Posts by JohnVernon:

    How The Hell Did We Get Here?

    March 16th, 2016

    By john Vernon.


    This past Friday night, I watched Fox News cover the cancelled Trump Rally in Chicago just as they did the riots in Ferguson, Missouri. I hated it then and I hate it now. In fact, there are many similarities between the two, and there is simply nothing good to be made of it. The other night for example, I watched Bill O’Reilly denounce the Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler comparison which was actually just another means of silencing free thought, which quite frankly was a surprise coming from O’Reilly. Maybe some of you disagree. Personally, I think most folks have missed the boat on this one as this showdown has been a long time coming. But you have to ask yourself given all the craziness going on, just how the hell did we get here? I don’t believe there is an easy answer, but I think looking around to the many failed actions in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East, are a good places to start. There has been a vacuum created by both sides for Donald Trump to step into and fill that void, just like the Iranians and the Islamic State (ISIS) took advantage of our weakness across the great pond. Needless to say, we the people have allowed this to happen and only we the people can put the genie back in the bottle. It’s time that we took responsibility for our actions and lack thereof.

    Let me say upfront that Donald Trump is not Adolf Hitler. He has not conducted a systematic genocide of a race of people nor is he the leader of a Nazi like political organization geared toward world domination. However, there is a similarity in the charismatic appeal to large groups of people creating such a divide in this nation, it is causing many people to sit up and pay attention who would normally not be interested in politics. No, Donald Trump is not Adolf Hitler, but if you’ve watched the historical film footage of the two men in action, there is a scary resemblance; just say’n.

    In the movie “That thing You Do,” which is about a misfit rock band in the 1960’s that by accident stumbles upon a song, that when played together becomes a hit record. At one point in the height of the bands success they make it to the Ed Sullivan show to play on live television. In a climax moment, the bass player asks the drummer, “How did we get here?” The drummer coolly replies, “I led you here sir, for I am Spartacus.” Spartacus huh? I like that.

    Needless to say we’re in need of some warriors like Spartacus to lead us, but instead we get what is given to us, which isn’t much by the political elite. They’re into taking, not giving. I think Mel Gibson in “Brave Heart” called what I’m referring to as the “scraps.” American leadership, I believe has been on decline for decades because our political system has been hijacked by the rich and powerful, and left us all with funding their mess around the world in places like Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, all of European Continent and yes, here in the United States.

    The American people for decades has elected people into positions of power and influence who have created the very mess we are in right now. Today, these same people are shocked that we are in the position that we are as a nation. It reminds me of the boat that is just about to go over the waterfall, when the crew at the eleventh hour gives the “oh crap” warning. The American people say they are angry, but angry at what? Their own failures and bad decisions?

    When we first invaded Iraq, there was a belief by many that we would roll up into Baghdad and the world would see the replay of the Second World War films where the allies liberated France and other countries from Nazi control. Flags waving and crowds cheering is what many envisioned. No one thought we would head full steam into a sectarian civil war that would cost us thousands of lives and trillions of dollars in treasure. Now, in 2008 a similar election scenario took place to that of today resulting in the election of a first term Senator to the Oval Office. I can still remember that election night when Barack Obama took the stage in Chicago. What seemed magical, later turned out to be a bust, especially when we withdrew from Iraq. Enter the ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi.

    President Obama’s withdrawal of troops and influence from Iraq sent a very specific message to our adversaries in the region, which is akin to the “Price is Right” slogan; Come on down! In fact, our whole Middle East strategy has been more like the trail of tears (no disrespect to Native Americans). Yet in 2012, what was the rally cry? Yeah, I thought so; four more years. The vacuum created by the United States created terrorist organizations like ISIS and emboldened nations like Russia to make bold moves on the world stage and our Navy sailors to kneel.

    As I stated over and over, and now for the umpteen time, choices come with consequences. We as a people have no one to blame but ourselves for the ditch we’ve allowed these Washington fools to drive us into. Now enter Donald Trump, the billionaire who stole the Ronald Reagan slogan of “Make America Great Again,” and who’s supposed to be our new age Spartacus. Four years from now, after President Trump, we’ll be trashing him and talking about what a bum he is because he screwed everything up. But we created the vacuum and set the conditions for him to thrive and we should remember that when the time comes and we’re faced with the fact that he isn’t Spartacus.

