Posts by Bonju Patten:

    The Case For The Legalization Of Marijuana

    January 28th, 2013

    By Catherine Haig.





    So why do we allow these two harmful substances to exist when so many people die from it; not just in the United States but all over the world?

    Because we make money off of them.

    We are our own version of drug dealerships.

    Our Federal and State and Local governments thrive on the taxes these two drugs provide these agencies.

    The same can be said of marijuna.

    Why can’t we tax the hell out of this drug and make it legal?

    We would be able to close the Federal Deficit and become the leading country of record that allows the sale of POT all over the world. We could grow the pot,  package the pot and distribute the pot all over the world, covered in taxes – more revenue for Americans. Americans would be able to smoke the pot for recreational or medicinal purposes.

    If you’ve ever had a problem with dizziness; pot cures it.

    If you feel like throwing up, have a hit of pot – you’ll feel better.

    Throwing up damages your esophagus and you can develop diseases you never knew existed.

    If we legalized POT we would get rid of all the drug dealers. There would be distribution centers all over the country where you can pick your pot up and smoke it in your home. We would also get rid of the Mexican Drug Cartels and the Russian Mob Cartels that make pot an illegal substance and create millions in revenue for these criminals.

    I know people who drive under the influence of POT. I can’t do it but I do know people who smoke everyday and are unaffected by what the “fearful people” say it can do. Pot affects everyone differently. For me, I fall asleep and it makes me dizzy but then; I’m not in constant pain from an non treatable illness. I don’t need it to survive but there are a lot of sick Americans who need it to survive.

    We should give the people what they want and take away the alcohol and the cigarettes that are rotten for your survival.



    OFFICIAL WHITE HOUSE RESPONSE TOLegalize and Regulate Marijuana in a Manner Similar to Alcohol. and 7 other petitions – The Word Warrior – Bonju Blog

    What We Have to Say About Legalizing Marijuana

    By Gil Kerlikowske

    When the President took office, he directed all of his policymakers to develop policies based on science and research, not ideology or politics. So our concern about marijuana is based on what the science tells us about the drug’s effects.

    According to scientists at the National Institutes of Health– the world’s largest source of drug abuse research – marijuana use is associated with addictionrespiratory disease, and cognitive impairment. We know from an array of treatment admission information and Federal data that marijuana use is a significant source for voluntary drug treatment admissions and visits to emergency rooms. Studies also reveal that marijuana potency has almost tripled over the past 20 years, raising serious concerns about what this means for public health – especially among young people who use the drug because research shows their brains continue to develop well into their 20’s. Simply put, it is not a benign drug.

    Like many, we are interested in the potential marijuana may have in providing relief to individuals diagnosed with certain serious illnesses. That is why we ardently support ongoing research into determining what components of the marijuana plant can be used as medicine. To date, however, neither the FDA nor the Institute of Medicine have found smoked marijuana to meet the modern standard for safe or effective medicine for any condition.

    As a former police chief, I recognize we are not going to arrest our way out of the problem. We also recognize that legalizing marijuana would not provide the answer to any of the health, social, youth education, criminal justice, and community quality of life challenges associated with drug use.

    That is why the President’s National Drug Control Strategy is balanced and comprehensive, emphasizing prevention and treatment while at the same time supporting innovative law enforcement efforts that protect public safety and disrupt the supply of drugs entering our communities. Preventing drug use is the most cost-effective way to reduce drug use and its consequences in America. And, as we’ve seen in our work through community coalitions across the country, this approach works in making communities healthier and safer. We’re also focused on expanding access to drug treatment for addicts. Treatment works. In fact, millions of Americans are in successful recovery for drug and alcoholism today. And through our work with innovative drug courts across the Nation, we are improving our criminal justice system to divert non-violent offenders into treatment.

    Our commitment to a balanced approach to drug control is real. This last fiscal year alone, the Federal Government spent over $10 billion on drug education and treatment programs compared to just over $9 billion on drug related law enforcement in the U.S.

    Thank you for making your voice heard. I encourage you to take a moment to read about the President’s approach to drug control to learn more.



    Gil Kerlikowske is Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy



    No Comments "

    Why NJ Governor Chris Christie Is Bad For America

    January 28th, 2013


    By Catherine Haig.

    IN 2016 WE WILL AGAIN VOTE FOR ANOTHER PRESIDENT as our current POTUS, Barack Obama ends his term in office.

    Republican Chris Christie, current Gov of NJ, will be throwing his big pants into the 3 ring circus that promises to be another fiasco in the ruining of America – the 2016 race for the White House.

    But be aware, the people in NJ were LIED TO BY THEN ATTORNEY GENERAL OF NJ, CHRIS CHRISTIE who became NJ Gov on a list of lies like no other candidate before him.

    Talk about corruption – Chris Christie embodies “THE BIG BULLY” Theory as if he wrote the theory himself.

    These are what Chris Christie promised NJ: He promised not to raise taxes or allow property taxes to go over a 2% cap however it was a SOFT CAP which allowed Municipalities to skirt the percent and ours went up to 8% giving us a whopping $6000 dollars a year to pay for what exactly? We don’t have kids, we are gay, we have two dogs and a house that is valued $65 thousand dollars lower than what we paid for and now we have to pay $6000 a year in property taxes?

    How is that not raising taxes, GOV Christie?

    This is from a website called FACTCHECK.ORG – About Christie’s record:

    Posted on August 29, 2012
    Bookmark and Share

    New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie largely avoided factual claims in a Republican convention keynote address that was heavy on generalities, opinion and platitudes. The pugnacious former prosecutor exaggerated a bit, though, when he bragged about his accomplishments as governor, and he repeated the common but false claim that the president’s health care law interferes with the doctor-patient relationship.

    • Christie said he delivered “three balanced budgets with lower taxes.” Actually, he cut the state Earned Income Tax Credit for low-income residents and the popular property-tax rebate program for renters and homeowners. It’s a matter of interpretation whether those are tax hikes or spending reductions. A proposed 10 percent income tax cut hasn’t been enacted.
    • He said he took on public-sector unions to reform a pension system “headed to bankruptcy” and “saved retirees their pension.” That’s accurate as far as it goes. But the state is not fully funding the revamped system, and the pension liabilities gap will begin to grow again.
    • Regarding teachers, Christie said he ended “the guarantee of a job for life regardless of performance.” That’s correct. Christie worked with a Democratic Legislature to make significant changes to the tenure system — even providing a path to fire tenured teachers with negative evaluations.

    On state taxes, Christie said “we have three balanced budgets with lower taxes.” First of all, New Jersey, like many states, requires a balanced budget. But did he balance the budget “with lower taxes”? He did sign into law some business tax incentives, but broad-based income and sales taxes have not changed. He has proposed lowering income taxes by 10 percent across the board, but that measure has yet to pass.

    In fact, Christie has cut state payments that his critics say amount to tax increases. He cut more than $800 million from the state’s popular property-tax rebate program in his fiscal year 2011 budget. TheStar-Ledger reported that Christie “eliminated rebates for nearly 103,700 renters and cut rebates for everybody else by 75 percent.” He increased funding for the program in fiscal 2012, but has not fully restored the cuts.

    Christie also cut the state Earned Income Tax Credit from 25 percent of the federal benefit to 20 percentin fiscal 2011, and later vetoed a bill to restore it. The left-leaning New Jersey Policy Perspectiveestimates that the $100 million cut over two years has reduced tax credits by $200 per family.

    Christie has made some sweeping changes in state pensions and teacher tenure rules in a state with strong labor unions.

    The governor said he overhauled the state’s pension system and “saved retirees their pension.” As we have reported before, Christie last year signed a law that required public employees to pay more into the pension system, suspended cost of living increases for retirees, and reduced the state’s growing unfunded pension liabilities.

    But four months later, the Star-Ledger wrote — in a story headlined “Christie’s overhaul may not save N.J. pension system” — that the state was underfunding the pension system and, as a result, the unfunded liabilities gap would begin to widen again.

    The paper said, “The ‘unfunded liability’ — the difference between how much the pension system has and what has been promised to current and future retirees — dropped from $53.9 billion to $35.4 billion after the law was signed, the state said in bond documents. But because the state won’t be making full pension payments, the gap will swell again to $58 billion by 2019, according to the state’s estimates.”

    Fred Beaver, a former state pension director, told the Star-Ledger the governor’s changes were “admirable” but ultimately “paper reform” unless the state makes its payments.

    On the other hand, the Star-Ledger called the governor’s overhaul of the state’s tenure laws “dramatic.”

    Star-Ledger, June 25, 2012: The bill would make a series of dramatic changes to a law first enacted in 1909. The most important would institute a new system of yearly evaluations for teachers and principals based partly on growth in student test scores — a move that sets New Jersey on the same path as Indiana, New York, Washington, D.C., and others….

    But any teacher, regardless of seniority, could be fired after two years of negative evaluations. Disputes would be handled through arbitration instead of administrative law judges, which proponents say would drive down costs for school districts that can get enmeshed in costly battles.

    Christie also repeated a false claim about the health care law interfering with doctor-patient relationships.

    Christie: Romney will tell us the hard truths we need to hear to end the debacle of putting the world’s greatest health care system in the hands of federal bureaucrats and putting those bureaucrats between an American citizen and her doctor.

    As we just said in our first item on the convention, the Affordable Care Act doesn’t create a government-run system, like that of Britain or Canada, nor does it regulate the work of doctors. Republicans often call the Independent Payment Advisory Board, which would recommend ways to slow the growth of Medicare spending, “bureaucrats” that would ration care. But the IPAB, made up of health care professionals, economists and others, wouldn’t have the power to do that, according to the law.

