftermath of developing materialism at the same time with the occultism in France in the neo modernist age in the XVIIIth century, being assigned to him the digits carrying biblical esoteric meaning payloads.
As a matter of fact, in 2015 occurs the 666 years jubilee from the priorate of Jean de Clermont in 1349, deemed as the counterpart or the symbolic equivalent of Pope Francisc, after the re-foundation of the Order back in 1960. One should say, however, that according to the Templars’ tradition of the Order, 54 is the number of the first hoard of Templars (among others, STO boasts the self assigned title of Neo Templar) – which after the dissolution of their Order, as they refused to repent and disclose its secrets, were burnt on pyre on May 10, 1310. But the actual toll of knights – hermits put to death into the flames by Handsome Phillip seems to go as high as 138 (a surprisingly small figure if we take into account the ripples stirred worldwide by this wholesale execution). While another important number for a couple of esoterists is 144, as a result of a deeply murky speculation. In both cases, one may sum up the deduction that some “voyagers to the other world” – either willingly or not – were missing at the head count. Whoever they might have been, they have been known as expected on the premises.
On the other hand, and quite strange both for initiated ones and for the profane, those deceased in October 1993 had not been neither hippies, nor junkies, they were not coming from some easily manipulated social milieu, neither from the lower end society and poorly educated, on the contrary most of them studied in universities, as artists, high ranking state officials (and their families too), among the bodies from Salvan were even found two of the three Superiors from the so called Temple’s Synarchy. We are talking about Jo Di Mambro, STO’s founder and Imperator and also his Great Master, the homeopathic doctor Luc Jouret. Accused in the beginning by prosecutors and press for venal behavior and fraud, subsequently it was proved – beside some justified felonies – that they did not flee the ordeal, but quite the contrary, they had assumed the risk of practical experimentation of the magical techniques preached by themselves, and making no attempt to physically skip the “transition” process. In spite of all these warnings both implicit and explicit and albeit strikingly obvious that – just to observe a numerological feature of symbolism – not all departures bound to Sirius had taken place without violence, some of them being “helped” (eight rounds in the head or plastic bags) the respective local police officials in charge made efforts to mishmash the case , exposing it just under its penal aspect only. Insufficiently prepared, the prosecutors of the first “transition” were shy to engage in a research with esoteric flavor. They totally disregarded the documents left “pending into the breeze” within the two subterranean temples miraculously left untouched by blazes. The press released absolutely nothing until today about the five – sometimes six – texts known under the generic title The Testament which Jo Di Mambro and Luc Jouret had care to share postmortem, by way of an “affiliate”, in more than one thousand copies.
In fact, the scheme ran as follows : A Templar by a Pope after the Restoration of the Order (1960) So in the times of Pope John the XXIIIth the Templars Order was restored, symbolically represented by Jacques de Molay in the Templars’ camp, followed by the Pope Paul the VIth represented by Jean Larmenius. The Pope John Paul the IInd came as representative of Jean Francois Thibault of Alexandria. The calculus of those belonging to the Solar Temple Order a bit too mathematically accurate actually, and lacking a Kabbalistic relevance appropriately applied with respect to the esoteric traditions has led to a computation on the death of Pope John Paul the IInd in 1994 by enclosing also the equivalent period of time when the order was ruled by Jean Francois Thibaud (1324-1340), that is 16 years. Their recklessness consisted basically in making of a sacrificial rite in which they subjected themselves to the ordeal on purpose for further salvation of its sanctity.
Their karmic concepts consisted in compromising the acts of the Traditional Templar Order, turning them into fanatics or fundamentalists.
The number 53 accurate, as a matter of fact referred to 53 years elapsed since the reinstatement of the Order in 1960 which is significantly relayed to the Pope Benedict the XVIth resignation and the decay of Christian Rome as we proved. Then, a second shocking event occurred: On December 21, 1995, in a glade located this time in the French mountain Vercors, exactly in a point called The Devil’s Hole (Le Trou du Diable), not far from the Eagle’s Rock (Le Rocher de l’Aigle), have been found, set in the shape of a star and all wrapped in white ceremonial cloaks called in STO lingo “talars”, other 16 charred bodies (more accurately 15+1) of some affiliates, set out bound to a journey to catch up with the pilgrims of the first “transition”. Discovered at the winter solstice, however these had set out for journey six days before: December 15. In a night when the Moon’s aspects seemed more appropriate for a “transfer”.
A third transition had taken place in Canada at the time of the spring equinox. Why in March? Because this month represents in many ancient religions the cyclic reborn of the nature and the beginning of the year. Also, because on March 14, 1244 200 the Perfect ones, the kathars very elite, besieged by an obtuse society, better preferred to set themselves afire! And, because, in the same month the Great Master Templar Jacques de Molay was burnt on pyre.