    Most recently, in fact yesterday, Dr. Ben Carson stated when interviewed by Mike Wallace, on Fox News Sunday that a vote against Donald Trump equated to a vote for Hillary Clinton. Now, I have a lot of respect for Dr. Carson, but he has in my opinion, given up his principles for money and or a promised cabinet position. In fact, its lunacy to suggest that if you did not vote for the party nominee (which I consider akin to a Union) and voted your conscience that somehow you’ve become the enemy and elected the opposing party candidate. For those of us who’ve been around longer than one election cycle, we heard it with John McCain in 2008 and again with Mitt Romney in 2012.

    America is in dire need of leadership and I’m not one to yell that the sky is falling because we’ve been to his place before. History tends to repeat itself and it’s clear that we’ve not learned a damn thing. But I’m not going to fall prey to the fear mongers who like the “uneducated” voters and who will be herded like cattle for slaughter. God’s will be done.

    As a conservative, I take responsibility for my actions and the vote I cast. I’m not going to blame my neighbor or fellow citizen, or take to the street because I’m angry because I’ve made bad decisions. In many circles we call those folks liberal progressives. We got to this point in time because we sat idle and we’re not engaged. We’re now reaping the seeds we’ve sewn and that is the consequence.

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    US: The tipping point

    October 24th, 2015

    By John Vernon.



    For the first time in my adult life, I am convinced that America is beyond the “crossroads” that many political pundits refer to when referencing the state of our nation. In fact, most recently I heard a bunch of “firsts” that have made me wonder what America really stands for any more. Never would I ever believe that a political candidate would stand on a national debate stage and call her fellow citizens “the enemy,” but that is exactly what happened. But then again, never would I ever believe that our so-called civil society which supposedly cares so much about children and their moral welfare, engage in infanticide to the extent that would make Margaret Sanger look like a saint. Don’t get me wrong, this is not surrender or a doomsday prophecy, but a recognition to what is really going on in America.

    Like many Americans today, I am dismayed by the lack of leadership on display by those who profess to represent us in every branch of government. Even more depressing is the fact that the “Rule of Law” is nothing but a series of words. In practice it is nothing. Everywhere you look today, the political elite class get to do what they want, marching to a different tune than those of us who really work for a living. As a nation, we are the laughing stock of the world and are no longer seen globally as the “Worlds Superpower.” We have been effectively transformed and the match is lit.

    On this coming Thursday, the former Secretary of State will testify before the Benghazi Congressional Committee. For some in this nation and according to the former Secretary, this is all the result of some right wing conspiracy brouhaha. The reality is, Americans want to know what were we doing in Libya? Why were Ambassador (Amb) Stevens requests for additional security assets denied? Who had the authority to deny that request and have they been held accountable? What did the Secretary do or not do that night? And, when did the Secretary know of Amb Stevens requests? In my opinion, the truth matters. Maybe not in the political world, but in the warrior world, people lose their lives when peoples noses grow and lies get told. That matters to me and probably matters to lots of patriots.

    The former Secretary of State lied when she said there were no U.S. Troops on the ground in Benghazi that fateful night. Is she that out of touch to know that survivors of the gun fight that night have already spilled the beans? Or is she tapping into and counting on the ignorance of many in the nation, and simply furthering the Susan Rice false narrative about some bullcrap video? Worse yet however were the promises she made to the families to get to the truth and tell them what really happened. However, to do so would require backbone and integrity, characteristics that are absent in the political elite class.

    Most recently, General Lloyd Austin, Commander, U.S. Central Command, testified before the Armed Services Committee regarding the results of U.S. efforts to covertly train and equip Syrians to fight the Islamic State to the tune of $500M. The results were an absolute failure, yet the President just shrugged his shoulders and stated that its failure vindicated him because he really didn’t support the program to start with.

    Here at home, a real fight is brewing. The Republican Party has turned into the do nothing party and the Democrat Party has turned into the socialist party. Either way, both party’s suck at what they do and should be embarrassed, but they’re not. What a pathetic performance by people who are elected to represent the people.

    Our President is a huge disappointment to millions of people. During his most recent 60 Minutes Interview, when challenged by Steve Kroft about his leadership overseas, the President looked down and away, stating that “Climate Change” was the greatest threat we face. And as we were all gasping for air, even ESPN’s Tom Jackson was shaking his head in disbelief saying C’mon Man! Hell even the camels are laughing. But the worst is yet to come.

