1 million could live in the Ziggurat pyramid


By Alton Parrish.


Ziggurat Pyramid is an Arcology shaped like a pyramid in Dubai that was proposed in 2008.The structure called Ziggurat will house nearly one million people and will be self-sustainable with all natural-energy sources. Like the pyramids of the Mayans and Egyptians, this new structure in Dubai is a giant; it will cover 2.3 square kilometers (0.88 square miles) and will be able to sustain a community of up to one million people.

The “Ziggurat” is named after the temple towers of the ancient Mesopotamian valley, a terraced pyramid structure with successively receding stories. It will be a carbon-neutral structure.

According to the International Institute for the Urban Environment, the technologies incorporated into the Ziggurat project will make it a viable metropolis. Timelinks has already patented the design and technology used in this project.

The building is green and is to be powered by solar, wind and natural sources and is capable of running completely off the grid, according to Timelinks Technologies, a Dubai-based pioneering environmental design company who is in charge of this building. The building also boasts an efficient public transportation system that will run horizontally and vertically.“Ziggurat communities can be almost totally self-sufficient energy-wise. Apart from using steam power in the building we will also employ wind turbine technology to harness natural energy resources. Whole cities can be accommodated in complexes which take up less than 10% of the original land surface. Public and private landscaping will be used for leisure pursuits or irrigated as agricultural land”, said Timelinks, MD, Ridas Matonis.

A horizontal and vertical integrated 360 degree network will be the mode of transportation in this city of the future, making cars redundant. Facial recognition technology for security purposes is another interesting feature that is going to be incorporated in Ziggurat Project.

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