Letter to the editor


By Peter J. Wallison.



To the Editor:

Re “President Trump, Unbound,” by Eric Posner (Op-Ed, June 4):

The sad fact is that, if he is elected, Donald Trump will follow in office a president who has shown less regard for the Constitution than any president in history. If a President Trump wants to carry out many of the things he has talked about, he will be able to cite President Obama for actions and ideas that fall well outside our constitutional structure.

Mr. Obama was the first and only president to claim that he had authority to take action on immigration because Congress has refused to do so; the first and only president to have decided for himself when the Senate was actually in recess and made appointments later struck down by the Supreme Court; and the first and only president required to defend a lawsuit by the House of Representatives because he spent funds — in this case on Obamacare — that Congress had never appropriated.


The writer, who was White House counsel for President Reagan, is a fellow in financial policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute.


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