    Perhaps I spoke too soon. This morning as I got ready for work, I learned that yet another police officer was murdered. Gunned down simply for doing his job and being a police officer. My heart is heavy and my mood somber. I wonder whether all of this is really true and ask myself over and over the question that seems to need answering. How did we get to this point where life is held in such low esteem? Sadly, as we mourn this Angel in Blue, I know that this will not be the last we lose.

    Last but not least, I was saddened to hear that the Vice President did not jump into the race for the Presidency. Not that I would vote for him, but I detest the fact that the DNC has staged their primary in favor for their named candidate verses giving the people a choice. But then again, the DNC favored candidate isn’t much of a choice. Again, I find myself asking the same question, but with more emotion. How the hell did we get to this damn point?

    Today in Washington DC, I watched people tweeting and gushing over social media that today was the “Back to the Future” day. In the Senate, “Kate’s Law” was defeated and the Board of Supervisors in San Francisco have voted to uphold sanctuary cities and defy federal law. With news of such developments, I have to admit, we have officially entered the twilight zone. To many, they don’t see the tipping point that I see as they’re too busy giving away “free stuff” with no idea how they’re going to pay for it. But what the hell, its election season and anything goes, because as one candidate says, “I’ve evolved.” Welcome to the tipping point.

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    Embracing extremism over the truth

    October 4th, 2015

    By John Vernon.

        Elected officials, political candidates and a large number of Americans have embraced extremism over telling the truth.  They would rather be politically correct and hold on to their lies than be principled and truthful. A couple of weeks ago, American citizens and the world learned that Secretary of State John Kerry with the blessing of Barack Obama’s White House cut a nuclear deal with Iran, a known terrorist state and hostage taker.

    This “deal” will not prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.  Everyone in the world knows this and the handing over of $150B to known terrorists, is akin to directly financing terrorism and fostering the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

    The other week, Secretary testified before Congress that he had not seen all the “deals” agreed to when specifically asked to comment on a specific “deal” mentioned by Susan Rice, United States National Security Advisor.  This is rapidly becoming more like Nightmare on Elm Street.  Secretary Kerry has drank the Kool-Aid and embraced the zombie apocalypse.

    All of this coming on the heels of over a year of bloviating by Mr. Obama on how ISIS would be defeated.  Today, the Islamic State is now stronger than ever and growing in strength and confidence every day.

    It seems that burning people alive, drowning people, throwing gays off of buildings, and selling women and children into slavery and sexual bondage doesn’t strike a nerve with the political elite in Washington shaming them to do what they were elected to do.

    For the longest time, Mr. Obama has told the American people that ISIS will be defeated and that ISIS will lose.  But all that rhetoric is nothing more than loud noise as Mr. Obama has embraced extremism as he can’t even utter the words, Islamic extremism.

    Fast forward to the end of July 2015 when five brave members of our armed forces were laid to rest, having been gunned down by a gunman who embraced an extreme Islamic ideology.  After the initial outcry, it didn’t take long for the political kabuki dance theater to begin over whether this was a terrorist attack or not.

    This debate by political cowards in suits it seems is over whether or not these brave men should receive purple hearts.  This debate is both ridiculous and sad.  In my view, this crop of Washington cartel politicians are the most inept group to ever have ever been elected to Congress.

    As an example of their continued outrageous behavior, during recent testimony before Congress by family members of those murdered by illegals including the family of Kate Steinle, members of Congress were clearly having a hard time staying awake or felt that their cell phones were more important.  I’m sorry, but is the murder of 121 American citizens at the hands of illegals that boring that you could not at least pretend like you give a damn?

    In recent days, multiple videos have surfaced portraying the organization Planned Parenthood as having harvesting the body parts of baby’s for monetary gain.  The videos are both grizzly, shocking and hard to watch, but most importantly call into question the civility of America as a nation.

    In an act of denial after the first video, Planned Parenthood first spouted the narrative that the videos were taken illegality and were heavily edited.  But when more videos surfaced and knowing that more will be forthcoming, Planned Parenthood hired a public relations firm to help with the damage control.

