Critical approach on the classical concept of power

By Sebastian Sarbu.


At the very foundation of all the created systems lays the principle of power. The Prince (the leader) who, in order to humiliate the high and mighty, is raising up the people, shall fall, he who, in order to humiliate the high and mighty, humiliates the people, shall raise to prominence, the sages in Ancient China used to say. For the good-for-nothing citizens, a strong  state, for the strong citizens, a good-for-nothing state. The people is malleable when living in austerity and  quite rebellious when it got the taste for luxury. When weak, it is submissive to  law; when strong, it attempts to defy law. In modesty it serves its nation well; ambitious, it no longer obeys its commandments. In order to lead the people one should conform to their own nature, their ways and  their feelings. The leader has founded his rule on  a society  turned slave, his power on the weakness of the world, his own moral on the immorality of the individuals, his wisdom on the mobs’ ignorance, his truth on his subjects’ lies. All those who obediently accept the authority’s commands are not free men with a self consciousness of their own, influencing the political power in taking abusive and wrong decisions, against the background of a tremendous social irresponsibility and of a retrograde mentality.

This fact reveals the status of utter ignorance, incertitude, and also the incapacity to assume the  destiny, respectively of the duty to the  society, starting from the moral, professional  consciousness, abiding by the natural laws and the legal norms, outrunning the spiritual – social inertial status. As a social agent, knowing the collective values, rules realities and  being loyal to the real requirements which  must be fulfilled in the social life, according to the tradition, education and the need for general progress, each one should conscientiously take and share proactive part at the making of the society’s own vocation, of its independence from politics. Let us not forget what  Napoleon Bonaparte said, at  Erfurt in 1808: ,,the destiny is the politics”. However there are risks of the society to turn into a political state, as far as the state subordinates the services, resources, institutions, undermining the social thrust of every individual in order to use it in favour of some privileged political and economical structures, so creating an  array of negative dependencies and criss-crossed interdependencies, by social atomisation, for domination, while the society itself is being reduced to  mere amnesic  automata, fated to mass amnesia.

The political power contains an occult dimension, which conspired for ages against  freedom, independence, equality and  fraternity of both individuals and  societies. These occult circles acted in favour of the organised special interests, athwart with imposing the democratic will power of the society. The occult dimension inside the political power represents  the most corrupted and arbitrary means of action, prone to introduce fake values  such as the ethical  relativism and the  utilitarianism, by which one pursuits  a transformation of the society into a concentration universe, hijacking healthy laws, the moral belief and counterfeiting the truth of conscience and the historical truth as well.

The political power foments and feeds on the vices of the society, the moral and professional corruption, social, administrative and economic corruption, it feasts on anti social deeds, on bogus information which actually distorts the reality, it thrives on the cultural obscurantism and other  deeds meant to destroy the reason, to weaken both the will power and the psycho-moral capacity of telling truth from lie, being also a bogus indicator means wrongly pointing to other cause except the true one at the basis of the destructive phenomena in the society.

The political power based on financial and informational resources, exploits the inequalities of just any kind between individuals and maintains the chaos, the poverty, and the  conflict status and permanent warfare among either individuals or groups of individuals in order to weaken the social  cohesion, the civic spirit,  for further manipulate the masses bound to a wrong direction, aiming to secure the supremacy of some group, of some egocentric network. Out of the so maintained chaos and  underdevelopment, one wishes to justify the creation of some institutions, or else some interventions of those already existing with the purpose of undermining the common wealth, the social strength and drain the social drive, the entire wealth of the legitimate human society, man growing increasingly dependent on structures, mega-structures, anti social government measures, new obligations and also further drained by private, autarchic economic agents, who are hell-bent in pursuit of the particular interest gain with the reciprocating loss  on the social interest side, building up disservices to the sound, genuine citizens’ interests.

