Mark Cuban Does Not Know What Communism is




 Posted by Michael Bach.


I’ve had fun at the expense of Mark Cuban before (calling him a brainwashed slave and a useless idiot)… but he just makes it so easy!

He opened his mouth today on CNBC stating that Alibaba should not have been allowed into the US because it is based in a “communist country”.  It took me a moment to wrap my head around his words… and then I realized as I read on that he was referring to China.  I was confused because China is far less communist in many ways than the USSA.

Perhaps Mark hasn’t noticed the changes in the last few decades since Mao has passed on?  Or didn’t notice that the new very capitalist China has surpassed the US as the largest economy on Earth?

The Alibaba Group (NYSE:BABA) was started out of Jack Ma’s apartment in Hangzhou, China in 1999 and is now worth over a quarter of a trillion dollars and serves more than 79 million members from more than 240 countries and territories.  That is staggering growth rarely seen anymore in the fasco-communist USSA due to all their central planning and regulations.

Cuban stated that his biggest problem is that USSA centrally planned “insider trading” laws are hard to apply in capitalist China where they just don’t have a massive, centrally planned overseer of the securities market.

“Insider Trading” laws, upheld by large bureaucratic organizations who wiretap and eavesdrop on people like Martha Stewart, are ridiculous to begin with.  The idea that big government should be watching over the markets to make sure that no one, ever, acts upon information they have is the height of big government and is typical of former-communist places like East Germany and Mao’s China.  Yet, Mark Cuban, seems to think the opposite.

He went on to criticize China and its “gulags in Southern China”… yet again not noticing that the USSA has, by far, the largest amount of its own citizens in gulags… including for a time, Martha Stewart!

The USSA has over 700 people per 100,000 in work camps compared to less  than 150 in China.  The “Civilian Inmate Labor Program” is a revision of the  regulation passed and signed by Bill Clinton in 1997. 210-35 is currently  valid and fully operative.

The regulations specify that army personnel running the US prison camps  will prepare an “Inmate Labor Plan” that will comply with 18 U.S.C. 4125(a),  governing civilian inmate labor. That section of the US Code allows the U.S.  attorney general to make available to the heads of US departments,  including the Army, the services of US prisoners to engage in labor,  including “constructing or repairing roads, cleaning, maintaining and  reforesting public lands, building levees and constructing or repairing any  other public ways or works financed wholly or in major part by funds  appropriated by Congress.”

It also often has people in prison camps in the US working for slave  labor wages for private companies.

Cuban also doesn’t seem to have noticed that the USSA police state has  become so overtly oppressive, thieving and murderous that the Chinese  government felt a need to comment on recent events in Ferguson, stating,  “We have to improve the record of human rights and promote the cause of  human rights.”


Many people in the US are still under the misguided belief that they live in a free and capitalist country when almost nothing can be further from the truth.  Is China perfect?  No, of course not.  Is China more free-market capitalist in many ways than the US today?  Absolutely.  The truth of the matter is that the US and China are both fasco-communist police states… but in many ways the US is now worse than China.

The fact that Mark Cuban admonishes China over its lack of big government regulatory controls and much smaller prison camp populations, however, is just another one to add to Mark Cuban’s list of brainwashed slave quotations.

Stick to dancing and watching basketball, Mark.


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