In these days as well, the affiliates were celebrating the birth date of Emanuelle Di Mambro, Jo’s daughter, declared by him a “cosmic child”, that is born in absence of the sexual act, by sheer “theogamy”.
Direct consequence: the suicide of those 5 occurred between March 21 and 22, 1997 – an absolutely extraordinary night since the solstice was coincident with a Moon eclipse and the passage of Hale-Bopp comet, visible on the terrestrial firmament just once after the elapse of 25 centuries.
For the time being the number of trials would have reached 74, or so they say. For now… The aforementioned events do not have the purpose to decipher in minute the encoded messages and the symbolic payload thereof, obviously, championing life as raw energy and transcendental trek: based on these “extremists of the occult” many books could be written thereof.
“The playing with demons”, the amalgam, the reckless manipulation of the Ceremonial Magic, represent a huge danger. Because, it is obvious, the final target of the STO members was not and is not – as widely acclaimed– neither money nor snatching the power, at least not in the worldly meaning of the term anyway. They were not loyal to any faith or confession whatsoever as defined by some of the currently existing Church.
The very aim of the classical Templar Order was and will ever be re-building the Temple of Solomon.
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An international threat at the horizon
January 23rd, 2016
By Sebastian Sarbu.
Iran is the key to stability in the Middle East, the only state upon which depend regional security and peace. By taking into account the development of the Islamic State, informally backed by radical religious and political circles in Iran, attacks on Israel and US military navy in the Mediterranean are being taken into consideration.The plan has been well conceived. At first there have been cleansing and extermination of Christian elements in North Africa and the Middle East, including the actions of the “brothers” from Boko Haram.Now Israel and American interests in the area are again the subject of threats which can destabilize the region. It is a complex situation, which from a geopolitical, geostrategic and economic standpoint looks identical to the situation which caused the Gulf War in the 90s. It’ s like a real war as hypothesis or a very possible an war game. Russia exploited this kind of regional crisis and it is unpredictable the next evolutions.
The elimination of UN sanctions on Iran nuclear program it is a step for stop escalation of any potential clash.
It is practically the main operating matrix with the same hidden operational forces playing the strategic game. It is clear that ISIS has the capacity to attack NATO and US warships in the Mediterranean. The area is close and for a regular army lonely wolves not needed. It they haven’t acted yet it is because Iran has opposed it, a country with which the Islamic State is acting in coordination. Iran has thus assured them that at the right moment it will attack American and NATO warships, since its military capabilities are more advanced than those of the Islamic State, with which it acts complementarily in the strategic field. Moreover, Iran is fond of its national sovereignty and aware of its geostrategic/strategic role in the region. Until the moment of escalation of the ever tensed military situation, Iran has started using the energy weapon and the means of economic warfare. Practically, Iran has been practising for the last several months a price war in the oil and energy field of interest, thus explaining the fluctuations of the price of oil on the market.
As a matter of fact, Iran is in an economic war with Saudi Arabia by using the energy weapon, its actions being coordinated with Moscow’s. Russia had accused several times Saudi Arabia that it generates the energy crisis and chaos through certain mistakes and arbitrary interventions. Even though done via unofficial channels, such as the voices of technocrats, we are aware of how serious the situation is and how important are the interests that are connected to this both strategic and complicated area of the world.
Iran is Russia’s strategic ally in the region, as Saudi Arabia is the ally or strategic partner of the USA. From this stem the rivalry and competition which can turn into direct confrontation. Iran is using the economic weapon until the military confrontation with American and NATO forces, seeking to profit geostrategically from blocking the Hormuz Strait, which would be a serious blow to the entire Euroamerican economy.
This objective of the Iranian leadership has been pursued for a long time.This is indirectly encouraged by Russia, which has always been an advocate for Iran, with the purpose of controlling the political and military situation of the balance of forces in the region and of profiting economically from it.
Recently, Iran has launched rocket attacks against several American ships close to its territory (the Hormuz Strait). The United States have accused Iran of dangerous actions and have hardened the sanctions regime imposed on this country in the field of rocket acquisitions.The offensive continues and the threatening Rohani has announced the industrial development of a new generation of rockets as a response to US sanctions.
The execution of the 47 terrorists in Saudi Arabia is the icing on the cake in the matter of the increasingly tense relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
The execution of the Shiite leader of Iranian origin Al Nimr has provoked a bellicose reaction from Iran, which warned that Saudi Arabia will pay a heavy price for this crime. The consequences of this last destabilizing and miscalculated action are particularly serious for the future evolution of the regional security and peace.First of all, a generalized military conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran can begin at any moment and it will be preceded by an economic blockade as a form of retaliation, on the background of increasing tensions and violence between Sunnis and Shiites. Sabotaging external trade has been practised in international relations in the last couple of years, if only to give Turkey as an example.