    – Eugene Kiely and Lori Robertson



    Christie vetoed the Marriage Equality Act that would allow Gay people to marry in NJ like NY Gov Cuomo allowed for New Yorkers stating he believes marriage is between a man and a woman and that he is “okay” with civil union. But people who are gay cannot get state tax breaks like other marriage couples do on a state or federal basis.

    Hopefully that will change with Obama in the next 4 years. What is significant is that Christie vetoed this bill when all NJ legislature voted for it. That should be unlawful what he did but he does not pay attention to the NJ citizenship; he pays attention to the people who have made him rich. The lobbyist who are against gay marriage and lower-middle class and working class poor to succeed in NJ.

    Christie will never bite the hand that holds the cheeseburger and fries.

    In the summer of 2011, Chris Christie waited until July to throw people that depend on Medicaid and Medicare (the elderly & disabled) under the bus by switching out the federal programs for the state to run and placing these patients under the auspices of HMOs who were also not told in advance that he was planning to do this.

    It took 2 years for my disabled partner to get another doctor for her pain medicine plan. 2 painful disruptive years that threw our lives into total disarray and disorganization.

    2 years of confusing and conflicting data and information not known by doctors or HMO staff. 2 years of bullshit that remain a grudge now harbored by myself, my partner and millions of other New Jersey citizens who think Christie is a disgrace as a Gov and leader.

    I’m not the only person who hates Chris Christie. He is a fair weather friend who goes where the money trail leads. He doesn’t care who serves him.  He respects no other opinion but his own and his own is not researched or should be considered sound.  He rules by an iron fist and by being a big fat bully. No lie!

    After that medical debacle, he has currently refused to raise the minimum wage to $1.25 for lower income families and workers who are poor. The minimum wage in NJ is $7.25 as it is in most of the states in America. We can’t afford to give a $1.25 raise to our most basic workers? How can that be?

    He has also refused to instate a medical exchange for Obama’s Affordable Care Act of 2010 and how does that translate to being a good governor? He claims until the White House tells him how much it’s going to cost the state he has “tabled” the discussion for a medical exchange in NJ.

    I’m not sure the Gov is in touch with his constituents and in FACT I’m sure he is totally out of touch with everyone who is below the $1 Million dollar salary line.

    The man weighed far less before he became gov and now he’s a whopping BIG MAC SIZE 450 POUNDS. I know fat. My late cousin died of it at 66 in 2008. He could have lived a longer life had it not been for his being overweight. It kills you slowly and Chris Christie’s fat is a killer for anyone who has to look at him for any long period of time.

    Being fat and being a politician are two things that do not jive. It is considered by most to be an “oxymoron” – to say “fat politician”.  One would think if the politician is working his butt off, nervous energy, he would be thin. Always on the move, forever thinking, writing, dictating, helping others.

    Newark Mayor CORY BOOKER is one of those types of politicians that people relate to. He lives with them. He works for them. He is a man of the people. He doesn’t live in a mansion; he has an apartment in the city he mayors. He saves people’s lives at the risk of his own. He goes to Washington to talk for the people of his town. Just like Bloomberg does for New Yorkers.

    Gov Chris Christie does not do anything for anyone unless he is paid to do so.

    During his first term in office there were 3 storms; the latter being HURRICANE SANDY. The first storm he was down in Florida with his family and didn’t return. He was labeled a putz who didn’t care. The 2nd storm was IRENE and all he did was tell people who did not evacuate to “get the hell off the beach”. HURRICANE SANDY happened in a political pickup year – 2012 – and Chis was very visible to the country. He was being touted as a possible Republican candidate for the Right.  He was extremely vocal against House Republicans who did not want to help a stricken Southern NJ to rebuild. He was a pit bull towards them so much so the right winged extremist in the GOP have denounced him. You can read the BLAZE (Glenn Beck’s rag of an online newspaper) to find out just how much they hate Christie.

    But Chris Christie is no saint. He helped Southern NJ during Sandy because he could gain from it politically and that is all.

    America needs a president who wants to help all the people; not just the people who voted him/or/her into office. Potus Obama is that kind of POTUS. CORY BOOKER would be that kind of POTUS.

    Chris Christie is not that kind of man. He is one of the most selfish, pigheaded, blow  hearts I have ever had the displeasure of having to represent me and he does not represent me well at all.

    I voted for him once – never again.

    If Chris Christie continues to alienate the right and the left, who hate him for being a Republican; he will have to run under the Independent ticket and I doubt highly he will win. I am also hoping he loses his Governorship this year 2013 and we get a Democrat into NJ Gov office who represents ALL THE PEOPLE – ALL THE WE, THE PEOPLE



    By Kaye Foley

    Jan 27, 2013 1:28pm
     Facebook Co-Founder Scolds Chris Christie Over Gay Marriage Stance


    abc chris hughes this week jt 130127 wblog Facebook Co Founder Scolds Chris Christie Over Gay Marriage StanceABC

    How does Chris Hughes, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of The New Republic and Facebook Co-founder, feel about Mark Zuckerberg hosting a fundraiser for Republican Governor Chris Christie?  Hughes joined ABC News in a web exclusive to discuss viewer questions from Facebook about Christie, his career successes, The New Republic, and his contributions to Facebook before the “This Week” roundtable on Sunday.

    This week, Hughes launched a redesign of The New Republic, kicking off with a dynamic interview with President Obama.  Before ABC News’ Abby Phillip asked Hughes about the sit-down with Obama, she broached the topic of the Christie/ Zuckerberg alliance.

    “I, for one, have a lot of questions about Chris Christie, particularly because less than a year ago he vetoed a marriage equality bill in the New Jersey state legislature. Which for me personally, I got married to my husband last June, [it] was just really personally frustrating. I mean, there are tens of thousands of couples in New Jersey that can’t share their love and be recognized under the law because of that decision. I’m not a single issue voter, and I think most people aren’t either, but for me personally, it would raise serious concerns about supporting someone like him.”


    Christie kills the minimum wage

    Bill Holland, NJ Working Families Alliance via
    2:02 PM (48 minutes ago)

    to me
    Dear Catherine,

    Does this look like a man who knows what it’s like to live on $7.25 an hour?

    Chris Christie just sank to a new low. This afternoon he vetoed the legislature’s minimum wage hike and took money directly out of the pockets of half a million of New Jersey’s poorest residents. Christie and his friends in the business lobby may think that $1.25 an hour is just too rich a raise, but a whopping 82% of New Jerseyans say he’s dead wrong. [1]

    Fortunately, Christie’s not the last word. The legislature can either override his veto or put the raise on the ballot so the voters can decide.

    Tell the legislature to raise the wage now!

    The proposal was simple: raise the wage from an inadequate $7.25 an hour to $8.50 and provide for an automatic increase each year so that the wage doesn’t fall behind New Jersey’s rising cost of living. The raise would have brought nearly half a billion in economic activity to the state and created 2,500 new jobs. [2]

    Governor Christie knows that raising the minimum wage is supported by New Jerseyans by a five to one margin and by over 60% of Republicans. So he didn’t shut the door entirely. Instead he countered with an offer to raise the wage by $1.00 over three years. But the 540,000 workers and their 220,000 children who rely on the minimum wage to survive don’t need a 33 cent increase. They need a real raise. Even worse, Christie said no to yearly automatic increases, which means that those 33 cents will quickly fall behind the cost of living.

    The legislature shouldn’t take him up on his deal because there are other, better options. First they can and should attempt to override his veto. Christie has done a great job of keeping Republican legislators in lockstep and used them to hold the line on proposals that would ask more of the 1%. But raising the minimum wage commands such broad support that each legislator will feel the pressure if we raise our voices and let them know we’re watching.

    Go on record: tell the legislature to raise the wage!

    If they fail to override his veto we still have good options. There’s a proposal in the legislature right now that would put a minimum wage hike and an annual increase on the ballot for the 2013 elections. That will take the power away from the special interests and business lobbyists who cut checks for politicians and put it directly in the hands of working families.

    We can raise the minimum wage this year. We just need legislators to say no to the Governor’s bad deal and fight for New Jersey’s workers by any and all means.

    Tell your legislators to reject Christie’s deal and pass a real minimum wage hike.

    Thanks for all you do,

    Bill Holland
    Executive Director, NJ Working Families Alliance




    IN 2016 WE WILL AGAIN VOTE FOR ANOTHER PRESIDENT as our current POTUS, Barack Obama ends his term in office.

    Republican Chris Christie, current Gov of NJ, will be throwing his big pants into the 3 ring circus that promises to be another fiasco in the ruining of America – the 2016 race for the White House.

    But be aware, the people in NJ were LIED TO BY THEN ATTORNEY GENERAL OF NJ, CHRIS CHRISTIE who became NJ Gov on a list of lies like no other candidate before him.

    Talk about corruption – Chris Christie embodies “THE BIG BULLY” Theory as if he wrote the theory himself.

    These are what Chris Christie promised NJ: He promised not to raise taxes or allow property taxes to go over a 2% cap however it was a SOFT CAP which allowed Municipalities to skirt the percent and ours went up to 8% giving us a whopping $6000 dollars a year to pay for what exactly? We don’t have kids, we are gay, we have two dogs and a house that is valued $65 thousand dollars lower than what we paid for and now we have to pay $6000 a year in property taxes?

    How is that not raising taxes, GOV Christie?

    This is from a website called FACTCHECK.ORG – About Christie’s record:

    Posted on August 29, 2012
    Bookmark and Share

    New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie largely avoided factual claims in a Republican convention keynote address that was heavy on generalities, opinion and platitudes. The pugnacious former prosecutor exaggerated a bit, though, when he bragged about his accomplishments as governor, and he repeated the common but false claim that the president’s health care law interferes with the doctor-patient relationship.

