Socio-Cultural String Theory: A New Social “Theory of Everything”


By Barack Obama Mandela.


For some years now, the world of physics has been abuzz with a focus on what is called “The Theory of Everything”. This quest for a unification theory has deep historical roots. This essay launches the creation and application of a new social scientific unification into a theory of everything.

Hundreds of years ago, Isaac Newton proved that the same force that causes an apple to fall from a tree is the same force that holds the moon in orbit around the earth. Newton therefore achieved an elegant unification of the terrestrial with the celestial. He erroneously believed that gravity acted instantaneously across any distance. However, Newton’s important equations helped human beings land on the moon.

The successor to Newton was a worker in the Swiss patent office named Albert Einstein. Early in the 1900s, Einstein proved that the velocity of light is a cosmic speed limit and that nothing in the universe can exceed it. An example of the speed of light would the fact it takes approximately eight minutes for sunlight to travel to the earth.

As we are living in three dimensions of space and one dimension of time in a space-time fabric, Einstein indicated that space can be curved or warped or stretched by large objects such as planets and stars.

Einstein stated that if, for example, the sun were to suddenly disappear, there would be ripples of gravity traveling the same speed as the speed of light. In other words, gravity is warped and curved in the fabric of space. Einstein called this new theory of gravity: General Relativity.

Einstein then sought to unify his general relativity theory with James Clerk Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism. However, Einstein found that electromagnetism is a much stronger force than the force of gravity.

In the late 1920s, the successor to Einstein emerged as a young Danish scientist, Neils Bohr, who developed the theory of quantum mechanics. Whereas Einstein focused primarily theories of the very large, quantum mechanics focused on the very small atomic and subatomic world. 

Quantum mechanics revealed that the quantum world is chaotic and uncertain. Whereas Einstein focused on finding predictable solutions (“God does not play dice.”), these new scientists discovered a highly probabilistic quantum world.

They also discovered that gravity and electromagnetism were not the only forces; rather there exist two additional forces: strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force. It was strong nuclear force that was unleashed with the detonation of the first atomic bomb in New Mexico.

In a real sense, the scientific theory of everything seeks to unify all of four fundamental forces in the universe into a super force and a single set of unified and elegant equations.

The successor to Neils Bohr is scientist Ed Witten who developed M-Theory (“M” meaning “membrane”) positing the existence of eleven dimensions; although our human brains are developed to sense only three dimensions of space and one dimension of time.

According to string theory, strings exist on a larger membrane with our universe existing on one membrane (or “brane” for short) within a much larger entity known as “the bulk”.

Collectively, this quest to unify the laws of the universe is known as “The Theory of Everything”. I hereby launch the creation of the “Socio-Cultural Theory of Everything” which must be vigorously applied to social sciences in order to achieve social scientific unification.

In my new socio-cultural theory of everything, each human being is represented by a “string” which vibrates on larger human civilizations known as “membranes” or “branes” for short. Entire cultures are represented by “collections of strings” vibrating together on a single membrane. By reducing human beings to strings, we are able to analyze the variation of humanity as vibrations of strings.

This new string theory explains major human conflict in terms of collisions of two or more membranes. For example, war and armed conflicts are explained as the collision of these membranes. This socio-cultural theory should be known as theObama/Mandela-Bohr-Witten-Einstein-Maxwell-Newton Socio-Cultural “M” Theory.

Thus far socio-anthro-culturo-econo-historico-theories have been described with increasingly fragmented theories. The existence of contradictory sociological theories has now been replaced by this one unified theory. This new social string and “M” theory has unified sociology, anthropology, history, economics, political science, and psychology.

By collapsing Actor-network theory into sociological string and sociological “M” theory, the academic world has now achieved a sociological theory of everything.

Complex theories of human individuals will be reified into “strings”; complex social networks and human cultures will be reified into “collections of strings”; complex human civilizational theories will be reified into “membranes” or “branes”; complex theories of the multiverse will be reified into “the bulk”.

Imagined a pastry chef slicing a large loaf of wheat bread. In a sense, human beings are trapped on a single loaf of bread. The other slices of the loaf represent different universes within the vast multiverse. This is analogous to the relationship of “social scientific strings” to “social scientific membranes” to the “social scientific bulk”.  

With my theory of everything sociologists, psychologists, economists, anthropologists, and historians are now able to clearly explain complex relational ties within complex and large networks utilizing sociological string theory.

With this revolutionary social scientific string theory, the academic world and intellectuals can now focus on refining my theory of everything to explain the inner and outer working of humankind.

My theory creates a novel “sociology of translation” in which this central networking forum based on the social scientific theory of everything is created where consensus can be built to fortify and build the network.

Just as post-modern physicists seek to unify the observable universe into a series of elegant equations, our understanding of humanity can be reduced to one socio-cultural string theory and one socio-cultural “M” theory: a Theory of Everything.

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