Moreover, Iraq threatens with retaliation against Saudi Arabia. Irak was a favorable space for proliferation of the islamic and international terrorism who not have a good, safe and responsible governance.
An unprecedented case, there have been protests even in Indian Kashmir.
It is worth noting that these social protests, going even up to the diplomatic and government levels, are being organized by the Shiite community, which comprises Nigeria, Bahrain, Syria, India, Iraq, the UAE, Iran.
The most numerous Shiite community can be found in Iran, followed by Iraq. It is not worth neglecting that pro-Iranian Hezbollah, affiliated to Tehran, is a traditionalist Shiite organization which following the execution of the Shiite leader has threateningly condemned the USA and Saudi Arabia.
It is not a coincidence that Israel is increasingly targeted by terrorist attacks even in Tel Aviv, while Turkey has an extremely duplicitous external policy, the presidential discourse containing an increasing number of antisemitic statements. It is clear that there is regional instability in the Middle and Near East, as well as the whole of North Africa, with unpredictable consequences. Any scenario has to be taken into account, especially since the situation specific to the Gulf Wars can repeat itself.
The United States must not forget that it was precisely this sectarian conflict between Sunnis and Shiites that perpetuated the Iraqi civil war, by complicating it and generating terrorism to a certain extent.
These are well-defined ethic and religious communities. It is upon the wisdom of the USA to manage the new situation so that it does not turn into a new war theater and not even a conflict hotbed.
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Information warfare in the Information Age
December 14th, 2015
By Sebastian Sarbu.
Abstract: Information war represents a real non-conventional threat which in the context of the technological revolution of telecommunications and modern electronics has found its place as an instrument of prevention of classical warfare, but does not exclude conventional warfare, fought with the means of organized defense.
The globalization of information and the needs of information protection of society at a global scale are the necessities of the moment, demanding a collective approach.
Keywords: information age, technological revolution, globalization, information protection, NATO, electronic warfare, information operations
Identified and quantified at the middle of the seventh decade of the twentieth century, information war was considered a type of war with the potential to become as important as land, sea, air, or space war. In order to synthetize, it could be said that the verbs most suited to summarize these definitions are: to intercept, to transmit, to deal rapidly with a piece of information, to obstruct the adversary. The technological revolution in the field of computer science and communications has increased the importance of information, which led to the collection, processing, storage, and dissemination of information at greater distance to an ever larger number of users.
At the general level, information warfare in the strict military sense could be defined as the entirety of information operations used at tactical, operative, and strategic levels, during peace time, as well as during escalation of crisis and conflict, with the purpose of attaining some objectives or influencing certain targets. The military component of information war, the command and control war, has, in NATO’s vision, the following meaning: “the integrated use of all military capabilities, including security operations, deceit, psychological operations, electronic warfare, and physical annihilation, supported by all the sources of intelligence and communication and information systems, to prevent access to information, to influence, deteriorate or destruct the capacity of command and control of an enemy, while keeping one’s own military capabilities secure from similar actions”.
According to some of our specialists, information war is defined as “the way in which a society, organization, or individual, well-adapted or not to the new information wave, try by all means to acquire information supremacy and affect the opponents and partners’ information, the information processes and systems, while undertaking actions to defend their own information processes and systems”.
An interesting and surprising definition, given by the political analyst Thomas Rona, subsumes the scale and moments of information war, which represents the entirety of “tactical, operative and strategic level confrontations over the whole spectrum of peace, crisis, crisis escalation, conflict, war, ending of war, reconstruction, undertaken by the parties, adversaries or enemies, using informational means to attain their objectives”.
We can consider information war as a new form of war by considering its means, and at the same time, an old form of war by considering its basic concepts (the Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu made reference 25 centuries ago to “cunning”, the art to deceive, to the necessity to prevent the opponent from correctly evaluating a certain situation).
Many definitions of information warfare, given in order to encompass the content and characteristics of this concept, insist on the fact that this form of warfare is based on defensive or offensive actions, which are part of an overall strategy, which supposes not only a series of technical means, but also a number of operations which utilize the techniques and available information according to the purpose, actions which ensure an advantage of information superiority over the adversaries or even the allies.
In the military field, information war can be likened to an iceberg whose top can be seen, but the essential part is hidden and shrouded in secrecy.
Information war encompasses “any action destined to annihilate, exploit, deteriorate, or destroy the enemy’s information and information functions, to ensure the protection against similar actions, and to fully utilize one’s own information capabilities”.