    • Christie said he delivered “three balanced budgets with lower taxes.” Actually, he cut the state Earned Income Tax Credit for low-income residents and the popular property-tax rebate program for renters and homeowners. It’s a matter of interpretation whether those are tax hikes or spending reductions. A proposed 10 percent income tax cut hasn’t been enacted.
    • He said he took on public-sector unions to reform a pension system “headed to bankruptcy” and “saved retirees their pension.” That’s accurate as far as it goes. But the state is not fully funding the revamped system, and the pension liabilities gap will begin to grow again.
    • Regarding teachers, Christie said he ended “the guarantee of a job for life regardless of performance.” That’s correct. Christie worked with a Democratic Legislature to make significant changes to the tenure system — even providing a path to fire tenured teachers with negative evaluations.

    On state taxes, Christie said “we have three balanced budgets with lower taxes.” First of all, New Jersey, like many states, requires a balanced budget. But did he balance the budget “with lower taxes”? He did sign into law some business tax incentives, but broad-based income and sales taxes have not changed. He has proposed lowering income taxes by 10 percent across the board, but that measure has yet to pass.

    In fact, Christie has cut state payments that his critics say amount to tax increases. He cut more than $800 million from the state’s popular property-tax rebate program in his fiscal year 2011 budget. TheStar-Ledger reported that Christie “eliminated rebates for nearly 103,700 renters and cut rebates for everybody else by 75 percent.” He increased funding for the program in fiscal 2012, but has not fully restored the cuts.

    Christie also cut the state Earned Income Tax Credit from 25 percent of the federal benefit to 20 percentin fiscal 2011, and later vetoed a bill to restore it. The left-leaning New Jersey Policy Perspectiveestimates that the $100 million cut over two years has reduced tax credits by $200 per family.

    Christie has made some sweeping changes in state pensions and teacher tenure rules in a state with strong labor unions.

    The governor said he overhauled the state’s pension system and “saved retirees their pension.” As we have reported before, Christie last year signed a law that required public employees to pay more into the pension system, suspended cost of living increases for retirees, and reduced the state’s growing unfunded pension liabilities.

    But four months later, the Star-Ledger wrote — in a story headlined “Christie’s overhaul may not save N.J. pension system” — that the state was underfunding the pension system and, as a result, the unfunded liabilities gap would begin to widen again.

    The paper said, “The ‘unfunded liability’ — the difference between how much the pension system has and what has been promised to current and future retirees — dropped from $53.9 billion to $35.4 billion after the law was signed, the state said in bond documents. But because the state won’t be making full pension payments, the gap will swell again to $58 billion by 2019, according to the state’s estimates.”

    Fred Beaver, a former state pension director, told the Star-Ledger the governor’s changes were “admirable” but ultimately “paper reform” unless the state makes its payments.

    On the other hand, the Star-Ledger called the governor’s overhaul of the state’s tenure laws “dramatic.”

    Star-Ledger, June 25, 2012: The bill would make a series of dramatic changes to a law first enacted in 1909. The most important would institute a new system of yearly evaluations for teachers and principals based partly on growth in student test scores — a move that sets New Jersey on the same path as Indiana, New York, Washington, D.C., and others….

    But any teacher, regardless of seniority, could be fired after two years of negative evaluations. Disputes would be handled through arbitration instead of administrative law judges, which proponents say would drive down costs for school districts that can get enmeshed in costly battles.

    Christie also repeated a false claim about the health care law interfering with doctor-patient relationships.

    Christie: Romney will tell us the hard truths we need to hear to end the debacle of putting the world’s greatest health care system in the hands of federal bureaucrats and putting those bureaucrats between an American citizen and her doctor.

    As we just said in our first item on the convention, the Affordable Care Act doesn’t create a government-run system, like that of Britain or Canada, nor does it regulate the work of doctors. Republicans often call the Independent Payment Advisory Board, which would recommend ways to slow the growth of Medicare spending, “bureaucrats” that would ration care. But the IPAB, made up of health care professionals, economists and others, wouldn’t have the power to do that, according to the law.

    – Eugene Kiely and Lori Robertson



    Christie vetoed the Marriage Equality Act that would allow Gay people to marry in NJ like NY Gov Cuomo allowed for New Yorkers stating he believes marriage is between a man and a woman and that he is “okay” with civil union. But people who are gay cannot get state tax breaks like other marriage couples do on a state or federal basis.

    Hopefully that will change with Obama in the next 4 years. What is significant is that Christie vetoed this bill when all NJ legislature voted for it. That should be unlawful what he did but he does not pay attention to the NJ citizenship; he pays attention to the people who have made him rich. The lobbyist who are against gay marriage and lower-middle class and working class poor to succeed in NJ.

    Christie will never bite the hand that holds the cheeseburger and fries.

    In the summer of 2011, Chris Christie waited until July to throw people that depend on Medicaid and Medicare (the elderly & disabled) under the bus by switching out the federal programs for the state to run and placing these patients under the auspices of HMOs who were also not told in advance that he was planning to do this.

    It took 2 years for my disabled partner to get another doctor for her pain medicine plan. 2 painful disruptive years that threw our lives into total disarray and disorganization.

    2 years of confusing and conflicting data and information not known by doctors or HMO staff. 2 years of bullshit that remain a grudge now harbored by myself, my partner and millions of other New Jersey citizens who think Christie is a disgrace as a Gov and leader.

    I’m not the only person who hates Chris Christie. He is a fair weather friend who goes where the money trail leads. He doesn’t care who serves him.  He respects no other opinion but his own and his own is not researched or should be considered sound.  He rules by an iron fist and by being a big fat bully. No lie!

    After that medical debacle, he has currently refused to raise the minimum wage to $1.25 for lower income families and workers who are poor. The minimum wage in NJ is $7.25 as it is in most of the states in America. We can’t afford to give a $1.25 raise to our most basic workers? How can that be?

    He has also refused to instate a medical exchange for Obama’s Affordable Care Act of 2010 and how does that translate to being a good governor? He claims until the White House tells him how much it’s going to cost the state he has “tabled” the discussion for a medical exchange in NJ.

    I’m not sure the Gov is in touch with his constituents and in FACT I’m sure he is totally out of touch with everyone who is below the $1 Million dollar salary line.

    The man weighed far less before he became gov and now he’s a whopping BIG MAC SIZE 450 POUNDS. I know fat. My late cousin died of it at 66 in 2008. He could have lived a longer life had it not been for his being overweight. It kills you slowly and Chris Christie’s fat is a killer for anyone who has to look at him for any long period of time.

    Being fat and being a politician are two things that do not jive. It is considered by most to be an “oxymoron” – to say “fat politician”.  One would think if the politician is working his butt off, nervous energy, he would be thin. Always on the move, forever thinking, writing, dictating, helping others. The reason why so many writers refer to Christie’s weight is because they, like me, don’t understand how anyone can actually gain weight in a position of such importance. If he was NOT doing his job he would become fat.

    Do you understand now that Gov Christie is fat because he is NOT DOING WHAT THE PEOPLE HAVE ELECTED HIM TO DO!?

    Newark Mayor CORY BOOKER is one of those types of politicians that people relate to. He lives with them. He works for them. He is a man of the people. He doesn’t live in a mansion; he has an apartment in the city he mayors. He saves people’s lives at the risk of his own. He goes to Washington to talk for the people of his town. Just like Bloomberg does for New Yorkers.

    Gov Chris Christie does not do anything for anyone unless he is paid to do so.

    During his first term in office there were 3 storms; the latter being HURRICANE SANDY. The first storm he was down in Florida with his family and didn’t return. He was labeled a putz who didn’t care. The 2nd storm was IRENE and all he did was tell people who did not evacuate to “get the hell off the beach”. HURRICANE SANDY happened in a political pickup year – 2012 – and Chis was very visible to the country. He was being touted as a possible Republican candidate for the Right.  He was extremely vocal against House Republicans who did not want to help a stricken Southern NJ to rebuild. He was a pit bull towards them so much so the right winged extremist in the GOP have denounced him. You can read the BLAZE (Glenn Beck’s rag of an online newspaper) to find out just how much they hate Christie.

    But Chris Christie is no saint. He helped Southern NJ during Sandy because he could gain from it politically and that is all.

    America needs a president who wants to help all the people; not just the people who voted him/or/her into office. Potus Obama is that kind of POTUS. CORY BOOKER would be that kind of POTUS.

    Chris Christie is not that kind of man. He is one of the most selfish, pigheaded, blow  hearts I have ever had the displeasure of having to represent me and he does not represent me well at all.

    I voted for him once – never again.

    If Chris Christie continues to alienate the right and the left, who hate him for being a Republican; he will have to run under the Independent ticket and I doubt highly he will win. I am also hoping he loses his Governorship this year 2013 and we get a Democrat into NJ Gov office who represents ALL THE PEOPLE – ALL THE WE, THE PEOPLE



    By Kaye Foley

    Jan 27, 2013 1:28pm
     Facebook Co-Founder Scolds Chris Christie Over Gay Marriage Stance


    abc chris hughes this week jt 130127 wblog Facebook Co Founder Scolds Chris Christie Over Gay Marriage StanceABC

    How does Chris Hughes, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of The New Republic and Facebook Co-founder, feel about Mark Zuckerberg hosting a fundraiser for Republican Governor Chris Christie?  Hughes joined ABC News in a web exclusive to discuss viewer questions from Facebook about Christie, his career successes, The New Republic, and his contributions to Facebook before the “This Week” roundtable on Sunday.

    This week, Hughes launched a redesign of The New Republic, kicking off with a dynamic interview with President Obama.  Before ABC News’ Abby Phillip asked Hughes about the sit-down with Obama, she broached the topic of the Christie/ Zuckerberg alliance.

