Posts by RomyKerwin:

    A letter of civil morality

    September 2nd, 2014


    By Romy Kerwin.


    This is an answer to an article published in the Middle East Tribune by a
    friend, a writer named Mohammad Moussalli.  This newspaper is sold in
    Lebanon but read throughout the Middle East.

    There are many similarities with Korea, especially after the Sewol tragedy
    and I hope that it will give you food for thought.

    Dear Mohammad,

    You have touched to a subject, which is dear to my heart.  It is the role of
    morality in politics and diplomacy.  We all know that many dictators are
    psychopaths without a conscience.  Their entire lives are dedicated to
    bringing pain to the people they rule or by frightening the world with
    nuclear arsenals, such as Iran and North Korea.

    The subject of morality in my work began after the Julian Assange
    revelations and of course, with Edward Snowden.  I asked myself many times
    where to draw the line between security and honesty.  Spying under all its
    forms is dishonest and unacceptable when the spying includes your friends,
    allies and neighbours.

    For us who write about the many crises in the world, there is a feeling of
    powerlessness and overburden.

    We are also acutely aware of why it is important to put honesty first.  As
    Chip says moral decay mirrors political decay.

    Senator Bernie Sanders (I_Vt) said it quite powerfully “.. a nation built on
    greed will not survive morally, economically or politically”.

    Moral decay exists first and many decisions are based on it.  How can we
    forget the scandals of Enron, the Lehman brothers in the US and many other
    events that affected the entire world by ricochet but the most shocking fact
    was the ease with which they lied to us and stole pensioners’ money.

    We are also seeing so many cases of suicide, especially in East Asia.  By no
    means, do I imply that suicide is a sign of moral decay,  suicide reflects a
    society that has stopped caring. A society , which does not recognize those
    of us who are fragile and in need of help.  We are too greedy, dishonest and
    uncaring to see the cries of those who prefer to kill themselves rather to
    live in a rotten , where the rich always get richer and the poor poorer.

    In my work, I have often asked myself if I was completely honest and with a
    pure heart.  I do work for a country, intent to bring transparency to the
    social and political system.  I have seen very little of it since the last
    presidential elections.  Now it is not easy to root out corruption totally
    but with corruption at every level, we live in a nebulous cloud of

    I know so many diplomats who are asking themselves the same question.  How
    can we serve our country and maintain our self-esteem ?  When I see the
    world we live in, ravaged by war, cruelty and genocides, called ” ethnic
    cleansing ” and anything that you want to add to the list, our quest for
    truth, self-respect and humanity is easily dismissed and yet all the Korean
    diplomats I know are good, loyal, generous people, with a great sense of
    personal responsibility..  The aforementioned qualities, is what will save
    us someday.

    A working society has to be built on trust.

    I am not a Christian but I have read a book calling Christ a political
    agitator and that is exactly what he was because, like us, he lived in an
    immoral system.  During the wedding in Cana’an, he transformed water into
    wine but in the sacred baths of the owner to show his form of piety had no
    importance to Christ.  It is never really explained to us.  He chased
    unscrupulous money makers and vendors from the Temple.  Christ , in his
    times, was already fighting for a moral society.  That is what killed him.

    We need more men and women to lead us to a better world, working for a
    better nation.

    In the US, hypocrisy and deception in politics abound.  People have lost
    faith in the truth regarding all the many mysteries that we are
    encountering.  This gave rise to the unfortunate wave of conspiracy theories
    as though, no one could believe the truth anymore and the truth has been
    twisted so many times that nobody is ready to believe anything.  Conspiracy
    theories are everywhere covering everything.  Sadly, they are often true.
    Nothing is to be taken for granted in Washington, DC anymore, if it was ever
    believed in the first case.

    It would seem that, the world needs to be destroyed and re-built with a set
    of parameters or yardsticks that we will never find in our old world.  It is
    very sick and , Withholding a total holocaust, it cannot get worse.

