The Green Enemies of Humanity, Science, and the Truth

The Green Enemies of Humanity, Science, and the Truth

By Alan Caruba. Among the greatest liars on Earth today is the international organization called Friends of the Earth (FOE). It has engaged in the most scurrilous fear-mongering for decades, along with Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, and the World [...]
A Carbon Tax Would Destroy America

A Carbon Tax Would Destroy America

By Alan Caruba. If you want to know what a carbon tax on emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) would do to America you need only look at the destruction of industry and business in Australia, along with the soaring costs for energy use it imposes [...]
Bad Science and Bad Journalism are a Bad Combination

Bad Science and Bad Journalism are a Bad Combination

By Alan Caruba. On Wednesday, March 6, the House Science, Space and Technology Committee sent out a notice that its hearing on global warming was cancelled due to the chilly weather and a snowstorm that was about to hit the nation’s capital. The [...]
Goodbye to a very GREEN Business Week

Goodbye to a very GREEN Business Week

. By Alan Caruba. In late 2010 I let my subscription to The Economist expire and now I am going to do that for Bloomberg Business Week. In the February 18-24 edition of Business Week, an editorial, “The Right Way Forward on Climate Change”, [...]
Obama's Carbon Dioxide Lies

Obama’s Carbon Dioxide Lies

By Alan Caruba. The utter desperation of the “Warmists”, the advocates of global warming—now called climate change—is evident in a recent “study” reported in the Daily Caller in which “an international team of researchers” concluded [...]
A Hurricane of Global Warming Lies

A Hurricane of Global Warming Lies

By Alan Caruba. At his recent press conference, President Obama, in response to a question, said “You know, as you know, Mark, we can’t attribute any particular weather event to climate change. What we do know is the temperature around the [...]
The Climate Change Lies Ramp Up Again

The Climate Change Lies Ramp Up Again

By Alan Caruba Within days of the election, Rasmussen Reports said that, “While there was little talk of climate change during the presidential campaign, the number of U.S. voters who see global warming as a serious problem is at an all-time [...]