    “I, for one, have a lot of questions about Chris Christie, particularly because less than a year ago he vetoed a marriage equality bill in the New Jersey state legislature. Which for me personally, I got married to my husband last June, [it] was just really personally frustrating. I mean, there are tens of thousands of couples in New Jersey that can’t share their love and be recognized under the law because of that decision. I’m not a single issue voter, and I think most people aren’t either, but for me personally, it would raise serious concerns about supporting someone like him.”


    Christie kills the minimum wage

    Bill Holland, NJ Working Families Alliance via
    2:02 PM (48 minutes ago)

    to me
    Dear Catherine,

    Does this look like a man who knows what it’s like to live on $7.25 an hour?

    Chris Christie just sank to a new low. This afternoon he vetoed the legislature’s minimum wage hike and took money directly out of the pockets of half a million of New Jersey’s poorest residents. Christie and his friends in the business lobby may think that $1.25 an hour is just too rich a raise, but a whopping 82% of New Jerseyans say he’s dead wrong. [1]

    Fortunately, Christie’s not the last word. The legislature can either override his veto or put the raise on the ballot so the voters can decide.

    Tell the legislature to raise the wage now!

    The proposal was simple: raise the wage from an inadequate $7.25 an hour to $8.50 and provide for an automatic increase each year so that the wage doesn’t fall behind New Jersey’s rising cost of living. The raise would have brought nearly half a billion in economic activity to the state and created 2,500 new jobs. [2]

    Governor Christie knows that raising the minimum wage is supported by New Jerseyans by a five to one margin and by over 60% of Republicans. So he didn’t shut the door entirely. Instead he countered with an offer to raise the wage by $1.00 over three years. But the 540,000 workers and their 220,000 children who rely on the minimum wage to survive don’t need a 33 cent increase. They need a real raise. Even worse, Christie said no to yearly automatic increases, which means that those 33 cents will quickly fall behind the cost of living.

    The legislature shouldn’t take him up on his deal because there are other, better options. First they can and should attempt to override his veto. Christie has done a great job of keeping Republican legislators in lockstep and used them to hold the line on proposals that would ask more of the 1%. But raising the minimum wage commands such broad support that each legislator will feel the pressure if we raise our voices and let them know we’re watching.

    Go on record: tell the legislature to raise the wage!

    If they fail to override his veto we still have good options. There’s a proposal in the legislature right now that would put a minimum wage hike and an annual increase on the ballot for the 2013 elections. That will take the power away from the special interests and business lobbyists who cut checks for politicians and put it directly in the hands of working families.

    We can raise the minimum wage this year. We just need legislators to say no to the Governor’s bad deal and fight for New Jersey’s workers by any and all means.

    Tell your legislators to reject Christie’s deal and pass a real minimum wage hike.

    Thanks for all you do,

    Bill Holland
    Executive Director, NJ Working Families Alliance




    IN 2016 WE WILL AGAIN VOTE FOR ANOTHER PRESIDENT as our current POTUS, Barack Obama ends his term in office.

    Republican Chris Christie, current Gov of NJ, will be throwing his big pants into the 3 ring circus that promises to be another fiasco in the ruining of America – the 2016 race for the White House.

    But be aware, the people in NJ were LIED TO BY THEN ATTORNEY GENERAL OF NJ, CHRIS CHRISTIE who became NJ Gov on a list of lies like no other candidate before him.

    Talk about corruption – Chris Christie embodies “THE BIG BULLY” Theory as if he wrote the theory himself.

    These are what Chris Christie promised NJ: He promised not to raise taxes or allow property taxes to go over a 2% cap however it was a SOFT CAP which allowed Municipalities to skirt the percent and ours went up to 8% giving us a whopping $6000 dollars a year to pay for what exactly? We don’t have kids, we are gay, we have two dogs and a house that is valued $65 thousand dollars lower than what we paid for and now we have to pay $6000 a year in property taxes?

    How is that not raising taxes, GOV Christie?

    This is from a website called FACTCHECK.ORG – About Christie’s record:

    Posted on August 29, 2012
    Bookmark and Share

    New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie largely avoided factual claims in a Republican convention keynote address that was heavy on generalities, opinion and platitudes. The pugnacious former prosecutor exaggerated a bit, though, when he bragged about his accomplishments as governor, and he repeated the common but false claim that the president’s health care law interferes with the doctor-patient relationship.

    • Christie said he delivered “three balanced budgets with lower taxes.” Actually, he cut the state Earned Income Tax Credit for low-income residents and the popular property-tax rebate program for renters and homeowners. It’s a matter of interpretation whether those are tax hikes or spending reductions. A proposed 10 percent income tax cut hasn’t been enacted.
    • He said he took on public-sector unions to reform a pension system “headed to bankruptcy” and “saved retirees their pension.” That’s accurate as far as it goes. But the state is not fully funding the revamped system, and the pension liabilities gap will begin to grow again.
    • Regarding teachers, Christie said he ended “the guarantee of a job for life regardless of performance.” That’s correct. Christie worked with a Democratic Legislature to make significant changes to the tenure system — even providing a path to fire tenured teachers with negative evaluations.

    On state taxes, Christie said “we have three balanced budgets with lower taxes.” First of all, New Jersey, like many states, requires a balanced budget. But did he balance the budget “with lower taxes”? He did sign into law some business tax incentives, but broad-based income and sales taxes have not changed. He has proposed lowering income taxes by 10 percent across the board, but that measure has yet to pass.

    In fact, Christie has cut state payments that his critics say amount to tax increases. He cut more than $800 million from the state’s popular property-tax rebate program in his fiscal year 2011 budget. TheStar-Ledger reported that Christie “eliminated rebates for nearly 103,700 renters and cut rebates for everybody else by 75 percent.” He increased funding for the program in fiscal 2012, but has not fully restored the cuts.

    Christie also cut the state Earned Income Tax Credit from 25 percent of the federal benefit to 20 percentin fiscal 2011, and later vetoed a bill to restore it. The left-leaning New Jersey Policy Perspectiveestimates that the $100 million cut over two years has reduced tax credits by $200 per family.

    Christie has made some sweeping changes in state pensions and teacher tenure rules in a state with strong labor unions.

    The governor said he overhauled the state’s pension system and “saved retirees their pension.” As we have reported before, Christie last year signed a law that required public employees to pay more into the pension system, suspended cost of living increases for retirees, and reduced the state’s growing unfunded pension liabilities.

    But four months later, the Star-Ledger wrote — in a story headlined “Christie’s overhaul may not save N.J. pension system” — that the state was underfunding the pension system and, as a result, the unfunded liabilities gap would begin to widen again.

    The paper said, “The ‘unfunded liability’ — the difference between how much the pension system has and what has been promised to current and future retirees — dropped from $53.9 billion to $35.4 billion after the law was signed, the state said in bond documents. But because the state won’t be making full pension payments, the gap will swell again to $58 billion by 2019, according to the state’s estimates.”

    Fred Beaver, a former state pension director, told the Star-Ledger the governor’s changes were “admirable” but ultimately “paper reform” unless the state makes its payments.

    On the other hand, the Star-Ledger called the governor’s overhaul of the state’s tenure laws “dramatic.”

    Star-Ledger, June 25, 2012: The bill would make a series of dramatic changes to a law first enacted in 1909. The most important would institute a new system of yearly evaluations for teachers and principals based partly on growth in student test scores — a move that sets New Jersey on the same path as Indiana, New York, Washington, D.C., and others….

    But any teacher, regardless of seniority, could be fired after two years of negative evaluations. Disputes would be handled through arbitration instead of administrative law judges, which proponents say would drive down costs for school districts that can get enmeshed in costly battles.

    Christie also repeated a false claim about the health care law interfering with doctor-patient relationships.

    Christie: Romney will tell us the hard truths we need to hear to end the debacle of putting the world’s greatest health care system in the hands of federal bureaucrats and putting those bureaucrats between an American citizen and her doctor.

    As we just said in our first item on the convention, the Affordable Care Act doesn’t create a government-run system, like that of Britain or Canada, nor does it regulate the work of doctors. Republicans often call the Independent Payment Advisory Board, which would recommend ways to slow the growth of Medicare spending, “bureaucrats” that would ration care. But the IPAB, made up of health care professionals, economists and others, wouldn’t have the power to do that, according to the law.

    – Eugene Kiely and Lori Robertson



    Christie vetoed the Marriage Equality Act that would allow Gay people to marry in NJ like NY Gov Cuomo allowed for New Yorkers stating he believes marriage is between a man and a woman and that he is “okay” with civil union. But people who are gay cannot get state tax breaks like other marriage couples do on a state or federal basis.

    Hopefully that will change with Obama in the next 4 years. What is significant is that Christie vetoed this bill when all NJ legislature voted for it. That should be unlawful what he did but he does not pay attention to the NJ citizenship; he pays attention to the people who have made him rich. The lobbyist who are against gay marriage and lower-middle class and working class poor to succeed in NJ.

    Christie will never bite the hand that holds the cheeseburger and fries.

    In the summer of 2011, Chris Christie waited until July to throw people that depend on Medicaid and Medicare (the elderly & disabled) under the bus by switching out the federal programs for the state to run and placing these patients under the auspices of HMOs who were also not told in advance that he was planning to do this.

    It took 2 years for my disabled partner to get another doctor for her pain medicine plan. 2 painful disruptive years that threw our lives into total disarray and disorganization.

    2 years of confusing and conflicting data and information not known by doctors or HMO staff. 2 years of bullshit that remain a grudge now harbored by myself, my partner and millions of other New Jersey citizens who think Christie is a disgrace as a Gov and leader.