    How to start afresh ? What to do when refugees are turned away because the
    host country does not have the resources to welcome them.  In Lebanon for
    example, there are about four million inhabitants of Lebanese origin but
    there are one million refugees for Iraq, Syria, Palestine and other MENA

    I learned the power of honesty from one set of grandparents who often said
    to me :” In this house, we do not keep secrets.  Things are what they seem
    to be “.  It became my moral compass because I want to live a live without
    secrets.  I want to keep it blameless, especially because I have influence.
    I probably have endorsed more than 700 people on Linkedin, all around the
    world and I am well liked and respected.

    My grandparents lived in a small town and everybody adhered to the same
    values.  This was France. Life was peaceful and kind.  We never locked our
    doors.  When a funeral passed by with a cortege of mourners ,following the
    hearse, men would respectfully remove their hats and women would cross
    themselves, whether or not we knew the dead person.  Life stood still until
    the mourners had passed.

    For me, this is Milton’s  Paradise Lost.

    Life was based on respect.

    Thank you, Mohammad, for reminding us of our own humanity and for writing
    another article, which is at the heart of our distress and is relevant to
    all.  It is the search for a moral compass in a world gone mad.

    These comments generated many positive responses and even though I have
    changed it a little to reflect South Korean realities,  the text is
    basically the same.

    I have sent notes to the NIS and want to share with you what I said. The
    owner of the Sewol,  a Mr. Yoo was murdered, shot by professional assassins
    and left to rot in a deserted place.  We will never find his murderers.

    As far as the sinkholes are concerned, it is probably not due to the Lotte
    Hotel or subway line Number 9.  These sinkholes have appeared everywhere in
    the world even in rural areas in Siberia or the US.

    There are many subway lines in the world, you would think that Tokyo would
    be full of sinkholes but it is not the case.

    We had none in Toronto even so we have a subway running underneath another
    subway.  It is very deep and we have another city underneath Toronto streets
    called the Path.  Some people never leave it except to go home.
    Temperatures are constant, very warm with palm trees and real birds.

    There has been an erosion of the soil in some places and bad structural
    engineering may be the cause, again corruption.  These structural defects
    fill up with methane gas, strong enough to cause an explosion that leaves a
    hole in the ground.  Even mines that go very deep into the earth do not
    produce sinkholes, generally, they just collapse.

    I am sorry for what is happening in Irbil after you did such great work
    there.  Hopefully, some day, there will be an independent Kurdistan.

    As far as North Korea is concerned, it is still working on nuclear
    armaments, which, some day, will be obsolete.

    It is relatively calm as Kim Jong-un is not liked by the Chinese
    administration.  The visit of President Xi to South Korea first has had
    quite an impact in Pyongyang.

    The domestic agenda of President Park is not working and a Sewol bill should
    be passed by lawmakers. President Park should dissolve her Cabinet and give
    it a fresh start.  Not much has been accomplished ,either in Foreign Affairs
    or at home.

    I was elated when I read in the newspapers about Tomiichi Murayama.  This is
    a decent man.  He may have an influence on Shinzo Abe to reconsider
    historical lies but there should be an olive branch for Seoul.  Nobody likes
    to start something from a position of shame and disgust.

    I remain,

    Yours Very Respectfully,

    Romy Kerwin

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    Double Standards: The Ripple Effect

    March 10th, 2014


    By Remy Kerwin letters of advice.


    Dear Mohammad,

    Your definition of democracy is brilliant especially because it involves the
    fault of a country based on religiosity.  Notice that I did not say ”
    religious ” precepts but some kind of religiosity and fervour to discover
    the double lives of politicians and sport figures that our society holds as

    Naturally, the United States of America comes to mind as a confusion of
    religious affiliations, an extreme appetite for scandals and a Foreign
    Policy that emphasizes covert and overt actions and reactions.

    The most apparent quality of Mohammad’s language is its clarity, which comes
    from an ordered mind and soul.

    Mr. Mousalli believes that politics based on morality is the foundation for
    true democracy.  In one word : transparency.

