A Guide to Different Types of Cooking Oil

Most of us use oil whenever we cook. We use it to add flavor, to crisp things up when we fry them, or simply to ensure that our ingredients don’t stick to our pans.

Simply put, oil is one ingredient most homes can’t live without, and yet it’s also something we often take for granted. Think about it: when last did you consider what type of oil you’re using and whether it’s the right option for you? If you can’t answer that question, you’ve come to the right place, as we’re going to be walking you through four different types of popular cooking oil so that you can choose the right one for you. 

Soybean oil

Soybean oil is one of the most commonly used cooking oils around the globe, and it’s easy to see why. It’s a vegetable oil containing vitamins, which already makes it a healthier alternative to many other oils on the market. It also has a high smoke point, making it the ideal oil for those who cook at high temperatures.

On top of that, soybean oil has other uses. As mentioned, it contains vitamins. Specifically, it contains vitamin E, which can help you get clearer skin. Overall, it’s easy to see why soybean oil is such a popular choice. 

Olive oil 

Next up we have olive oil. This is seen as one of the more luxurious oils, and its price certainly reflects that when compared to other oils. 

This means that it’s best to use olive oil when you specifically want its rich flavor. It’s not ideal to use this for things like deep frying, since so much oil will be going to waste, and as mentioned, olive oil can be expensive, so you should try to use it sparingly.

While olive oil is seen as one of the healthier oils, you should still not consume too much oil or other fats. To learn more about ways to eat less fat, click here

Coconut oil 

Coconut oil is a great oil for cooking and baking because unlike olive oil, it has a relatively neutral taste. 

It is also different from the other oils on this list because it doesn’t stay liquid all the time – when it gets below a certain temperature, coconut oil will solidify.

Just as with soybean oil, coconut oil is a great investment because not only can you use it in the kitchen, but in your skin and haircare routines as well. Many people use coconut oil as a makeup remover, and it has been said that it can also help your hair grow, although we recommend you use some hair-growing techniques alongside it. 

Canola oil

Finally, we have canola oil. Canola oil is often the staple oil in many households because of its lower price and its versatility. 

It’s great for all types of cooking, and it’s also good for baking. You can easily replace melted butter with canola oil to make a recipe plant-based. Other oils can also alter the final taste of baked goods, whereas canola oil won’t. So, next time you’re baking cupcakes or bread, consider using canola oil.

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