Nowadays, information warfare has become more and more attractive from a military standpoint, given the increase in the number of targets that are vulnerable to information attacks and the increasing need for these targets to be defended. In the new circumstances, we can see that neither time nor the quantity of information can be a key factor in the political and military decision making processes. As such, during conflictual situations, adversaries will have simultaneous access to enormous quantities of information, but it is the one who acquires the most precise and complete information and has an efficient system of processing and protecting it that will have the advantage. The way events evolved during the last few years certainly proves that we are assisting at the materialization of a new type of aggression, of a new type of war, an invisible war whose characteristics and forms of manifestation, subtle and efficient, greatly surpass the traditional, classical ones. Moreover, information war is relatively cheap when compared with other types of war, allowing developed countries, as well as interested terrorist groups, to acquire capabilities in this field and to use them according to their purposes.
Alvin Toffler said: “if you are not interested in war, then war will be interested in you”. The globalization of information, the need for information protection, not only of institutions, but society in its entirety, transforms information in a strategic weapon in the competition over open spaces between global centers of power in all fields of activity.
The particularly complex nature of information war is defined by the following factors: the impossibility of exact identification of opponents; the multitude of targets; the lack of spatial limitations; the lack of fast methods of fixing dysfunctionalities; the lack of political limitations; utilizing relatively simple, relatively cheap, and accessible technology; the increasing need for information; the lack of geographical limitations; the impossibility of establishing clear and precise responsibility.
Information war is accompanied by new means of action/influence which elude conventional military power and national borders. Many of these means act upon the direction, the level of command and control, of will, of information, as well as upon essential elements of national infrastructure.
The essential element of information warfare is represented by the avoidance of conventional warfare, of human life loss, and material damages, by using these new means situated at the borderline between the conventional state of war and the conventional state of peace. It tries to influence the way systems work instead of destroying them, and it represents an evolution from the state of organized violence to the state of hostile influence.
Nonetheless, information warfare must not be mistaken for image war or classical propaganda.
It is necessary to implement the concept and laws regarding the control of technology and information, as well as the concept of information security, by developing convergent social mechanisms which would generate “close protection society” expertise.
Information operations. The operations triggered by information warfare belong to the following categories: computer hacking; human spies; spy satellites; interceptions; video surveillance cameras; electronic warfare; physical destruction of communication components or energy systems; document forgery; perception management; psychological operations; viruses, worms, Trojans, fake viruses; theft of commercial secrets; interception of personal data; counterfeit emails; as well as many others.
By their simple enumeration, we can conclude that they can be used during real wars (such as Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq) or so-called “cold wars”. Depending on the circumstances, some of them are treated as crimes, others are legal but ethically condemnable. Some parties or governments consider them normal practices. In the military field they are assimilated to conflicts. In any event, all they have is common is the purpose of exploiting the informational resources in the advantage of the attacker and the disadvantage of the other party, the attacked or the defender. We can thus conclude that the information operations that are specific to this type of war are both defensive and offensive.
The defensive ones integrate and coordinate politics, procedures, actions, personnel, and technology, in order to protect and defend information and information systems. They focus on protecting one’s own information, information-based processes, command and control systems, and communications and information systems. The protection has to be suited for any type of friend or foe and any situation (peace, crisis, conflict) and has four components: the protection of the information infrastructure; the discovery of attacks; restoring vital functions; and reacting to attacks. The integration of all these components is essential.
The offensive information operations imply the integrated use of designated capabilities and activities, supported by information activity (intelligence), for the purpose of adapting to friendly or enemy decision making factors and promoting specific objectives. The basic purpose of this type of operations is to influence the knowledge and beliefs of decision making factors, to reduce their will and ability to decide and thus disrupt the decision making process. The offensive capabilities of information operations focus on information, on the processes which are based on information, on the systems of command and control, and on the communications and information systems. It is for this purpose that it is necessary to design them at the technological level that is specific to the entities involved in and particular characteristics of the conflict.
These two components are complementary and ensure the accomplishment of the purpose of information war: the information-based domination of the enemy. In the near future, these will likely be more than complementary, by the means of integration of one into the other. In these conditions, the efficiency of the security of information systems will depend upon intelligence, and the efficiency of intelligence upon the security of information systems. Combat actions after the operation “Desert Storm”, then considered a basic example of future warfare, in strategy, operational art, and tactics, became a lot more decentralized, independent, direct, mobile, fluid, and efficient. They rely enormously upon the information system, the high degree of technicity of the available means, the existence of great power and precision intelligent weapons, the possibility of carrying out simultaneous, fast actions across the entire field of operations. Moreover, the most recent wide armed confrontations have shown that, in what concerns the way of planning, executing, and leading military operations, using information as a weapon confers it the primary role in decision making and ensuring success, while leading to essential changes in the way military operations are being carried out.