    The Ripple effect of US Double Standard shows us how the US foreign policy
    has shaped the world into its actual mess by re-writing natural and previous
    boundaries, by preaching peace and selling weapons at the same time, by not
    interfering in stopping a massive catastrophe in Syria and Rwanda and other

    The Middle East and North Africa are burning to the ground, some fighting
    factions armed by the Russians and others by the US.  It seems that there is
    an understanding of territorial influences.

    Mohammad speaks of realpolitik as major corruption and corruption it is.

    Mr. Mousalli is a very ethical, moral man and his own ethics have conducted
    him to define democracy as based on morality, not religiosity, which is
    hypocritical.  How many tele-evangelists have abused the suffering masses to
    enrich themselves ?

    Here, Morality is seen as respecting the laws of the people as well as the
    laws of one’s individual conscience.  We have seen too many barbarians
    without a conscience, such as Saddam Hussein who came to be the head of the
    Iraqi people with the help of the US.  There is no doubt that Assad and
    Gaddhafi were psychopaths and yet, they were allowed to wound and kill in
    total impunity.

    Why ? the answer is because removing them would have gone against US
    interests in the region.

    I am very impressed with Mohammad’s description of Politics. Politics is the
    conduit to democracy as it should be, untainted and transparent, reflecting
    the views and demands of a particular people without outside interference.

    Morality seen as transparency is the basis of trust.  Let us remember how
    low the concept of trust became in American politics after the Monica
    Lewinsky affair.  Bill Clinton lost face and respect and later a Sport
    figure Tyger Woods lost his lucrative endorsements.

    The United States of America was based on religious tolerance and plurality.
    Unfortunately with the passing of time, these noble tenets have disappeared
    into a mish-mesh of secrecy, a lack of freedom for citizens as demonstrated
    by Edward Snowden’s files on espionage of ordinary people.

    Mohammad also sees politics as an Art form.  In fact, politics could never
    be a science even though we are constantly repeating the past.  A different
    interpretation of politics is duplicity and prejudice.

    I would like to borrow a quotation by Juan Rolando that comes from Adam
    Smith ( 1723-1790 )  Renaissance man , educated in all subjects for my
    conclusion:  as so well seen by Mr.  Mousalli ”
    :Social and moral philosophies are interconnected “.

    I am also working very hard to influence South Korea to think about its
    social and moral responsibilities.  At the end, pure democracy will remain.

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    Letters to the Korean Government: U.S. Debacle

    December 12th, 2013


    Letter by Romy Kerwin.


    To The Right Honourable Kim Sung-hwan,

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs,


    A falsely declassified document is creating much anguish in the US, which
    always had a very placid response to North Korea provocations.

    I have always told you that the nuclear technology was more advanced than
    believed and that North Korea was armed by Iran, which is the only country
    ready to work with North Korea about nuclear technology.

    North Korea has the power to install a miniaturized nuclear bomb on a
    missile be it a Musudan or other and they want to show the world their new
    found power even though it has remained untested.

    I do not sleep well at night and yet I do not think that you are a direct
    target for NK, America is.

    Pyongyang wants to show the US that it is ready and willing to attack them
    should they want to, so that they will be treated with more respect and can
    barter more concessions from the US.

    I cautiously predict that the next nuclear operation will be a test to
    determine how sound their technology is.

    Attacking South Korea would not prove much, attacking the US, which is
    utterly unprepared to deal with such an attack seems a better goal.

    The truth is that Washington has no idea about what to do with North Korea.
    This what admitted by John Kerry

    In a language that I prefer not to repeat.  Essentially, he said that the US
    had made big mistakes about North Korea.

    I wonder how much you can rely on the US for your own protection.  You are
    like sitting ducks at the moment.  I trust that America will protect you
    after having deployed so many was maneuvers and an intimidating amount of
    warfare.  It is enough for the moment to shield you from NK terror but in
    the future you may need to be more self reliant and to develop your own
    channels of human intelligence in order to always know where NK is , in
    terms of technological advancement.

    An alliance between the States and China may intimidate North Korea.  The
    country remains a bit challenge because not enough is known about it.
    Perhaps you know enough but the correct interpretations are lacking.

    Each day that passes is nerve racking.  I wonder how a country such as the
    USA could have ” gotten it ” so wrong .  They were overconfident and that is
    a mistake.