All the structures, agencies, firms, projects and services are created, in a budding society still underdeveloped, at great costs and sacrifices from the society, in a most undemocratic manner, since the projects, necessities, the changes made by  the political power’s agents did not take into account the majority’s will power and the participation of the individual human values in the act of the decision to pick a path in economic development, and also where the wealth fair-share was concerned as well. Further related to this, the society, due to its own trends of becoming, should have some inbuilt control of sorts, cutting off the necessities, projects, unrealistic, artificial and unproductive  which target on getting rich some selected set of businessmen, the financial oligarchy, operating like a state within the state, hampering the general prosperity, fuelling on both local egoisms and the worldwide plutocracies, with dire consequences on national security.

The division of the national wealth based on political criteria, of the organisation of institutions and the society’s human activities sub-tire structures, represents the most severe abuse of power of a cosmopolitan policy, actually to be construed as mere indifference fro the mother-country, mistrust for the creative capacities of its own nation, spitefulness for the material and spiritual  values of its own people, for the looking-forward   national traditions.

There is a human society, legitimate, based on rights and democratic on an evolutionary trend, whose finality is the rights-based  state, meant to decentralize the power resource for the entire people and a reactionary one  oriented “against the grain” against progress, creation, reform and freedom of human society, of the individual nurturing authentic moral feel and democratic thought pattern, and this retrograde society proactively exercises  the act of governing by aggression, issuing unfair laws or taking up anti social measures, non constitutional, respectively, which lead to restrictions, poverty, misery, and damages to the human fair rights. So the political state comprising mostly reactionary forces, lives exclusively on vices, the moral-professional corruption of the reactionary society unable to evolve, doubling up the scale of mediocrity with the nullity’s one, while the society’s truly healthy virtues originate in the human individuality.

By the acts from the reactionary society the state creates a concentric  circle of dependencies which put the yoke on the true liberty, the personality and the need for progress of the human society with the democratic will power. Since the virtue’s dwelling place is to be found in the quite outstanding individuals performing apostolic workloads and in high value creators, but scattered in the depraved social and political conditions, the reactionary state is building up pressure on the reactionary society, in order to corrupt, by constraining force even the upright conscience of these exceptional men or else for using the leverage of their experience, talents and skills in Machiavellian political schemes and purposes, with unjust finality. All these should happen if the psychic and moral thrust in these men won’t be stronger enough to overwhelm the politicians’ arbitrary  ideas and interests. As a remark, a single man nurturing one single belief is stronger than 99 animated by different interests.

As to the social network, this signifies a sum of  individuals, collectives, roles bound together by one or more social networks, actually comprising the said net. For example: the relatives, the communication, the friendship, the authority, and in politics the client-to-client approach (client-based capitalism). The small groups, the institutional structures describing individual  points, forms of cohesion, the bridges (that is those persons who make the only link between two strongly connected groups), ,,the balance”, that is the polarisation trend of highly cohesive groups, represent the network’s complexity. The egocentric nets originate in just one single individual referring to the group he belongs  to (group egoism).

In this context, the political people belonging to reactionary society, morally alienated and economically corrupted, create negative dependencies throughout the entire society, fomenting the institutional stall, the managerial crisis, the administrative incapacity, hampering the real reformation process. The administrative drive is one of the biggest enemies of corruption. It acts as the indispensable transmission belt between the central power  and the mass of  population, making the laws applicable. Let’s imagine a fire bursting some place, so declaring this fire alert. An employee dashes  quickly with a kettle of water to put out the fire: just two bare arms are at work. But if he grabs a flail urging with it his subjects, thousands of people shall do the same job. Another example: when we want to shake a tree, we do not shake every single leaf, bu the trunk instead. The trunk is to tree what the employees are to the society.

The excessive politisation  has atomised the society, putting it in tow of the various casts of divergent  interests, which actually communicate by the very society’s informational supervision, by the social network of the  political power in correspondence with the degree of corruption and subterranean compatibility of the opportunistic  interests at work.

The group egoism and the craving for power features, characterizes the collective life turning increasingly prone to conflict, poisoned by the social network of the political power. Due to the political influence, the upright men who wish o freely grow and develop according to  their intellectual background and their own psychological and moral life urges, depend where their actions are concerned by the reactionary, entropic  society of  planned disorganisation, the political network included.