As such, the fundamental principle according to which “the information war is a permanent war” has to be implemented as a security doctrine. It is necessary to build “electronic defense walls”, on several complementary levels, in order to protect national structures.
It can thus be said that the new concepts and military technologies are being developed and experimented upon in a continuous manner, allowing developed countries to enter in the 21st century, in the Information Age, and ensuring technological and doctrinal advantages hard to equal by the other countries.
The technologies of the Information Age will completely revolutionize the manner in which military actions are being carried out and will change the face of conflicts/wars. The most significant advantages in the means of carrying out wars will arise from the quantity, quality, the high degree of processing and using information. Leading technologies and information, accompanied by adequate military strategies and doctrinal concepts, competent military leaders, professional personnel, high level instruction and efficiency of armed forces, will lead to real power. The price of progress will be huge, but once paid, it will offer extraordinary advantages, possibilities and gains to those brave enough to pursue it.
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NATO: Tech upper hand and the economic risk
June 29th, 2015By military analyst Sebastian Sarbu.
As almost everyone knows the USA in mutual consent with the NATO have decided to reinforce both the defence and the rapid response capability across the space of interest located in East Europe and the Baltic Countries by dispatching military units, heavy weapons and the famous F-22 jet fighters.
The multipurpose F -22 jet fighters using Stealth technology belong to the invisible airplanes category (non detectable by radar) and of high manoeuvrability.
Their advantage consists in the fact that they are able to intercept enemy broadcasts, use electronic weapons and carry out air-to-air / air-to-ground war missions, which makes the critical component of the American tactical air forces.
The truth should be voiced out, however: in a modern warfare when the military high tech prominence may not be claimed by just one single state (power) the F-22 jets (namely Raptor) are harmless.
The Department of Defence of the USA in agreement with the American Congress actually banned the production of the F-22 multipurpose jet fighters, since 2009 due to its high costs, lack of air-to-air missions and the delay of operational programmes in the Russian – Chinese fifth generation.
In short, the F-22s are just Russian – Chinese make jet fighters enhanced by the Americans.
Therefore in 2009 a decision was taken to cut off the F-22 fighter jets production line. They have been used however in zones presenting no big and intricate strategic issues, for quick-in-quick-out and surgical forays. They have been mabe quite popular to the public albeit the specialized media know these are just a sort of drones made obsolete now by the F-35 models featuring a higher speed while endowed with Stealth (invisible) technology already produced in series, as their costs growing cheaper.
The F-35 jet fighters (namely Lightning II) are being produced in the USA and the Great Britain and are part of the Joint Strike Fighter Program. They are truly sophisticated and lethal, being conceived as strategic single engine bombers, undetectable by radar, used also by the US Marines and being readily available in the Nuclear Triad (destroy- naval-air- ground, synchronous interceptor).
Te gradual and geostrategic defence strategy is also applied in this brand new security concept.
Under the armoured vehicles category, the NATO provided the American made tank Abrams, scheduled to join the Romanian tank, TR-85M1. Are these a comparable match against the Russian tanks? The best schools in the world where the armoured vehicles are concerned are the German and the Russian ones the experts say…
Officially, the latest breaking in the world of tanks are the M1 Abrams (USA), Challanger (England), Leclerc (France), Leopard (Germany), Merkava (Israel) and T-90 (Russia). Not long time ago in this select company sneaked out its way the Romanian tank TR-85M1.
Since 2000 the Great Britain developed a new missile system. The top system is the Aerospatial ANS (Supersonic Anti-Ship Missile). They are radar undetectable anti-ship stealth missiles that qualified with the highest ECC security score (Electronic Countermeasures) and decoy devices used during the anti aircraft offensive operations. The effective range of these missiles is 180 km. They are ultra high speed supersonic weapons which dwindle to practically nil the risk of interception.
Another high performance tactical missile used by the UK navy is the ASTER. This is actually nothing but a conventional aerodynamic control system able to intercept and destroy other foe missiles. It actually is a high speed (about 800 meter per second) combo action on multi target missile system.
Another high precision flavour equally deadly able to mount devastating bombing is the MLRS (Multiple Launch Rockets System). Each missile thereof is able to “breed” 50 baby bombs able to destroy top shelf tanks. This system may guide missile to the enemy targets at a 12 per minute cadence covering a 30 km range.
The lower costs of this missile system makes it the best option to pick where the anti ships and “ground” missiles solutions are concerned. One should note that a truly highly performance missile is the product of the defence industry and once its production being made obsolete and out of production it turns out as a second hand weapon due to higher costs or poor performance ( the absence of tactical missions, lagging of programmes required for mounting an operational status etc.), as in the F- 22 jet fighter case.