    I hope that the next showdown will be an exercise to prove the North nuclear
    might and not a direct attack on any country.  Such an exercise would be
    scary but would yield important knowledge about the North’s development.

    I believe that you have the means to abort any attempt to defuse a direct
    attack but the problem will not go away.  There will be more declarations of
    war and border incidents.

    You have not signed the armistice of 1953, the US did.  Perhaps that is
    something that can work in your favour.

    In any case, remain calm.  I will repeat the words of President Roosevelt II
    by reminding you that the worst kind of fear is fear itself.

    President Park is a fearless person who had to tackle many tragedies in her
    life and she is a good and wise leader.  She is not a person who will give
    in to fear.

    As a country, you should be prepared for anything, hoping that you will not
    need these preparations.  Each household should have all the necessities of
    life for three days.  It is like Japan’s on going preparations for an

    I receive about 100 e-mails a day.  I receive intelligence reports and have
    to spend all day decoding them and writing bits and pieces of information on
    a wall, until a picture begins to take shape.

    I am with you in this ordeal as is the Korean population in Toronto.  Life
    is going on as normal in the Korean community.  Nobody seems to be
    irrationally afraid or fearful.  They do not take this last bout of tension
    seriously but we all think of you in South Korea and we are praying for you
    in churches and homes.

    I will send any news of importance as soon as I receive some.

    Yours Very Respectfully,

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    The Letters: Double Standards, the ripple effect

    August 7th, 2013


    By Remy Kerwin. 


    “Dear Mohammad,

    Your definition of democracy is brilliant especially because it involves the fault of a country based on religiosity.  Notice that I did not say “religious ” precepts but some kind of religiosity and fervour to discoverthe double lives of politicians and sport figures that our society holds asheroes.

    Naturally, the United States of America comes to mind as a confusion of religious affiliations, an extreme appetite for scandals and a ForeignPolicy that emphasizes covert and overt actions and reactions.

    The most apparent quality of Mohammad’s language is its clarity, which comes from an ordered mind and soul.

    Mr. Mousalli believes that politics based on morality is the foundation for true democracy.  In one word : transparency.

    The Ripple effect of US Double Standard shows us how the US foreign policy has shaped the world into its actual mess by re-writing natural and previous boundaries, by preaching peace and selling weapons at the same time, by not interfering in stopping a massive catastrophe in Syria and Rwanda and other places.

    The Middle East and North Africa are burning to the ground, some fighting factions armed by the Russians and others by the US. It seems that there is an understanding of territorial influences.

    Mohammad speaks of realpolitik as major corruption and corruption it is.

    Mr. Mousalli is a very ethical, moral man and his own ethics have conducted him to define democracy as based on morality, not religiosity, which is hypocritical.  How many tele-evangelists have abused the suffering masses to enrich themselves ?

    Here, Morality is seen as respecting the laws of the people as well as the laws of one’s individual conscience.  We have seen too many barbarians without a conscience, such as Saddam Hussein who came to be the head of the Iraqi people with the help of the US.  There is no doubt that Assad and Gaddhafi were psychopaths and yet, they were allowed to wound and kill in total impunity.

    Why ? the answer is because removing them would have gone against US interests in the region.

    I am very impressed with Mohammad’s description of Politics. Politics is the conduit to democracy as it should be, untainted and transparent, reflecting the views and demands of a particular people without outside interference.

    Morality seen as transparency is the basis of trust.  Let us remember how low the concept of trust became in American politics after the Monica Lewinsky affair.  Bill Clinton lost face and respect and later a Sport figure Tyger Woods lost his lucrative endorsements.

    The United States of America was based on religious tolerance and plurality. Unfortunately with the passing of time, these noble tenets have disappeared into a mish-mesh of secrecy, a lack of freedom for citizens as demonstrated by Edward Snowden’s files on espionage of ordinary people.

    Mohammad also sees politics as an Art form.  In fact, politics could never be a science even though we are constantly repeating the past.  A different interpretation of politics is duplicity and prejudice.