    I’m not the only person who hates Chris Christie. He is a fair weather friend who goes where the money trail leads. He doesn’t care who serves him.  He respects no other opinion but his own and his own is not researched or should be considered sound.  He rules by an iron fist and by being a big fat bully. No lie!

    After that medical debacle, he has currently refused to raise the minimum wage to $1.25 for lower income families and workers who are poor. The minimum wage in NJ is $7.25 as it is in most of the states in America. We can’t afford to give a $1.25 raise to our most basic workers? How can that be?

    He has also refused to instate a medical exchange for Obama’s Affordable Care Act of 2010 and how does that translate to being a good governor? He claims until the White House tells him how much it’s going to cost the state he has “tabled” the discussion for a medical exchange in NJ.

    I’m not sure the Gov is in touch with his constituents and in FACT I’m sure he is totally out of touch with everyone who is below the $1 Million dollar salary line.

    The man weighed far less before he became gov and now he’s a whopping BIG MAC SIZE 450 POUNDS. I know fat. My late cousin died of it at 66 in 2008. He could have lived a longer life had it not been for his being overweight. It kills you slowly and Chris Christie’s fat is a killer for anyone who has to look at him for any long period of time.

    Being fat and being a politician are two things that do not jive. It is considered by most to be an “oxymoron” – to say “fat politician”.  One would think if the politician is working his butt off, nervous energy, he would be thin. Always on the move, forever thinking, writing, dictating, helping others.

    Newark Mayor CORY BOOKER is one of those types of politicians that people relate to. He lives with them. He works for them. He is a man of the people. He doesn’t live in a mansion; he has an apartment in the city he mayors. He saves people’s lives at the risk of his own. He goes to Washington to talk for the people of his town. Just like Bloomberg does for New Yorkers.

    Gov Chris Christie does not do anything for anyone unless he is paid to do so.

    During his first term in office there were 3 storms; the latter being HURRICANE SANDY. The first storm he was down in Florida with his family and didn’t return. He was labeled a putz who didn’t care. The 2nd storm was IRENE and all he did was tell people who did not evacuate to “get the hell off the beach”. HURRICANE SANDY happened in a political pickup year – 2012 – and Chis was very visible to the country. He was being touted as a possible Republican candidate for the Right.  He was extremely vocal against House Republicans who did not want to help a stricken Southern NJ to rebuild. He was a pit bull towards them so much so the right winged extremist in the GOP have denounced him. You can read the BLAZE (Glenn Beck’s rag of an online newspaper) to find out just how much they hate Christie.

    But Chris Christie is no saint. He helped Southern NJ during Sandy because he could gain from it politically and that is all.

    America needs a president who wants to help all the people; not just the people who voted him/or/her into office. Potus Obama is that kind of POTUS. CORY BOOKER would be that kind of POTUS.

    Chris Christie is not that kind of man. He is one of the most selfish, pigheaded, blow  hearts I have ever had the displeasure of having to represent me and he does not represent me well at all.

    I voted for him once – never again.

    If Chris Christie continues to alienate the right and the left, who hate him for being a Republican; he will have to run under the Independent ticket and I doubt highly he will win. I am also hoping he loses his Governorship this year 2013 and we get a Democrat into NJ Gov office who represents ALL THE PEOPLE – ALL THE WE, THE PEOPLE


    TRENTON — Gov. Chris Christie vetoed a Democratic bill to raise the minimum wage and instead proposed hiking it by $1 an hour over the next three years.

    On the last day he could take action on the minimum wage bill, Christie said the state economy was too weak to handle the Democrats’ proposed $1.25 increase, a 17 percent jump, all at once. He also rejected a provision in the bill that would have mandated automatic yearly increases in the minimum wage.


    But it’s okay for him what he did to seniors and the disabled in 2011 that left many people without benefits or their doctors – which was a jump into hell for most of the people he screwed who had voted for him based upon promises he never meant to keep. – He is a shameful person to have represent our country in any capacity – CH


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    Immigration Reform is upon us and Senators reach an agreement on reform!

    January 28th, 2013

    By Catherine Haig.


    But it’s anyone’s guess if the new bill created by a bipartisan committee mix of both political parties will pass in the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES who are filled with the brim with Tea Party Republicans and young congressional upstarts who have nothing to say but like holding up the works of our federal government.

    It’s a sad commentary when WE, THE PEOPLE vote to appoint these representatives to REPRESENT US and they do the opposite. The Speaker of the House, John Boehner is usually at his wits end with the antics of these members of the 112 and 113th congress – house reps who have no idea what they are talking about but insist on opening their uninformed mouths to the contrary.

    I realize I have hung Boehner to dry in my posts but he as rude dude and his House Members are no less than that. It’s time we voted these people out but unfortunately they are repeat representatives because the uninformed, dumb masses of citizens in America keep putting them back into office. Since we cannot kill members of our country because we disagree with them; we then must outvote them and I’m not saying to cheat.

    Although Republicans are now suggesting that we float bills in congress that will allow cheating to become a law?That is what gerrymandering did – cheat and in favor of Republicans but it seems that the House Republicans are not interested in pursuing Immigration Reform and we need to do it right now!

    And so now POTUS Obama’s ideas are jiving with this new reform bill that the Senate is floating and I agree that Immigration Reform is needed and should be a priority along with health care and the millions of other issues confronting our federal government.

    I would agree with anything as long as the illegals who are allowed to stay in America pay back all their back taxes and penalties like the rest of us have to do. No more free rides people. We are in this TOGETHER.


    Senators reach agreement on immigration reform

    By ERICA WERNER | Associated Press – 9 mins ago

    • Press Secretary Jay Carney briefs reporters at the White House in Washington, Monday, Jan. 28, 2013. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)
    • View PhotoAssociated Press/Charles Dharapak – Press Secretary Jay Carney briefs reporters at the White House in Washington, Monday, Jan. 28, 2013. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)


    • FILE - In this Oct. 5, 2011 file photo, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., speaks at the Newseum in Washington. In an opinion piece published Sunday Jan. 27, 2013 in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Rubio wrote that the existing system amounts to "de facto amnesty," and he called for "commonsense reform." (AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari, File)View PhotoFILE – In this Oct. 5, 2011 file …

    WASHINGTON (AP) — A bipartisan group of leading senators has reached agreement on the principles for a sweeping overhaul of the nation’s immigration laws, including a path to citizenship for the 11 million illegal immigrants already in this country.

    The deal, to be announced at a news conference Monday, also covers border security, non-citizen or “guest” workers and employer verification of immigration status.

    Although thorny details remain to be negotiated and success is far from certain, the development heralds the start of what could be the most significant effort in years toward overhauling the nation’s inefficient patchwork of immigration laws.

    President Barack Obama also is committed to enacting comprehensive immigration legislation and will travel to Nevada on Tuesday to lay out his vision, which is expected to overlap in important ways with the Senate effort.

    “We welcome this. We think this is positive,” said White House spokesman Jay Carney. He said the Senate plan mirrors the principles Obama believes must be included in immigration reform, but wouldn’t say whether Obama would sign the legislation that ultimately emerges.

    Passage of legislation by the full Democratic-controlled Senate is far from assured, but the tallest hurdle could come in the House, which is dominated by conservative Republicans who’ve shown little interest in immigration reform.

    Still, with some Republicans chastened by the November elections which demonstrated the importance of Latino voters and their increasing commitment to Democrats, some in the GOP say this time will be different.

    “What’s changed, honestly, is that there is a new, I think, appreciation on both sides of the aisle — including maybe more importantly on the Republican side of the aisle — that we have to enact a comprehensive immigration reform bill,” Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”

    “I think the time is right,” McCain said.

    Besides McCain, the senators expected to endorse the new principles Monday are Democrats Charles Schumer of New York, Dick Durbin of Illinois, Robert Menendez of New Jersey and Michael Bennet of Colorado; and Republicans Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Marco Rubio of Florida and Jeff Flake of Arizona.

    Several of these lawmakers have worked for years on the issue. McCain collaborated with the late Democratic Sen. Edward M. Kennedy on comprehensive immigration legislation pushed by then-President George W. Bush in 2007, only to see it collapse in the Senate when it couldn’t get enough GOP support.

    The group claims a notable newcomer in Rubio, a potential 2016 presidential candidate whose conservative bona fides may help smooth the way for support among conservatives wary of anything that smacks of amnesty. In an opinion piece published Sunday in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Rubio wrote that the existing system amounts to “de facto amnesty,” and he called for “commonsense reform.”

    According to documents obtained by The Associated Press, the senators will call for accomplishing four goals:

    —Creating a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants already here, contingent upon securing the border and better tracking of people here on visas.

    —Reforming the legal immigration system, including awarding green cards to immigrants who obtain advanced degrees in science, math, technology or engineering from an American university.

    —Creating an effective employment verification system to ensure that employers do not hire illegal immigrants in the future, including requiring prospective workers to verify legal status and identity through a non-forgeable electronic system.

    —Allowing more low-skill workers into the country and allowing employers to hire immigrants if they can demonstrate they couldn’t recruit a U.S. citizen; and establishing an agricultural worker program.

    The principles being released Monday are outlined on just over four pages, leaving plenty of details left to fill in. What the senators do call for is similar to Obama’s goals and some past efforts by Democrats and Republicans, since there’s wide agreement in identifying problems with the current immigration system. The most difficult disagreement is likely to arise over how to accomplish the path to citizenship.

    In order to satisfy the concerns of Rubio and other Republicans, the senators are calling for the completion of steps on border security and oversight of those here on visas before taking major steps forward on the path to citizenship.