So the developed countries under NATO deploy non only stealth jet fighters which incorporates stealth technology but also invisible missiles which are rather unknown to the public.
The Great Britain also developed anti radar tactical air tech bases systems. The question is when are they going to be used ? Is the Russian offensive a first line strategic threat for the NATO?
It is deemed as fact that Russia is determined to begin the military offensive. It was not a mere coincidence the General Iabukov’s statement concerning the despatch of troops on the NATO border and mounting of nuclear missiles units in Kaliningrad area. General Iabukov is the manager of the Direction of Military Troops Inspection in the Russian Department of Defence.
Therefore it is his job to inspect the troops, so that by the end of the two months mobilization of the Russian Federation’s army of reservists the report of evaluation was received which cleared the way to a military solution concerning the positioning of the Russian Army in a first stage, an accounted for fact in the statement of this general.
It is clear that the Euro American zone and the Euro Asian stepped in a new stage of polarization in the competition and confrontation process. The economic jolt powered lately by Greece against the European Union, a country already wooing public courtship to the Russian Federation, is currently sketching the settings of an asymmetrical warfare scenario masterminded by Russians.
The Russian nuclear missiles may break the strongest anti missile shields in our days, according to the Moscow based propaganda, yet the highest risk is not this one, however.
The superiority of the NATO and the USA combined military high tech powered by a Defence budget and warfare expenses dwarfing by far any other competitive power is shunted by a possible latest breaking economic European crisis turned global in the wider context of modern globalization. The all-out enthusiasts of the NATO military upper hand stance failed to take into the equation the economic key factor which may undermine the overall sustainability leverage of the states on the long run of a non conventional warfare situation.
At the same time we’d rather think about deeply on the economic and political changes within the EU area and the geostrategic threats aiming to hold in check the NATO’s proactive security policy.
As I said, if the economic and political warfare of strategic flavour marks its foreseen effect by destruction ( corruption) of the enemy from the inside, the use of the conventional weapons turns out to be obsolete and out of scope and practically useless.
The nuclear threat is part of the nuclear discouraging plan endorsing a purely defensive role rather than an offensive thrust. The actual, real targets are strategic while the direct, next door consequences for the population are economical.
The total war scenario should be regarded as a last card Russia might eventually play yet only in the context of a grosso modo escalation of Western military moves.
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Critical approach on the classical concept of power
April 10th, 2015
By Sebastian Sarbu.
At the very foundation of all the created systems lays the principle of power. The Prince (the leader) who, in order to humiliate the high and mighty, is raising up the people, shall fall, he who, in order to humiliate the high and mighty, humiliates the people, shall raise to prominence, the sages in Ancient China used to say. For the good-for-nothing citizens, a strong state, for the strong citizens, a good-for-nothing state. The people is malleable when living in austerity and quite rebellious when it got the taste for luxury. When weak, it is submissive to law; when strong, it attempts to defy law. In modesty it serves its nation well; ambitious, it no longer obeys its commandments. In order to lead the people one should conform to their own nature, their ways and their feelings. The leader has founded his rule on a society turned slave, his power on the weakness of the world, his own moral on the immorality of the individuals, his wisdom on the mobs’ ignorance, his truth on his subjects’ lies. All those who obediently accept the authority’s commands are not free men with a self consciousness of their own, influencing the political power in taking abusive and wrong decisions, against the background of a tremendous social irresponsibility and of a retrograde mentality.
This fact reveals the status of utter ignorance, incertitude, and also the incapacity to assume the destiny, respectively of the duty to the society, starting from the moral, professional consciousness, abiding by the natural laws and the legal norms, outrunning the spiritual – social inertial status. As a social agent, knowing the collective values, rules realities and being loyal to the real requirements which must be fulfilled in the social life, according to the tradition, education and the need for general progress, each one should conscientiously take and share proactive part at the making of the society’s own vocation, of its independence from politics. Let us not forget what Napoleon Bonaparte said, at Erfurt in 1808: ,,the destiny is the politics”. However there are risks of the society to turn into a political state, as far as the state subordinates the services, resources, institutions, undermining the social thrust of every individual in order to use it in favour of some privileged political and economical structures, so creating an array of negative dependencies and criss-crossed interdependencies, by social atomisation, for domination, while the society itself is being reduced to mere amnesic automata, fated to mass amnesia.
The political power contains an occult dimension, which conspired for ages against freedom, independence, equality and fraternity of both individuals and societies. These occult circles acted in favour of the organised special interests, athwart with imposing the democratic will power of the society. The occult dimension inside the political power represents the most corrupted and arbitrary means of action, prone to introduce fake values such as the ethical relativism and the utilitarianism, by which one pursuits a transformation of the society into a concentration universe, hijacking healthy laws, the moral belief and counterfeiting the truth of conscience and the historical truth as well.