    Today, Planned Parenthood have also asked the media not to run any of the videos currently released and to not cover any released in the future.  The White House in their official statement are standing with Planned Parenthood.  What a crock, dishonest and brutal practice. To me, this is a crime against humanity and they are all complicit.

    The dishonest nature of politicians as well as many Americans and groups who stand to gain from embracing extremism is a cancer engulfing this once proud and righteous nation.  The American people need to wise up and wise up quick.

    I believe a fight is coming and its coming sooner than anyone expects.  America will be at a significant disadvantage when the fighting begins because of our internal and petty divisions.  There will be no Barack Obama’s, John Kerry’s or Planned Parenthood around to blame for our failures to act on behalf of humanity; it will be too late.  Instead, a future generation will bleed and be buried because we stood and watched as extremism became our drug du jour.

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    Paralyzed by fear

    September 8th, 2015


    By John Vernon.


    Paralized by Fear

    What is it about fear that causes people to freeze in place and not take interest in the nation affairs? Once in a trance like state, fear causes people under its spell to cower and a nation to stand still as if time itself no longer existed. Saul Alinsky knew the power of fear and even wrote about it in his book,Rules For Radicals. What is going on today in America sickens those of us yet taken under fears spell in this politically correct world seemingly gone mad. Everywhere you look, people are abandoning their values and morality, judges are using their benches for immoral practices and legislation, and politicians are using fear as a weapon against the people. It is time to face our fears and rise up.

    On March 4, 1933, at his inaugural address, Franklin Roosevelt quipped the phrase, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” as a means of reassuring the American people, that things would get better, once the people stopped panicking over the state of the economy and the run on the banks. Sound familiar? In 2015, nearly 82 years later, the White House insists that the economy is getting better, yet workers’ wages are stagnated and American workers buying power is greatly diminished. So why is it that a nation cannot provide jobs to its people? Is it the fear of the world markets, or is this fear now weaponized as a means to control the people based upon a progressive ideology that America is not exceptional? I believe the answer is the latter and that scares a lot of people including myself. The fear of what we have allowed ourselves to become is what holds us back.

    In the Tactics chapter of Rules For Radicals, Saul Alinsky details a series of rules that when properly imposed, become the Progressive means to wage class, race, and anti-capitalist warfare against an unsuspecting nation and people. According to Alinsky, the fourth and fifth rules to make a person or organization do something are shown below.

    “Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity; and

    Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who react to your advantage.”

    Today, there are many things to be fearful of. Terrorism, the economy, illegal aliens violating our borders, lack of job growth, the selling of baby body parts by Planned Parenthood, sanctuary cities, discrimination, sexism, over taxation, data mining, burdensome regulations, religious persecution, the nuclear Iran deal, the growing threat from an expanding China and Russia, and last but not least the very close and present danger of our own government. So, of all the things to be fearful of in the short term, I believe that our out of control and lawless government poses the greatest threat to the American people, to their freedom and to their liberty. The telltale signs are everywhere, yet people seem to be paralyzed by their own fear, or more concerned about their own self-preservation, then that of the greater good, which is exactly what our government officials are counting on.

    The use of powerful words such as racist, sexist, misogynist, or other freezing phrases such as anti-muslim and anti-gay, are the weapons of choice by progressives to force social change and make you care. It is not about debate and the rule of law. It’s their way or the highway. Conform now or else. Take the ethnic movement, “Black Lives Matter” for example. Now, because of the stigma associated with this movement, most people are afraid to call them out for the racism they spout and the hate that they profess.

    Hatched out of the Ferguson riots false narrative, “Hands up don’t shoot,” the “Black Lives Matter” movement has been allowed free reign to shut down free speech, block traffic and directly influence unstable individuals through social media to take violent action against law enforcement professionals. All of this madness really scares people, but fails to get at the heart of their alleged grievances because people realize this movement is unfounded, will not help people of color and quite frankly, hope it will just go away in time. Bad actors and actions never go away easy as we’ve seen previously, and we will have to face this darkness with the truth.

    Here is the case in point where flipping the “Black Lives Matter” movement on its head is useful in exposing them for the fraud that they are. Specifically, if “Black Lives Matter,” why are the black-on-black crimes in places like Chicago, Baltimore, Washington and Los Angles up in epic proportions? Additionally, if “Black Lives Matter,” why are so many black babies being aborted? So, if people of sound minds would peel back the onion, they will all see that this movement is solely based in hate and racism, and nothing else.

