Posts by KakhaMargiani:

    Understanding Stonehenge

    July 21st, 2014


    By Kakha Margiani.


    There are spread lots of false understanding about Stonehenge and other megalithic and strange Aryan constructions including pyramids and pyramidal complexes all around the Earth.

             Central great circle in the Stonehenge has dual meaning: The Sun and The Earth from N30 degrees.

            Confirmation about the apocalyptic dating by Peak of OrioN (PON) we found at Stonehenge as well. Modern pseudo-historical science show false date of Stonehenge as a maximum 3020÷2910B.C. The Stonehenge dating as well as other Aryan artifacts vividly show red line for the official science – nearby 3000B.C. Each brave scientist who dares to cross this line can lose everything in science: the money, the power, the scientific perspective… Our research shows some amazing ancient message by Aryans. Now you can understand easily why the Stonehenge was built in reality. Unfortunately these genius messages sent for future generations by our great ancestors – Aryans, our civilization can understand after ~12450 years only.

          Central megalithic circle of Stonehenge has some meaning. Two of them are shown on these pictures. Now we have irrefutable proof that the Stonehenge was dedicated to last apocalypse in 10465B.C. and for the souls of dead. Recorded summer solstice inStonehenge is the record of the catastrophic event when forces of darkness prevail over the forces of light. After each summer solstice, the darkness begins increasing.

    It has allegorical meaning that is triumph over the light by darkness. An indication of the summer solstice in Stonehenge symbolically means tragedy when darkness became winner. Standing stones in Stonehenge are the symbolic graves for the uncountable victims of the Apocalypse. We can see clearly on the Moon’s orbit second “moon” – captured asteroid – Fata. Now we know exactly that the large fragments of Fata became the powerful detonator forces for the last Apocalypse in 10465B.C. The upper image shows location of the solar planets at the time of Apocalypse.

       Aryans believed that the life is a battle between good and evil i.e. battle between Light and Darkness! Yes, In the Stonehenge is written Summer solstice but it indicates on huge tragedy. In addition Stonehenge is a symbolical cemetery. This is not a place for celebrates. There are many versions on Stonehenge but all of them are wrong

          After each summer solstice night is increasing. Darkness is winning. Thus summer solstice indicates on boundary when Darkness became winner! I’ve explained that the Aryans had an interesting tradition to write epochs by PON. In the Stonehenge is written genial message to us on greatest tragedy – the Aryans’ magnificent message encrypted after ~12450 years. According the International Astronomical Union (IAU) constant astronomical-astrological data, now we know that the greatest catastrophe was ruling by constellation of Virgo. Thus in the Stonehenge is written → 10 –Virgo. According the IAU constant boundaries, sunrise within the Virgo continues for 45.5 days of 17 September to 31 October. 10 points before 31 October, on October 21 happened terrible event written in the Stonehenge. Actually 10 megaliths inside shows symbolical graves of victims, for 10 days before Earth moved within Virgo.  Aryans had an amazing astronomical calendar. In the calendar Aryan astronomers had Observations on stellar movement from 30 degrees. Letter “O” is written by 30 megalithic stones and main megalithic circle symbolically indicates on N30 degrees – N30O of the Earth.

           For the PON (peak of Orion) we have 60 megaliths in the letter “O” and 15 megaliths in the letter “n”. From the Genial GizaComplex now we know exactly value of PON=45O. From the N30 degrees of Earth, 60O and 75O for the Al-Nitac in the epoch of Leo is not a plausible value. We have to remember how the PON is written in the Teotihuacán. In the Stonehenge we have a symbolical model of Earth from N30 degrees (N30O). Inside we have 15 megalithic stones for the additional points. Thus Stonehenge says PON=N30O+15=45O We have an additional irrefutable proof. Stonehenge confirms Apocalyptic Date in 10465B.C, written on the Gizaplateau by Aryans.

           In the Stonehenge central circle letter “O” has dual meaning. It represents the Earth from N30 degrees as well as Sun. Mirror image of the solar system approximately indicates their positions 12479 years ago. Coordinates of the visible planets are interrelated to corresponding constellations in 10465B.C. In addition encrypted message of Stonehenge indicates Ceres, former moon of the exploded 5th solar planet and the site needs future expensive astronomical investigations. Aryans had old tradition to write epochs by using coordinates of our planets by corresponding constellations. Much best example we have on the Zodiac of Osiris that shows epoch of Osiris within the Scorpio ~16,500B.C. We have many other evidences in the Egyptian (Aryan) zodiacs. Unfortunately we have no access in huge bins of Vatican or Smithsonian institution to find epochal Aryan calendar, to explain exactly dating by Peak of OrioN (PON).