The political power foments and feeds on the vices of the society, the moral and professional corruption, social, administrative and economic corruption, it feasts on anti social deeds, on bogus information which actually distorts the reality, it thrives on the cultural obscurantism and other deeds meant to destroy the reason, to weaken both the will power and the psycho-moral capacity of telling truth from lie, being also a bogus indicator means wrongly pointing to other cause except the true one at the basis of the destructive phenomena in the society.
The political power based on financial and informational resources, exploits the inequalities of just any kind between individuals and maintains the chaos, the poverty, and the conflict status and permanent warfare among either individuals or groups of individuals in order to weaken the social cohesion, the civic spirit, for further manipulate the masses bound to a wrong direction, aiming to secure the supremacy of some group, of some egocentric network. Out of the so maintained chaos and underdevelopment, one wishes to justify the creation of some institutions, or else some interventions of those already existing with the purpose of undermining the common wealth, the social strength and drain the social drive, the entire wealth of the legitimate human society, man growing increasingly dependent on structures, mega-structures, anti social government measures, new obligations and also further drained by private, autarchic economic agents, who are hell-bent in pursuit of the particular interest gain with the reciprocating loss on the social interest side, building up disservices to the sound, genuine citizens’ interests.
All the structures, agencies, firms, projects and services are created, in a budding society still underdeveloped, at great costs and sacrifices from the society, in a most undemocratic manner, since the projects, necessities, the changes made by the political power’s agents did not take into account the majority’s will power and the participation of the individual human values in the act of the decision to pick a path in economic development, and also where the wealth fair-share was concerned as well. Further related to this, the society, due to its own trends of becoming, should have some inbuilt control of sorts, cutting off the necessities, projects, unrealistic, artificial and unproductive which target on getting rich some selected set of businessmen, the financial oligarchy, operating like a state within the state, hampering the general prosperity, fuelling on both local egoisms and the worldwide plutocracies, with dire consequences on national security.
The division of the national wealth based on political criteria, of the organisation of institutions and the society’s human activities sub-tire structures, represents the most severe abuse of power of a cosmopolitan policy, actually to be construed as mere indifference fro the mother-country, mistrust for the creative capacities of its own nation, spitefulness for the material and spiritual values of its own people, for the looking-forward national traditions.
There is a human society, legitimate, based on rights and democratic on an evolutionary trend, whose finality is the rights-based state, meant to decentralize the power resource for the entire people and a reactionary one oriented “against the grain” against progress, creation, reform and freedom of human society, of the individual nurturing authentic moral feel and democratic thought pattern, and this retrograde society proactively exercises the act of governing by aggression, issuing unfair laws or taking up anti social measures, non constitutional, respectively, which lead to restrictions, poverty, misery, and damages to the human fair rights. So the political state comprising mostly reactionary forces, lives exclusively on vices, the moral-professional corruption of the reactionary society unable to evolve, doubling up the scale of mediocrity with the nullity’s one, while the society’s truly healthy virtues originate in the human individuality.
By the acts from the reactionary society the state creates a concentric circle of dependencies which put the yoke on the true liberty, the personality and the need for progress of the human society with the democratic will power. Since the virtue’s dwelling place is to be found in the quite outstanding individuals performing apostolic workloads and in high value creators, but scattered in the depraved social and political conditions, the reactionary state is building up pressure on the reactionary society, in order to corrupt, by constraining force even the upright conscience of these exceptional men or else for using the leverage of their experience, talents and skills in Machiavellian political schemes and purposes, with unjust finality. All these should happen if the psychic and moral thrust in these men won’t be stronger enough to overwhelm the politicians’ arbitrary ideas and interests. As a remark, a single man nurturing one single belief is stronger than 99 animated by different interests.
As to the social network, this signifies a sum of individuals, collectives, roles bound together by one or more social networks, actually comprising the said net. For example: the relatives, the communication, the friendship, the authority, and in politics the client-to-client approach (client-based capitalism). The small groups, the institutional structures describing individual points, forms of cohesion, the bridges (that is those persons who make the only link between two strongly connected groups), ,,the balance”, that is the polarisation trend of highly cohesive groups, represent the network’s complexity. The egocentric nets originate in just one single individual referring to the group he belongs to (group egoism).