    Even then, those here illegally would have to pass background checks and pay fines and taxes in order to qualify for a “probationary legal status” that would allow them to live and work here — but not qualify for federal benefits — before being able to apply for permanent residency, a critical step toward citizenship. Once they are allowed to apply they would do so behind everyone else already in line for a green card within the current immigration system. ******* I find this to be extremely important – CH

    That could be a highly cumbersome process, but how to make it more workable is being left to future negotiations. The senators envision a more streamlined process toward citizenship for immigrants brought here as children, and for agricultural workers.

    The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that the framework agreed on by the senators could provide important protections for illegal immigrants who are exploited by employers and live in “constant fear” over their immigration status.

    But the ACLU took issue with the proposal to require employers to use an electronic employment-verification system, calling it “a thinly disguised national ID requirement” that would undermine employees’ privacy and lead to discrimination against those “who look or sound ‘foreign.'”

    The debate will play out at the start of Obama’s second term, as he aims to spend the political capital afforded him by his re-election victory on an issue that has eluded past presidents and stymied him during his first term despite his promises to the Latino community to act.

    “As the president has made clear for some time, immigration reform is an important priority and he is pleased that progress is being made with bipartisan support,” a White House spokesman, Clark Stevens, said in a statement. “At the same time, he will not be satisfied until there is meaningful reform and he will continue to urge Congress to act until that is achieved.”

    For Republicans, the November elections were a stark schooling on the importance of Latino voters, who voted for Obama over Republican Mitt Romney 71 percent to 27 percent, helping ensure Obama’s victory. That led some Republican leaders to conclude that supporting immigration reform with a path to citizenship has become a political imperative.



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    57th Inaugural for POTUS Obama’s 2nd term and blogger Catherine Haig gets banned from Huffington Post for having an opinion!

    January 21st, 2013

    By Catherine Haig

    This seems weird but  I, Catherine Haig,  just got this trying to get online

    That email address has been permanently deleted from Huffington Post.

    I am a member of the press as a blogger for my own wordpress blog and now this blog; I am entitled to a little respect or so I thought. Other people respect my opinion without banning me or blocking me for my comments.

    Today I was rebuffed by a commentator/moderator named THE CRAZY CUBAN – who wrote “I hate Catherine Haig who made this inauguration a terrible experience with her annoying and irritating comments” something to that affect. I said nothing bad except I am proud of my president and veep and defended this country. These commentators that have these ‘badges’ are also Republicans who want to obliterate Democratic comments. They have very little power in the real world but on line, at the Huffington Post, they are little gods, with the power to cut you off even after being online and at the POST longer than they.

    Then on that same thread I receive this great comment from a person called HSLM – DO NOT BOTHER PEOPLE POSTING which makes no sense since all I asked was “what happened to “the crazy cuban” did I drive him off the site”? Another person FOXY_SHAZAM wrote “you are obviously new here (I’ve been online there since 2008 when I helped start this blog) you can’t harass people posting, which I did not do.  The “LIVE” moderators read all the comments and put them through. If they think the comment is terrible or not a part of their “rules” they will not print it. It’s simple really but some people have no life and are fiercely nasty to the end of their own undoing.

    I then wrote to Huffington Post complaining about the abusive:

    “I did not harass anyone – I was commenting. They threatened to ban me and when Bonju came to my defense – they banned me. These “moderators” were commentators who are PRO REPUBLICAN and THAT is why I got banned. This is blatantly unfair and there is no recourse to talk to the female CEO.  She is JUST NOT available.”

    Huffington Post is run by a Greek immigrant who came to the United States poor and married a rich gay republican. She is for all intensive purposes Republican but with liberal leanings. Sad that she is a fascist which is what I wrote to them. I know that’s another reason I was banned but really is this banning and type of immature juvenile behavior becoming a supposed online newspaper.

    If you read their rules about commenting on their site it is extremely contradictory. I can understand a warning if you are cursing someone out or a temporary ban like Facebook does if you are totally out of your gourd but to ban and wipe out years of contacts and fans over the course of 5 years is intolerant and just unprofessional behavior.

    HP (in their disclaimers and “read this and agree to policy”) contradicts themselves constantly. They have the right to take your comments, profile, personality, your life and do as they please but if you don’t tow the line with their infant moderators you get creamed? LOL – that’s just ridiculous. They were not conversing. When they didn’t agree with you they call you “annoying”, “irritating”, “aggravating”. Words usually saved for the most ridiculous of Republican savants.

    I read their rules and comment rules and it’s very contradictory. They own whatever you post on their site and have the right to use said content but you don’t have any right to use their content. That’s insane. Primarily because they are stealing content from other news sources???

    They want you to link your twitter account and your facebook and any other social media account to HP so they can sell ad space and capitalize on your content but (according to their “contract” you can’t do the same).  Your friends on FB and other sites and your comments, profile and anything else placed on their site is theirs and used to gain more exposure FOR THEM. It’s all a numbers game to HP and their advertisers who want to know X amount of millions of people are reading this rag and then looking at these ads and buying their wares.

    I have been annoyed on many an occasion reading posts from diseased minds commenting on the Huffington Post and then a great many of their articles are written with one sentenced and a link which takes you to another site entirely that they have lined to as backup and support of their idea. That means they are linking news from other sites with a pulse and bringing it back into the Huffington Post and really it is done quite blatantly and without apology. While this is a regular practice online and even we do it on the BonjuBlog, we are NOT being paid nor are we classified as an ad running online professional newspaper yet we are more professional than the Huffington Post with 2 fair moderators who will post even insults to our articles as long as they are well written opposing views and not name calling bitter sad comments from crazy people.

    In truth I have never liked HP’s layout. I think it looks ugly and it’s very messy. Very unprofessional so it’s no loss really and I don’t want a job there so I’m not upset for that reason. It’s just that during this inaugural speech about determination and seeing through the next four years, about getting stuff done for WE, THE PEOPLE, these so-called MODERATORS ridiculed, yawned, cursed and demeaned our POTUS OBAMA and every time I defended him I got Republican rhetorical crapola in return. It’s the same BS we have all heard time and again and WHEN WILL IT STOP? Never apparently and they have a forum to write their hate upon – THE HUFFINGTON POST.

    Other thing in my opinion, the people they chose to allow to work at HP and articles are not well read nor do they write well. I’m not missing anything. I have plenty of places to get the breaking news – POLITICO, THE DAILY JOURNALIST, THE DAILY BEAST; all of them much more reputable than the awfully written Huffington Post.

    But to ban someone for commenting when that is part of your product is – well – non-productive.


    ============================================================================Catherine Haig

    Let’s hope with the next 4 years of Obama presidency – Huffington Post will cease to exist especially if they are going to be this childish and ineffective. —BP

    Below I had 36 fans and counting and they banned me from the site – is that nice?   Yeah I wrote to them but nothing will happen and Catherine Haig will be banned until we get more famous online and then they will come to me – AGAIN – they did come to me in September of 2012 and ask me to be a part of their “live” series but it never panned out because Bonju Patten got banned 2 times under other email addresses.

    They are fascists and their online POST is unprofessional and poorly sourced and written. Their moderators are rude and they are losing people.

    One day they will cease to exist.

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    The next civil war lies between President Obama and is administration & the United States Congress

    January 17th, 2013

    By Catherine Haig.


    But no one actually does it.

    What really happens is people rant and rave at a dinner party and then come together over dessert and solve the nations problems.

    Unless it is a family party in which case no one talks to the other until the next holiday party where they re open old wounds and pick at the sores.

    The problem is not that our Congress and President cannot coexist and work together in compromise; the problem is that our congress is fractured.

    People in states no one but an illiterate degenerate would live in are allowed to vote. These people vote for the Tea Party members that are holding America hostage.

    These folks are just like the Islamic Extremist who would kill you for a look. Mostly Southern states who used to have slaves and fought to keep them in our first Civil War. Yes, these are the people who are pounding the bible, are members of the NRA (National Rifles Association), who listen to false prophets like the Catalog preachers heard on every Fox News and Radio Show.  Make believe are the two words that the Tea Party thrives upon. Other than their fake agenda the rest of America has come to the realization that we are paying these jokers a salary, fantastic benefits and a pension while the US taxpayer is homeless, living in shelters or in their cars and hoping they can find work to get out of their terrible situations. Some are laying low in their homes, not paying mortgage and living off their dwindling savings.


    Having said that 33 days ago, one week before Christmas 20 American children between the ages of 6 and 7 years old and their six teachers and administrators were brutally gunned down in a school in Newtown, Connecticut. A paranoid mother who was depressed herself had bought several assault weapons and was prepping for the end of times which was said to be on Dec 21, 2012. That day came and went without a hitch except for one exception. This mother, NANCY LANZA had been shot dead in her own bed by the son she should have institutionalized when he was a kid. If she had done that her husband would still be living with her and not divorced and remarried and her older son would still be talking to her. ADAM LANZA was the catalyst in breaking up Nancy’s marriage and having her older son, RYAN shun her and Adam. Adam found out she was plotting to put him away so he took her guns and used them against her. What a coward to shoot his own mother in her sleep. She never knew what hit her.

    Adam then took her car, drove to SANDY HOOK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL where his mother volunteer to help with the first and second grade classes and he shot up both of those classes and teachers because he felt his mother loved those kids more than him. He was about to take out the rest of the school who was hiding from him in other barricaded rooms when the first responders entered the school. Adam Lanza committed suicide by shooting himself in the head but his spirit and evil doing still resounds loudly in that school.

    The problem is not that Adam Lanza did not realize what he was doing because he had mental issues; the problem is he knew exactly what he was doing. He was furious, paranoid, uncontrollably angry. He purposely went into his computers hard drives and smashed them to bits so that police could not hunt down a trail of what he was doing prior to his massacre. That takes smarts. Adam knew exactly what he was doing when he viciously and evilly took the lives of 20 children shooting them up to 11 times with an assault rifle. So Adam may have had mental problems but he also knew what he was doing. So did James HOLMES who shot 70 people in a Colorado movie theater in the summer of 2012. He had mental issues too but he knew what he was doing and he had premeditated the act that killed so many innocent people.