    On another front this past week, an elected official by the name of Kim Davis in Kentucky made the headlines on most news outlets across the country, after she objected to issuing a marriage license to a gay couple, based upon her religious right of conscience. Subsequently, and in typical Chicago style strong arm politics, a liberal judge ordered Ms. Davis to issue the marriage license to the couple or face going to jail. Ms. Davis voted her conscience, stood firm, and is now behind bars.

    The actions against Ms. Davis are unprecedented and were taken as a means of sending a strong arm message to the American people. Get on board with gay marriage or else. Today, people in this great nation are now being forced to choose between their jobs and their religion, the exception being of course granted to members of today’s politically correct “protected religion.” For people of the Christian faith, the action against Ms. Davis is a direct attack on all of us. We must realize it, face our fear and rise up against the progressive hypocrisy that aims to marginalize who we are and what we believe. It is time to openly ridicule progressives for the charlatans that they are and expose their hypocrisy. We will use their rules against them and they will not be able to counterattack.

    Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) 100% this past week came out in support of Ms. Davis and her choice of invoking her religious conscience. Why is it that a person has to give up their freedoms when they work for the government? Isn’t this concept actually counter to the very principles of freedom and liberty defined in our constitution which men and women have fought and died for? I believe they are. However, progressive hypocrisy knows no bounds.

    Take the examples of Mr. Ed Lee, Mayor of San Francisco, and our President, Barack Obama, who have refused to enforce immigration laws, having established “sanctuary cities” for illegal aliens. Why has a Federal Judge not ordered them and other elected officials to uphold their oath and enforce federal law? Why have they not been told if they do not do so, they must resign or face going to jail, just as Ms. Davis has. Speaking of a Federal Judge, take the instance of openly gay Texas Judge Tanya Parker, who refused to conduct straight-couple marriage ceremonies in her state until same-sex couple could wed. Why then was she not administered the same justice as Ms. Davis? The answer is clear. Today, elected officials [including judges whether elected or appointed] selectively enforce the laws that are important to them and ignore the ones that are not. As I said earlier, you will be made to care or else. Now if that does not make you afraid, it should. The question that remains is deeply personal. So if you don’t face your fear and rise up today to fight for freedom and liberty, what will you think of yourself tomorrow? What will you say if tomorrow is your judgment day?

    Fear is just a word in the English language to describe the feeling of a perceived threat. Today, the threat is real and it is not “over there,” it is right here, right now. Bad policies by progressives are coming home to roost and they are using this conflict to fan the flames of hate, racism and deny the rule of law. I believe there are two types of people affected in this fight; those who will forget everything and run and those who will face their fears and rise in support of freedom and liberty. Where do you stand?

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    America’s Need for Political Intervention

    May 28th, 2015



    By John Vernon.



    Political dishonesty is all the rage among incumbent politicians and candidates seeking office today. Perhaps we should just call it dishonesty since the lines distinguishing politicians, special interest groups, and the media are difficult to discern. In this fast-paced age of media sound bytes, it is tough for Americans to separate fact from fiction based upon political rhetoric and biased media reporting. It is no wonder, then, that approval ratings for members of Congress and the President are so low.

    Not only does the American public not know whom to trust, many believe that there is a deliberate effort by this Administration to undermine life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A prime example of this is the deliberate and failed U.S. foreign policy strategy, which catapulted multiple Middle Eastern countries into chaos, thereby creating fertile breeding grounds for terrorism.

    Since the September 11, 2001 attacks on our homeland, our Executive branch has played partisan politics with its decisions (or its lack thereof) to deal with the growing threat of terrorism. Whether it be the decision to invade Iraq, the Congressional decision to authorize the invasion, or the failure to call atrocities by ISIS “Islamic Extremism,” the actions by politicians and government officials, regardless of party affiliation, all point to being less than candid with the American people.

    When one examines the handling of the troop withdrawal from Iraq, or the actions in Libya, or the embarrassing military retreat from Yemen, the deception is glaringly apparent. If these matters were not so serious, it would be highly amusing to watch the politicians distance themselves from these events as they went south. They disavowed all knowledge of those events, saying that they had been “misunderstood.” They dispatched their surrogates to feed the American people false talking points. The media was all too happy to help spin the web of deception in order to kill the story, thereby putting Congress into a state of paralysis.