In this context, the political people belonging to reactionary society, morally alienated and economically corrupted, create negative dependencies throughout the entire society, fomenting the institutional stall, the managerial crisis, the administrative incapacity, hampering the real reformation process. The administrative drive is one of the biggest enemies of corruption. It acts as the indispensable transmission belt between the central power and the mass of population, making the laws applicable. Let’s imagine a fire bursting some place, so declaring this fire alert. An employee dashes quickly with a kettle of water to put out the fire: just two bare arms are at work. But if he grabs a flail urging with it his subjects, thousands of people shall do the same job. Another example: when we want to shake a tree, we do not shake every single leaf, bu the trunk instead. The trunk is to tree what the employees are to the society.
The excessive politisation has atomised the society, putting it in tow of the various casts of divergent interests, which actually communicate by the very society’s informational supervision, by the social network of the political power in correspondence with the degree of corruption and subterranean compatibility of the opportunistic interests at work.
The group egoism and the craving for power features, characterizes the collective life turning increasingly prone to conflict, poisoned by the social network of the political power. Due to the political influence, the upright men who wish o freely grow and develop according to their intellectual background and their own psychological and moral life urges, depend where their actions are concerned by the reactionary, entropic society of planned disorganisation, the political network included.
The masses are driving the power, influencing the institutions’ efficiency, the government measures and the bills’ quality. So by upgrading the general level of culture and the emancipation of the social and political relationships, it must be developed the effective, social control forms on the power and political decision factors; conservative factors which popped up in the society as coercive tools meant to safeguard order and exercise of a bogus control, or else to maintain a controlled chaos, being incapable for representative and participative democracy, incapable of a real reform and to thoroughly ,,pest repel” the economic structures, bolstering the financial discipline, the administrative driving force, decentralising the financial resources relocating them from the central position , to the local position, but mostly making the moral reform of justice, police, education a.s.o. This is why these stand up to prominence as being just inertial factors and retrograde forces, generators of alienating phenomena.
Many dependencies are made between individual and the group at the time he beholds a value system, personal cultural–moral beliefs, and joins the reference group at level of principle only, bereft of full fledged, full hearted membership, and suppose this group is at some point deviating from its aim under corruptive immoral, nondemocratic, reactionary influences. In this case conformism is the name of the vice which brand iron the character fo the social network of the political power, which further generates the multi-factorial system of interdependencies. If an individual does not agree with the social-political system, he either practically indicts himself to reclusion, or his own freedom is jeopardized, his prestige, his wealth and his progress, as he is labelled either anarchist, ,,perpetrator”, or anti system reformer.
People are governable because they nurture passions, they have retrograde mentalities, because they originate in a rather lower social lineage and because they do have their price, in the absence of self conscientiousness. A society without passions, or vices, comprising sages only would be ungovernable, because, having no inner drives nor fear, ,,the subjects” would present no protrusion for hooking up to.
All the time old traditions indicate that always the law infringements, the rebellious conducts fomenting the great revolutions were enacted by the big figures, not the humble stock in the multitudes. Mostly, law only is enforced to reprimand the lower class population, quenching any hope of talk back in the people, which won’t even bother to denounce any longer, so that the high standing cadres keep building up coalitions in a reciprocating cover up each other’s back. They understand each other perfectly when and how to cheat their master. They are in perfectly tuned agreement while putting out a fake show of despising each other just enough to drive the hint home about the fact that they do harbour no hidden obscure intention.
Reciprocally they lend each other eyes and ears, ready in ambush to hunt some flaw of the leader and exploit it to their own profit, a leader who, kept aside and in ignorance, would be unable to realize what’s going on actually (refer to „The Divine Operators” by Jean Levi).
Folks, do assume the responsibility of a unique and unitary justice of the moral, politics and social life reform. Do not indulge in conniving complicities, scheming out opportunistic compromises tailored to make you the beneficiaries of the corrupted system, swapping the moral value with the material one, allowing the operation of obsolete, corrupted institutions, which sap your vigour and maintain you in a state of dependency just to justify its own existence. If it would not be you to give them the purpose of their activity, they wouldn’t even exist any more. In general, people use to say „it’s from the head the fish starts to decay”, but it is also true that a bit of yeast is enough for the entire bulk of dough.
The one and only solution, since even the politicians have grown dependent on the very system they babybrained should be to cut out the maintenance of the political power’s social network, to drop forever those beliefs and mentalities collectively beheld either conscientiously or sub-conscientiously, which outline the profile of the world’s institutions and which lay at the root of the institutionalized oppression and injustice.
By choosing to obey an entity enforcing aggression of any kind and restrictions either by control, manipulation and lies mounted against others, you agree to assume the responsibility on your own shoulders and on everybody else alike as well.
The great German creator Richard Wagner (1813-1883) was writing in his „The Opera and the Drama” (1851): „Politics is the mystery of our times …Napoleon has put it this way. He said to Goethe: Since the Romans rule, the fatum of the Ancient World was replaced by politics. In a purely political world, not being a politician means not to exist at all as a human being.”
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