            Why is the real meaning of PON in the Teotihuacán same? My knowledge allowed me to calculate real value. This is a real value for the Aquarius Apocalypse in the Teotihuacán PON=45O due to opposite position on the ecliptic from Leo. Encrypted Aryan massage from Angkor Watt between the Apocalyptic events of Aquarius and Leo shows a=178.1O by using precession. ~1% shifting from the half precession cycle between Aquarius and Leo had compensation equivalent due to shifting of orbiting stars around Milky Way and the Earth axis swing (a=21O55’÷24O20′).  During the pre-flood epoch, mirror image of Al-Nitak in the Teotihuacán was built on pre-flood N30O. After the Apocalyptic global drifting, mirror image of Al-Nitak in the Teotihuacán replaced on modern N19O41′.  Mirror image of Al-Nitak on the Giza Plateau, near the post-flood boundary built on modern N30O as well. Now proportional value between the three stars of the Orion’s belt not identical to proportional values between their mirror images on the Gizaplateau and Totihuacan. Reason is very simply – shifting of Alnitak Alnilam and Mintaka for thousands of years.

          Aryan scientists measured epochal value of PON once in year in the midnight, during the orbiting of Earth between Sun and Orion constellation.

          Thus our knowledge allows us to announce that the Stonehenge is a symbolical memorial (graveyard) and sacred to huge victims of huge tragedy in 10465B.C. Of course Main megalithic circle letter “O” has dual astronomical and dual Alphabet meanings. Dual astronomical value indicates on Earth as well as main heat source – Sun. In the magnificent genial memorial is written encrypted exact data of the last Apocalypse – 21 October 10465B.C. Memorial includes approximately coordinates of the visible solar planets. The summer solstice direction indicates toward the Virgo that was ruling Earth by this time. Unfortunately British engineers built rode over the coordinate of Earth. Jupiter in opposite side moved over the Pisces. Our calculation shows that the Jupiter could move in the Pisces on October 21, 10466±1 B.C, but everything needs exact and expensive astronomical investigations in future. Orbiting Jupiter around Sun after the last Apocalypse, made 1052 full circle. Jupiter has sidereal orbiting period 4332,589Day.

          I want to note that the genial Aryan author of the magnificent memorial was not a professional astronomer. Orbits of visible planets have no exact proportions. Each Visible planet indicates approximately distance from the Sun and oriented to the corresponding constellation fixed on October 21, in 10465B.C. Last apocalypse began exactly from this date, written in Stonehengeand Giza plateau by using stellar coordinates. There are very many circles within Stonehenge and we have greatest problem to choose tracks of ancient bombardments to human’s joke, to find other real planetary coordinates. We can observe many circles around the “Sun”. Inside the outer megalithic circle we can see Venus and its orbit. Mercury is erased but its approximately orbit is available. Our ground-breaking dating for the mainstreamers is interrelated to post-flood boundary. Thus deadline for the Genial Aryan Memorial – Stonehenge is that – ~10450B.C.

            I want to ask to British government and clerical hierarchy to introduce annual mourning ceremonies on October 21 atStonehenge. Of course the memorial needs to be recovered to the primordial form. Before mainstream science is sleeping in the ostrich position and do not want to understand anything on ground-breaking discoveries, politicians and religious leaders have to restore ancient forgotten tradition of our great Aryan ancestors.

          Rediscovery of Aryan PON for the modern civilization cycle is a phenomenal and magnificent discovery. I want to dedicate this discovery to American genius and the best scientist in the world – Prof. Oliver K. Manuel.

          You can understand in detail some secrets of the forbidden and forgotten history in the link:

          P.S. For decades mainstream scientists have the Ostrich position against magnificent discoveries. They do not want to see beyond the old teaching – “beyond the sand”. Teaching old false is fully acceptable for the mainstreamers. You can help young generation and many others. Publishing «Forbidden real histories» in the other mass media, you will protect mind of many people from false attack by mainstreamers.

         For decades we have no financial support by government and absolutely ignorance and boycott by mainstream science. Hypocrisy, arrogance, pride, anger, indignation have no limits by counterfeiters of sciences in relation to the dissidents.

        We are working for mankind to explain truth. Our favorite information about Forbidden True History and Magnificent Discoveries on Atlantis you can find in the links for free. 

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