    The answer is simply OBVIOUS. Guns kill people. But the guns cannot kill people on their own. People who buy guns kill people. Why would you need an assault weapon to go hunting sport? Wouldn’t that defeat the purpose of the hunt?  I don’t shoot animals and I hate the hunters who do. I understand that if we didn’t allow hunters to do their thing nature would rule the world and people and we’d be overrun by them. I understand that butchers and hunters exist so I don’t have to go out and kill my meals but that is exactly what we used to do before we became “civilized”. I write that tongue in cheek believe me; this society we are living in is less than civilized. The more technology we have the less civil humankind becomes. It’s really quite sad.

    The United States Congress has an agenda. It has the agenda that the people of this country set for them. Somehow in the translation of everyday life in Congress, the message that the people sent with these representatives gets lost. How does this happen? The answer is simply – LOBBYISTS. Lobbyists are mainly OIL COMPANIES, PHARMACEUTICAL  WEAPON MANUFACTURERS (NRA) and ANTI-TAX LOBBYISTS who are the strongest.  Besides the Anti-tax lobbyists like GROVER NORQUIST who are only lobbyists because it has made him a multimillionaire with a lot to lose financially if taxes go up on the rich. Besides him the other companies are from industries that perpetuate and encourage the ruination of our planet earth. Oil companies like BP who was responsible for the oil spill that basically killed off all sea life and wild life in our southern states many Bush years ago and which still has not been resolved. People lost their livelihoods because of that oil spill which completely ruined their lives. Sadly our then President George W Bush didn’t care and couldn’t handle the fallout from this disaster. The taxpayer took it out on the BP gas stations around the world and still, to this day, these stations suffer from lack of clientele.

    Back when JFK was assassinated the question of enforcing gun laws was the story of the day yet congress then did nothing to ban guns or at least resolve to ban assault weapons and arrest or imprison the people who bought or sold them. In short, nothing was done and the world continued, more shootings occurred but it wasn’t until Columbine shooting that the world sat up and took notice. That was a decade ago. Here’s a little statistic that will blow your mind. In the last 33 days since SANDY HOOK SHOOTINGS over 900 other shootings have occurred. Can you imagine how many more people have passed away as the result of guns since JFK? Since Columbine? The reality is staggering YET the NRA refuses to put their guns away. CEOs of gun companies are releasing videos onto YOU TUBE telling people how angry they are that President Obama is taking away their 2nd Amendment rights and if that happens these CEOs plan to start killing people.

    This is tyranny at it’s worst. Ordinary people feeling threatened that their guns are being taken from them. Seriously these people need mental health assistance pronto.  Nothing was done after the Kennedy’s were shot, after teenagers were shot but the nation and the world have drawn that invisible line in the sand to conservatives…TOUCH OUR CHILDREN AND YOU WILL NEVER FORGET OUR WRATH.

    The other reason POTUS Obama had trouble with the 112th Congress and looks like he may still have problems with the House Republican leadership in the 113th Congress  is largely because these are the same people that vowed to rid the White House of this Black Demon. It has everything to do with Obama’s race. He is black. Our House Republican leaders are mostly from Southern States who were forced to give up their black slaves to unify America back in the post civil war days. This has got to be the biggest disgrace of America and of Americans ever! It is something to be collectively ashamed of.

    POTUS Obama has come up with a plan to ban assault weapons and limit the sale and resale of illegal guns and legal guns in America. He faces strong opposition by some gun toting maniacs who call themselves PATRIOTS; more importantly he faces opposition in the HOUSE. But CONGRESS must be made aware of this one fact. On November 6, 2012, the people of the United States spoke by their vote. They re elected President Obama and we stand firmly in support of this man and his plans and we strongly urge the Congress, who are our elected officials, to do the same.


    Obama gun control plan faces hurdles in Congress

    David Jackson, USA TODAY8:35a.m. EST January 17, 2013

    President Obama is pitching the most ambitious gun control program in decades — but whether it becomes law or not remains to be seen.

    While Obama said any action that can save one child’s life is worth it, he and aides indicated that proposals to ban assault weapons, expand background checks, and restrict the capacity of gun magazines face big hurdles on Capitol Hill.

    “This will be difficult,” Obama said Wednesday at the White House. “There will be pundits and politicians and special interest lobbyists publicly warning of a tyrannical, all-out assault on liberty — not because that’s true, but because they want to gin up fear or higher ratings or revenue for themselves.”

    Vice President Biden, who helped push through background checks and an assault weapons as a Delaware senator in 1993 and 1994, said he has “no illusions about what we’re up against or how hard the task is in front of us.”

    The main reason: The Republicans control one branch of Congress, the U.S. House, and many of their members have sworn strong fidelity to Second Amendment gun rights.

    Gun rights supporters sharply criticized the president’s proposals as ineffective, unconstitutional, and politically motivated. Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus said the plan amounts to “an executive power grab that may please his political base but will not solve the problems at hand.”

    The National Rifle Association, which has major influence on congressional Republicans, has declared all-out opposition to the president’s gun proposals, saying that “attacking firearms and ignoring children is not a solution to the crisis we face as a nation.” The NRA has stressed mental health issues, and called for more armed guards in schools.

    A new assault weapons ban may be the toughest to achieve. After all, Congress refused to renew the old one when it expired in 2004.

    Larry Pratt, executive director of the group Gun Owners of America, said “assault weapons” is the wrong term to use, and that these are “defensive weapons” that people are entitled to have to “defend themselves and their property.” People are also entitled to have high capacity magazines, Pratt said.

    At the White House, Obama said the combination of semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity magazines have enabled shooters to kill more people quicker, at venues ranging from the elementary school in Connecticut to a movie theater in Colorado.

    “Weapons designed for the theater of war have no place in a movie theater,” Obama said. “A majority of Americans agree with us on this.”

    Gun rights groups have also criticized proposals for “universal background checks” as a back door way of a national gun registration system that could lead to confiscation.

    “You don’t trust governments,” Pratt said. “And it doesn’t solve crimes.”

    Pratt said he would prefer to see Congress repeal laws creating gun-free school zones. As for Obama’s plans, he said “we have a good chance” of beating them back.

    Gun control advocates are more optimistic, but say there is a long way to go.

    Kristen Rand, legislative director with the Violence Policy Center in Washington, D.C., said public opinion has been shifting in favor of gun control since the 2011 mass shooting at in Tucson and the July killings at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo.

    Then came the Dec. 14 attack that killed 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

    “I’ve never seen this sort of sustained response,” Rand said. “It’s definitely changing the atmosphere.”

    People are concerned not only about mass shootings, but the “day-to-day gun violence in America,” Rand said. Gun control supporters must also talk to people — and their members of Congress — about the extent to which assault weapons have virtually taken over the gun industry.

    The fact that Obama has proposed a big package should help in Congress, Rand said, though she declined to give odds on specific items.

    “It’s a process,” she said. “We’re not going to predict right now where the votes might shake out.”

    Obama, Biden and their aides said they believe the political dynamic has changed on guns — especially after Newtown.

    Citing opinion polls showing more sympathy to gun control proposals, Obama called on voters to pressure members of Congress, including those whose districts have a strong tradition of gun ownership.

    “This will not happen unless the American people demand it,” Obama said.

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    Americans vs The Republican Tyrannical Conservatives In Congress; the NRA

    January 11th, 2013

    By Catherine Haig.

    On November 6 2012, America re elected President of the United States (POTUS) Obama for his 2nd term in office by an overwhelming margin, across party lines, cultures, race, creed, sexual preferences and age. Not just the 18-30 set this time around; most everyone I spoke to days before the election were my age or older. The reason they were voting for Obama is because they feared what the tyrannical right had in store for America in the embodiment of a billionaire capitalist named MITT ROMNEY. He kept dodging questions with regards to his paying taxes and releasing information that enables the public to learn more about the man who would be hired for the most important job on the planet.

    Since Mitt Romney’s failure to become POTUS, he and his family have renounced any further public work, telling the world they were not serious about running for the office of President (thank the heavens he wasn’t elected!)  He promptly went back to work in the rich private sector for a large hotel chain. This happened after POTUS Obama had a meeting with him and offered him a job.  Since the beginning of 2013 the man MITT ROMNEY was has not resurfaced and I wager he won’t but his money is backing any and all of the Republican, Tea Party fanatics in and outside of Congress.  This is another reason we need to get rid of all the Conservative Republican Tea Party Poopers who cannot compromise with our present White House Administration.

    Never in the history of America has one President been so demeaned by so many hired hands (government officials). The devastated masses that incorporate the Republican/Tea Party/Conservative/Gun Toting members were so chest fallen when Romney lost the Presidency they have still not recovered the loss. During the days following the election there were rumblings of disgruntled states in America threatening succession, sounds of daily howling wafting off Fox News Channel and their shows, dismay and the end of the world sightings on the Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck shows and numerous Republican House Representatives declaring Obama a socialist. Billionaire Real Estate mogul, Donald Trump was less than happy with the Republican failure to overthrow “socialist” Obama and “allow” him to regain his Presidency. Liberal and Progressive eye rolls were rampant and bloggers for and against Republicans spewing their nonsense clogged the internet. I know.  I was one of them.  I have since retreated to the boundaries of my WordPress blog and others of whom I am an invited guest because trying to brave the stupidity of the right is too much to bear for just one person.

