57th Inaugural for POTUS Obama’s 2nd term and blogger Catherine Haig gets banned from Huffington Post for having an opinion!

By Catherine Haig

This seems weird but  I, Catherine Haig,  just got this trying to get online

That email address has been permanently deleted from Huffington Post.

I am a member of the press as a blogger for my own wordpress blog and now this blog; I am entitled to a little respect or so I thought. Other people respect my opinion without banning me or blocking me for my comments.

Today I was rebuffed by a commentator/moderator named THE CRAZY CUBAN – who wrote “I hate Catherine Haig who made this inauguration a terrible experience with her annoying and irritating comments” something to that affect. I said nothing bad except I am proud of my president and veep and defended this country. These commentators that have these ‘badges’ are also Republicans who want to obliterate Democratic comments. They have very little power in the real world but on line, at the Huffington Post, they are little gods, with the power to cut you off even after being online and at the POST longer than they.

Then on that same thread I receive this great comment from a person called HSLM – DO NOT BOTHER PEOPLE POSTING which makes no sense since all I asked was “what happened to “the crazy cuban” did I drive him off the site”? Another person FOXY_SHAZAM wrote “you are obviously new here (I’ve been online there since 2008 when I helped start this blog) you can’t harass people posting, which I did not do.  The “LIVE” moderators read all the comments and put them through. If they think the comment is terrible or not a part of their “rules” they will not print it. It’s simple really but some people have no life and are fiercely nasty to the end of their own undoing.

I then wrote to Huffington Post complaining about the abusive:

“I did not harass anyone – I was commenting. They threatened to ban me and when Bonju came to my defense – they banned me. These “moderators” were commentators who are PRO REPUBLICAN and THAT is why I got banned. This is blatantly unfair and there is no recourse to talk to the female CEO.  She is JUST NOT available.”

Huffington Post is run by a Greek immigrant who came to the United States poor and married a rich gay republican. She is for all intensive purposes Republican but with liberal leanings. Sad that she is a fascist which is what I wrote to them. I know that’s another reason I was banned but really is this banning and type of immature juvenile behavior becoming a supposed online newspaper.

If you read their rules about commenting on their site it is extremely contradictory. I can understand a warning if you are cursing someone out or a temporary ban like Facebook does if you are totally out of your gourd but to ban and wipe out years of contacts and fans over the course of 5 years is intolerant and just unprofessional behavior.

HP (in their disclaimers and “read this and agree to policy”) contradicts themselves constantly. They have the right to take your comments, profile, personality, your life and do as they please but if you don’t tow the line with their infant moderators you get creamed? LOL – that’s just ridiculous. They were not conversing. When they didn’t agree with you they call you “annoying”, “irritating”, “aggravating”. Words usually saved for the most ridiculous of Republican savants.

I read their rules and comment rules and it’s very contradictory. They own whatever you post on their site and have the right to use said content but you don’t have any right to use their content. That’s insane. Primarily because they are stealing content from other news sources???

They want you to link your twitter account and your facebook and any other social media account to HP so they can sell ad space and capitalize on your content but (according to their “contract” you can’t do the same).  Your friends on FB and other sites and your comments, profile and anything else placed on their site is theirs and used to gain more exposure FOR THEM. It’s all a numbers game to HP and their advertisers who want to know X amount of millions of people are reading this rag and then looking at these ads and buying their wares.

I have been annoyed on many an occasion reading posts from diseased minds commenting on the Huffington Post and then a great many of their articles are written with one sentenced and a link which takes you to another site entirely that they have lined to as backup and support of their idea. That means they are linking news from other sites with a pulse and bringing it back into the Huffington Post and really it is done quite blatantly and without apology. While this is a regular practice online and even we do it on the BonjuBlog, we are NOT being paid nor are we classified as an ad running online professional newspaper yet we are more professional than the Huffington Post with 2 fair moderators who will post even insults to our articles as long as they are well written opposing views and not name calling bitter sad comments from crazy people.

In truth I have never liked HP’s layout. I think it looks ugly and it’s very messy. Very unprofessional so it’s no loss really and I don’t want a job there so I’m not upset for that reason. It’s just that during this inaugural speech about determination and seeing through the next four years, about getting stuff done for WE, THE PEOPLE, these so-called MODERATORS ridiculed, yawned, cursed and demeaned our POTUS OBAMA and every time I defended him I got Republican rhetorical crapola in return. It’s the same BS we have all heard time and again and WHEN WILL IT STOP? Never apparently and they have a forum to write their hate upon – THE HUFFINGTON POST.

Other thing in my opinion, the people they chose to allow to work at HP and articles are not well read nor do they write well. I’m not missing anything. I have plenty of places to get the breaking news – POLITICO, THE DAILY JOURNALIST, THE DAILY BEAST; all of them much more reputable than the awfully written Huffington Post.

But to ban someone for commenting when that is part of your product is – well – non-productive.


============================================================================Catherine Haig

Let’s hope with the next 4 years of Obama presidency – Huffington Post will cease to exist especially if they are going to be this childish and ineffective. —BP

Below I had 36 fans and counting and they banned me from the site – is that nice?   Yeah I wrote to them but nothing will happen and Catherine Haig will be banned until we get more famous online and then they will come to me – AGAIN – they did come to me in September of 2012 and ask me to be a part of their “live” series but it never panned out because Bonju Patten got banned 2 times under other email addresses.

They are fascists and their online POST is unprofessional and poorly sourced and written. Their moderators are rude and they are losing people.

One day they will cease to exist.

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