Dawkinite Discovered: Is the “God Delusion” Game up for Richard Dawkins?

Atheist Darwinists have faith in Darwin's Immaculate Conception

Atheist Darwinists have faith in Darwin’s Immaculate Conception


By Mike Sutton.


The Dawkinite Meme is that Richard Dawkins, along with other prominent atheist Darwinists, believes in miracles but vociferously criticizes religions for encouraging people to believe in miracles. Allow me to explain why:

At the most basic level, a miracle depends upon its happening being such a highly improbable event that only a supernatural explanation could account for it being veracious. The Virgin Mary’s conception of Jesus of Nazareth being fathered by a supernatural deity, whilst surrounded by fertile men, is one example of Christian miracle belief in just such an improbable event, which they believe really happened. 

It is newly discovered that Matthew’s prior publication of the entire theory was read, and cited by their own friends and associates, who they admitted highly influenced them. Despite this bombshell discovery, Darwinists really do continue to credulously believe that Darwin and Wallace discovered Natural Selection theory independently of it’s cited and reviewed prior-publication .

Is Dawkinite a gift from God? Is Dr Richard Dawkins serving the world as God’s unwitting atheist apostle? Full details of the 2015 discovery of Dawkinite can be found on the BestThinking site

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