    Then on December 14 2012 life changed drastically for a town in Connecticut.  One week before Christmas.  Life changed for the rest of the world on that day too. In the early morning in Newtown, CT 20 year-old, ADAM LANZA killed his mother with one of her assault rifles while she slept because he was furious that she was planning on institutionalizing him. He drove her car to the school he used to attend when he was a teen forcing his way inside to shoot 20 children between the ages of 6-7 years old and four of their teachers, the principal and the psych councilor. They all died and then he committed suicide when first responders arrived to capture him.  This tragic set of events drove the nail into the coffin of our already decaying Gun Laws which have been overdue for revision.  As the ordinary citizen called for the end to the gun violence; the call to end the 2nd Amendment set off a typhoon of crazy men screaming and yelling about their  right “to bear arms”.  However, no where in our constitution does it say Americans have the right to use ASSAULT WEAPONS which is mainly used by military and police, which I also think should be done away with.  Our Military would need these weapons in time of war although I hate the idea of war and disagree that war is a necessary evil for the world in the 21st Century.  But for local and state Police to have the use of these guns is ridiculous. These assault rifles can take out many people with a few shots. Why would our police need that kind of excessive force don’t they already have too much power? What is good for me should be good for our public servants after all we hired them and pay their salaries to help protect us. These assault rifles should be banned from anyone using them because the only thing they are used for is rapid mass killing of people.

    The National Rifle Association (NRA) was mum on the events that went down at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec 14. They said not a word for one whole week until their CEO, WAYNE LaPIERRE came out and told the world boastfully “we have 100,000 new members since the shooting” and on top of that statement 500 more shootings have been reported since Dec 14 2012 and counting. On the PIERS MORGAN CNN TV show members of gun groups were livid when Piers came out against guns and more for banning of them or at least enforcing gun control laws that have never been enacted by congress. That is when conspiracy theory cable host ALEX JONES started a petition that landed on the White House site with thousands of signatures to have Piers Morgan deported back to England just for his opinion. The White House tossed the petition saying it fell under the guidelines of FREEDOM OF SPEECH…the 1ST AMENDMENT of our constitution. Imagine people signing this ridiculous petition to have a man ousted from our country because he has an opinion that is the polar opposite of someone else’s? Imagine how screwed our world would be if everyone looked the same, wore the same things, held the same opinion. In Germany that kind of thing was called patriotic; in America we call it NOT SEE. 🙂

    Granted our constitution is old and out of touch with modern times but that is why we have amendments to bring it into, at least, the 20th century.  Earlier this week it was reported by every conservative or Republican newspaper, blog or pundit that Vice POTUS JOE BIDEN told the media that POTUS Obama was considering using Executive Order to override Congress to pass a gun ban. No where did I see in my research where Liberal or Progressive sites online or on Television or magazine or newspaper say this same thing but it was all over the republican sites. Seemingly in answer to this factitious Obama “threat” came a vicious video response from one CEO from a company in Tennassee named JAMES YEAGER, who threatened to start world war 3 (I believe he meant another CIVIL WAR) urging “patriots” to grab your bag of ammo and guns and start fighting. He called POTUS Obama a dictator and said he would start killing people if his guns were taken away. This is seriously treason against the United States and its people and sure you may have a strong opinion about guns or gun control but to take a video of it and consciously place it on YOU TUBE is a recipe for disaster. I know the Federal Government is sending FBI to this dude’s house – that’s a given – but he may go to jail because of this and will it be worth it? I don’t think so.  The song by The Beatles “Happiness is a Warm Gun” is NOT about guns-it’s a song about drugs. When did Republicans loose their way? re: James Yeager video rant – check it out!

    Many people in America are so adamant against guns that hundreds of thousands of people have signed petitions which have been sent to the White House and they ARE taking notice.  The President has been asking a deaf Congress to enforce the rules we already have in place for gun control but because guns are such big American business these laws are widely being ignored.  Meanwhile the NRA is busy trying to get Congress to pass new gun laws that would give teachers guns to protect their students in every school.  Their stance is “more guns; less death” which I believe is the opposite to what would happen if everyone in schools were armed to the teeth; there would be no one left to tell the world what happened.

    There was yet another school shooting on 1/10/13 Thursday in Taft, California and their “armed guard” was not there to protect the students. This guard is always armed but if he had been there the results may have been more deadly. As it was the student had a rifle – not an assault weapon but still a weapon – that he shot two kids with; one is injured and the other is stable but critical in hospital. Two administrators were able to talk him down until police could take him into custody while ushering the rest of the school body out to the football field saving them from harm.

    At the same time the Taft California shooting was taking place; Veep BIDEN and NRA CEO LaPIERRE were meeting at the White House about gun control but this shooting did not deter LaPierre and he fought tooth and nail for his organizations right to uphold the 2nd Amendment no matter what else happens. LaPierre believes that people should be allowed ownership of guns in America and that it is a right.  The NRA is a lobby group much like the many pharmacological companies who lobby for drug sales and trials and fete the Congress members richly so they vote in their favor over the wants and needs of the regular citizen who pay Congress their salaries.  Americans need to rid our country of these special interest groups that give our Congress money for favors. Most times in Washington DC our Junior Senators and House Reps go into congress poor as church mice and retire as millionaires or billionaires from doing the bidding of these lobbyists and NOT the bidding of the People. – (NRA Gun Control Crusade Reflects Firearms Indsutry Financial l Ties)  

    If you check out the NRA internet site (NRA site they are talking about a lot of misinformation from the left but in truth America is not leading the world in the killing of people by guns.  However not many people around the world own and use Assault Rifles. Not many people can easily buy guns like we do in America and in some states it’s easier to buy guns and alcohol but not beer. In America, Guns are the extension of male dominance over other species and the idea of taking their guns away injects a fear of  being unprotected. It is something incomprehensible to people who have never fired a weapon or have any use for guns in their lives.

    Another fantastic example of special interest groups swaying our congress away from the needs of the people is the non-profit organization “Americans for Tax Reform”. This non-profit is run by Conservative Libertarian lobbyist GROVER NORQUIST who demands that all Republican Senate & House members sign a pledge to NOT raise ANY TAXES on ANYONE.  Since its rollout with the endorsement of President Reagan in 1986, the signing of the pledge has become mandatory for Republicans seeking office, and is a necessity for Democrats running in Republican districts.  Why should our congress be shackled by a pledge that binds their hands? After all without taxes being raised we won’t be able to close the trillions of dollars we have in deficit that pushed America into the red when George W. Bush (jr) stole the presidency for 8 years. The Tax situation in the United States is uneven with middle class and the working class paying more Federal taxes than the rich 1% of people. There are two sure things in our lives; death and taxes but for the taxes to be so disproportional is unfair. Why should I pay 27% tax when billionaires and multi-millionaires pay between 10-15% annually? That’s nuts!

    Check the link for more info:

    In the last 2 years the 112th Congress has not been able to compromise with POTUS Obama on almost ever issue and the Speaker of the House JOHN BOEHNER is too busy crying over stupid issues like “the America that used to be”.  He refuses to speak to POTUS and relay the info to his members in the house and it’s all due to racism and a complete disregard for our first Black President. Never in the history of America has any president been so hated by other members of government who refuse to work with President Obama because they cannot believe he is an elected official.  There is also a large majority of our more conservative citizens in radical right southern states who continue to re-elected these terrible representatives again and again which is unproductive as they tend not to compromise on issues. It becomes THEIR WAY or THE HIGHWAY and in turn these ridiculous representatives re elect the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, who’s poll rating are in the low digits after doing absolutely nothing to work with POTUS Obama on many of the important issues of the day.  These Conservative Republican/Tea Party members have elected to commit political suicide with their constitutents instead of performing the duties they were hired to do. There is nothing the US voters can do to impeach the Speaker of the House; only House members can do that but as voters we can vote the representatives out office. The problem with doing that is the “gerrymandering of the congress”.  The definition of GERRYMANDERING is a practice that attempts to establish a political advantage for a particular party or group by manipulating geographic boundaries to create partisan or incumbent-protected districts.  The resulting district is known as a gerrymander(/ˈɡɛrimændər/, alt. /ˈɛriˌmændər/); however, that word can also refer to the process. The word gerrymander (originally written Gerry-mander) was used for the first time in the Boston Gazette on March 26, 1812. The word was created in reaction to a redrawing of Massachusetts state senate election districts under the then-governor Elbridge Gerry. In 1812, Governor Gerry signed a bill that redistricted Massachusetts to benefit his Democratic-Republican Party. When mapped, one of the contorted districts in the Boston area was said to resemble the shape of a salamander. The term was a blending of the governor’s last name and the word salamander. This process holds true in today’s America and one of the principal points of why these bible pounding so-called Christian Right Winged Conservatives retain their political seats in Congress.  This is one of the processes America must change about our system of government.

    The problem concerning guns is two fold.  Congress has got to stop accepting money from gun lobbyists and do their job for the people and put into place and enforce gun control laws. Parents have to be more vigilant concerning their children and their access to guns. Apparently the TAFT shooter was bullied and this is a constant problem in public high schools all over America and must be addressed by all the Parent Teacher Organizations (PTO) around the country.  It is imperative that as responsible parents, we teach our children that being a bully does not pay and has consequences for those who would bully others. All of these shootings should also hold the parents responsible for their children’s actions and if that were to happen and parents were put on trial and sent to jail – shootings would become less and less because parents would become more vigilant.

    It is wrong for society to put the burden of parental duties on teachers and teaching staff as they have more important things to do like teaching our kids their lessons so they can become productive citizens once they go out into the world.  We no longer live in the wild wild west; our cities and towns are brimming with people living on top and to the sides of each other layer over layer and guns just don’t fit into our normal everyday lives nor, in my opinion, are they even a necessity.

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