Socialism versus capitalism
The Daily Journalist community opinion.
Intro to the question.
First I would like to mention, that I am not against capitalism.
I had a brief discussion with one of our contributors about the difference between socialism [...]

Does the US need a third party to end the bipartisanship?
The Daily Journalist community opinion.
For more than a decade, George W. Bush and Barack Obama’s administration have received public criticism for dubious decision making. Given the public opinion fiasco of [...]

Should lobbying congressmen be considered illegal?
The Daily Journalist community opinion.
In my experience walking the lobbies of Capitol Hill, and watching men with briefcases giving politicians cordial handshakes in exchange for gifts is something that [...]

New World Order, fact or fiction?
The Daily Journalist community opinion.
Today’s topic shifts to another direction, perhaps a direction that I find myself stuck with because of the lack of evidence. Yet with that said, If you look at today’s [...]

Will Europe’s imminent political change help other agendas?
The Daily Journalist community opinion.
Even though premature, one could say Europe is reforming itself for change. Syriza in Greece won the elections a week ago, and although change is positive for some experts, it Didn’t digest [...]

Afghanistan: Triumph or failure?
The Daily Journalist community opinion.
6 trillion dollars later, most media outlets have set decreed the official end of the US intervention in Afghanistan (2001-2014), but The Daily Journalist can confirm that close to 10,000 [...]

Is Vladimir Putin pushing for conflict?
The Daily Journalist Community Opinion.
Recently, Russia has shown an alarming scale of fighter jets illegally flying through EU NATO airspace. Turkey, Norway, Belgium and Sweden among the countries who detected these Russian [...]

Could we ever obtain more global justice?
Community Questions.
Intro to the questions
To Judge Is An Honor. To Judge Justly Is An Ideal
” My analysis of the judicial process comes from this, and little more: logic, and history, and custom, and utility, and accepted [...]

ISIL, the expansion of a system that should be stopped?
The Daily Journalist Opinion.
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) was the offspring of Tawhid Al-Jihad, created by Abu Musab Al Zarwaqui a veteran of the Soviet-Afghan war in cooperation with other [...]

Israel versus Palestine? Who do you support?
TDJ Community Question.
Once again, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict erupts after innumerable peace broken proposals sponsored and signed by different western nations. (Waste of time, in my opinion) –Religious [...]

Could inmates help the system by joining the military?
Community Opinion.
Having inmates lock in prison proposes an expensive budget for any government to big to ignore. Tax payers pay the government for these services in order to establish security among citizens of every nation. Some [...]

China vs Russia the alternative future war?
Contributor Opinion.
Vladimir Putin’s most recent move in Eastern Ukraine has sound the alarms in Rumania and other eastern European countries, that don’t like what they observe from Russia. But Russia’s [...]

Is the annexation of Crimea a justified vision of the future?
Contributor Opinion.
Vladimir Putin successfully unlocked the key to annex Crimea, a part of Ukraine, bringing it back under Russian sovereignty. With the EU and US not recognizing the Crimean referendum as legal, economic sanctions [...]

Were the skeptics correct? Is economic crisis due to the Euro’s Adoption?
Contributor Opinion.
“Were the skeptics correct? Is economic crisis due to the Euro’s Adoption?
(Edited by Dave Kaiser – Questions by Jaime Ortega)
Before the Euro became European countries official currency of choice, skeptics, [...]

Are emerging markets like China the main reason for unemployment growth worldwide?
Contributor opinion.
Are markets like China the main reason for unemployment growth worldwide?
Many blue collar workers complain because they are unemployed and unable to find jobs.
Circleville Ohio, for example, was once [...]

Military versus wealth, what shapes a true superpower?
Contributor opinion.
In the past, I heard the idea that the most important asset for any leading world power for it to be a successful country relied exclusively on their “wealth” (that comes from a financial point [...]

Is technology a complicated asset for the future?
The Daily Journalist Opinion.
Technology has become an essential part of modern times, that is here to stay for a long time. Unlike in the past where man power was crucial for innovation and development during the era of Industrialization, [...]

Has Israel become the lesser of the two evils?
Contributor Opinion.
Palestinians and Israelis have disputed their land for more than half a century. Some even claim it’s a Biblical dilemma dating back to the Philistines and ancient Israel. Many have tried to promote [...]

Has modern media lost its old ways?
Contributor Opinion.
It seems when we look into the past, that journalism was significantly better before than it is now. Even though, news stations in the 70’s generated less revenue as compared to stations now, they had many [...]

Is attacking Syria a smart move?
Contributor Opinion.
Syria’s latest chemical use of weapons against its own population has divided the U.S. and Russia into a larger dilemma. From a neutral perspective it seems like the F.S.A. (the rebels) are defeating Assad’s army [...]