The masses are driving the power, influencing the institutions’ efficiency, the government measures and the bills’ quality. So by upgrading the general level of culture and the emancipation of the social and political relationships, it must be developed the effective, social control forms on the power and political decision factors; conservative factors which popped up in the society as coercive tools meant to safeguard order and exercise of a bogus control, or else to maintain a controlled chaos, being incapable for representative and participative democracy, incapable of a real reform and to  thoroughly ,,pest repel”  the  economic structures, bolstering the financial discipline, the administrative driving force, decentralising the financial resources relocating them from the central position , to the local position, but mostly making the moral reform of  justice, police, education a.s.o. This is why these stand up to prominence as being just inertial factors and retrograde forces, generators of alienating phenomena.

Many dependencies are made between individual and the group at the time he beholds a value system, personal cultural–moral beliefs, and joins the reference group at level of principle  only, bereft of full fledged, full hearted membership, and suppose this group is at some point deviating from its aim under corruptive  immoral, nondemocratic, reactionary influences. In this case conformism is the name of the vice which brand iron the character fo the social network of the political power, which further generates the multi-factorial system of interdependencies. If an individual does not agree with the social-political system, he either practically indicts himself to reclusion, or his own freedom is jeopardized, his prestige, his wealth and his progress, as he is labelled either anarchist, ,,perpetrator”, or anti system  reformer.

People are governable because they nurture passions, they have retrograde mentalities, because they originate in a rather lower social lineage and because they do have their price, in the absence of self conscientiousness. A society without passions, or vices, comprising sages only would be ungovernable, because, having no inner drives nor fear, ,,the subjects” would  present no protrusion for hooking up to.

All the time old traditions indicate that always the law infringements, the rebellious conducts fomenting the great revolutions were enacted by the big figures, not the humble stock in the multitudes. Mostly, law only is enforced to reprimand the lower class population, quenching any hope of talk back in the people, which won’t even bother to denounce any longer, so that the high standing cadres  keep building up coalitions in a reciprocating cover up each other’s back. They understand each other perfectly when and how to cheat their master. They are in perfectly tuned  agreement while putting out  a fake show of despising each other just enough to drive the hint home about the fact that they do harbour no hidden obscure intention.

Reciprocally they lend each other eyes and ears, ready in ambush to hunt some flaw of the leader and exploit it to their own profit, a leader who, kept aside and in ignorance, would be unable to realize what’s going on actually (refer to „The Divine Operators” by Jean Levi).

Folks, do assume the responsibility of a unique and unitary justice  of the moral, politics and social life reform. Do not indulge in conniving complicities, scheming out opportunistic compromises tailored to make you the  beneficiaries of the corrupted system, swapping the moral value with the material one, allowing the operation of obsolete, corrupted institutions, which sap your vigour and maintain you in a state of dependency just to justify its own existence. If it would not be you to give them the purpose of their activity, they wouldn’t even exist any more. In general, people use to say „it’s from the head the fish starts to decay”, but it is also true that a bit of  yeast is enough for the entire bulk of dough.

The one and only solution, since even the politicians have grown dependent on the very system they babybrained should be to cut out the maintenance of the political power’s social network, to drop forever those beliefs and mentalities collectively beheld either conscientiously or sub-conscientiously, which outline the profile of the world’s institutions and which lay at the root of the institutionalized oppression and injustice.

By choosing to obey an entity enforcing aggression of any kind and restrictions either by control, manipulation and lies mounted against others, you agree to assume the responsibility on your own shoulders and on  everybody else alike as well.

The great German creator Richard Wagner (1813-1883) was writing in his  „The Opera and the  Drama” (1851): „Politics is the mystery of our times …Napoleon has put it this way. He said to Goethe: Since the Romans rule, the fatum of the Ancient World was replaced by politics. In a purely political world, not being a politician means not to exist at all as a human being.”

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