    I would like to borrow a quotation by Juan Rolando that comes from AdamSmith ( 1723-1790 )  Renaissance man , educated in all subjects for my conclusion:  as so well seen by Mr.  Mousalli ” :Social and moral philosophies are interconnected “.

    I am also working very hard to influence South Korea to think about its social and moral responsibilities.  At the end, pure democracy will remain.”

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    Casinos and nuclear preparedness

    July 20th, 2013


    By Romy Kerwin.

    To The Right Honourable Kim Sung-hwan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade. 


    Having participated in Global discussions groups and listened to all view
    points, I have reached a conclusion on what I really believe about two
    questions which are so much on the Korean psyche.

    The first one is about installing Casinos in South Korea.

    I certainly disagree with Mr. Sheldon Adelson of ” Las Vegas Sands ” about
    the economic effects of such proposition.

    Mr. Adelson is telling you that a casino worked very well in Singapore.  It
    might be so but Singapore is not Seoul.  It is a City State with a lot of
    money to burn. My Vietnamese husband long ago ( he was killed in Vietnam )
    used to tell me that gambling was the curse of Asian people.

    When one sees all the casinos, which have been operating in Asia, such as
    Macao and other such islands, there are reasons to worry.   Many households
    in Korea are heavily in debts, it would be very tempting for them to go to
    casinos to try to win the money that they cannot make.  The social distress
    and emotional repercussions would be lamentable.  Casinos will attract the
    mafia and other organized crimes.   When these groups have taken roots, they
    are nearly impossible to remove.

    Singapore is a rich country, which can afford to lose money, Korea is not.
    You have done so much to become a fully developed nation, the envy of the
    developing world that it would be wrong to lose momemtum at this point in
    your History.

    I am going to Peru next month.  Lima is a poor city, except for some posh
    neighbourhoods and some blue collar ones that generate revenue, such as the
    very ugly Victoria.  The casinos in Lima are guarded with great security.
    Unfortunately, many families lose their livelihood in these places of

    It is as much a moral issue as it is a social issue.  There are too many
    suicides in Korea already, too much smoking and drinking, illegal brothels
    and sexual issues involving underage prostitutes who would sell their bodies
    willingly to acquire Louis Vuitton bags.

    When a country develops as fast as Korea has, there are always steps
    skipped, such as the development of morality, corruption, etc.

    Why add more temptation and the possibility of more suicides ?  Please
    forget this insane idea for Casinos or make them only available to tourists
    as they are now.

    My second preoccupation are the polls that suggest that as many as seven out
    of ten people in South Korea think that the country should develop nuclear
    weapons.  That is wrong.  It would lead to an arm race on the Korean
    Peninsula.  I agree with Mr. Robert Galluci and Gary Samore that the US
    umbrella is sufficient to protect South Korea.  How could you live in peace
    in a region dominated by nuclear armaments ?

    If you have them, you might use them.

    North Korea is an aberration and this county alone necessitates much
    diplomacy and containment.  Unlike many Koreans, I am practically certain
    that North Korea will never ” nuke ” South Korea.  They use awful rhetoric
    but it is just that, rhetoric.  North Korea is not suicidal.  They want
    nuclear weapons for reassurance and the ” glory ” of being a nuclear state.

    In my mind, the best way to act is to accept them as a nuclear state, so
    that there will be less provocations.  Le us face it, they are already
    advanced enough to be called ” nuclear ” state.

    I remember what you have done with the Zaytun Unit in Iraq.  Could it be
    possible to help NK with their infrastructure so that they would open their
    markets, become more affluent and slowly but surely abandon their warrior
    state of mind ?

    The solution is not more nuclear weapons and an irrational need to get
    involved in a nuclear race but to open channels of communication if it
    becomes possible.  The right answer is LESS nuclear weapons.

    Why would North Korea want to destroy South Korea and at the same time be
    destroyed in the process ?

    It will not happen.

    Keep your heads cool.  Sanctions will not work either.  Iran is a good
    example.  When there is a will, there is always a way.  We must destroy the
    will, not the way.

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