    Congress, like the Executive branch, has failed to effectively serve the American people for quite some time. Everywhere you look in the world today, some crisis looms. At home, manufactured crises which create dissention among the people is the political dish du jour.

    The American people know that they are not better off than they were 20-25 years ago. Faced with a (likely) nuclear Iran, Islamic terrorists whose jihad is to purge the world of all non-Islamic religions, a nuclear North Korea, an expeditionary Russia, and a 19 trillion-dollar debt, the American people deserve straight and honest words from its leaders, not smoke-and-mirrors and double talk.

    The manner in which the recent events in Ferguson, Long Island, and Baltimore were portrayed and handled by political leaders was nothing short of calamitous. In each instance, rushes to judgment and nightly trials through the media fueled the divide, feeding the narrative that young men across the country were being “hunted down.” In the case of Ferguson, science and finding of fact ultimately triumphed over emotion and claims of racism. However, the Department of Justice’s determination did not dampen or soften the false narrative of “hands up, don’t shoot.” Based on the current political climate, an erroneous belief persists in some communities: that the administration of justice for perceived wrongs cannot be addressed by the rule of law.

    Rather, those anarchists insist that justice must be administered by mob violence. It is counterintuitive to seek justice through the destruction of property and the looting of businesses—such actions drain the lifeblood and future hopes from the very communities purported to need further government assistance! The Mayor of Baltimore’s recent statement is a perfect example of irresponsible political rhetoric: “We gave those who wished to destroy space as well.”

    As the American people continue to stretch their eroding paychecks, barely making ends meet from week to week, former U.S. President Bill Clinton now earns $500,000 for giving a single speech and a foundation bearing his name is raking in hundreds of millions of dollars in questionable foreign monies. His defense? “I have to pay my bills.” The American public should be so fortunate. Perhaps we should feel sorry for the former First Couple, since they were “dead broke” when they left the White House. However, their joint and separate dishonesty doesn’t end there—it goes deeper into the rabbit hole.

    Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton deliberately misled the American people and broke the law by using personal computer servers and multiple email addresses, then deleted at least thirty thousand emails deemed “personal” in order to avoid the discovery of nefarious actions and deals with shady characters. Conclusion? If Saul Alinsky was alive today, he would be grinning from ear to ear wondering how this couple pulled off the white collar heist of the century. But don’t worry, there is plenty more slime to go around.

    Since Barrack Obama has been President, he has been the recipient of multiple Pinocchio Awards for misleading the American people, and that’s phrasing it gently. Clearly being dishonest with the American people, Mr. Obama promised that we could keep our doctors and that each American family would save $2,500 annually in healthcare premium costs. Remember that? He’s the same guy who professed that some rogue video caused the murder of four brave Americans in the attack on our annex in Benghazi, Libya.

    It was also Mr. Obama who stated that Sergeant Bo Bergdahl had served with honor and distinction, thereby justifying the trade of five high-value Taliban terrorists for his release. Most recently, Mr. Obama emphasized the issue of climate change as a challenge to the national security of the United States, and he insisted that this issue must be addressed now. Can you believe it? Climate change! Not ISIS. Not a nuclear Iran. Not an aggressive and expansive Russia. Not Ebola, not illegals, and not lone wolf terrorists. Climate change is the number one threat to national security!

    Mr. Obama is right about one thing, the climate is changing, and I don’t mean the weather. The American people are gradually becoming more wary of the charlatans who engage in race baiting, who promise hope and change, and who fail to unequivocally state that we are fighting Islamic extremists. Just a temporary setback, you say? Rest assured, the political landscape is being redefined and redrawn.

    The 2016 elections will be a pivotal point in time for the people of the United States. Gone will be the broken promises of “trust me” and “the deck is stacked” against the middle class by political elitists. I predict that the American people will not wait for the Department of Justice and FBI to crack down on these political charlatans. American voters will administer the people’s justice at the ballot box. We, the people, are fed up with the liberal left charges of police brutality, racism, and discrimination. We, the people, will be the ones who save our republic and return her to her rightful place in the halls of exceptionalism.

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