Are There Any Side Effects Of Dental Implants


Dental implants are growing in popularity with a market value of $38.70 million, which is expected to rise by 6.9 percent come 2025. The popularity of dental implants is mainly because of its natural look and comfortable fit as well as its durability and high success rate.


Studies revealed that the success rate of titanium and ceramic dental implants is 95 percent. Reasons that contribute to the success of dental implants is the ability of the human body to tolerate zirconium and alloys, which are resistant to corrosion.


However, titanium dental implants often bring in an array of side effects and risks, which include allergic reactions, autoimmune diseases, and galvanic toxicity. Allergies usually come in the form of pruritus, swelling, and rash leading to redness in the face or the orofacial section.


Interestingly, several studies have also concluded that the alloy from titanium dental implants may travel down to the bloodstream. Other theories also claimed that titanium dental implants create a piezo-electric shock to the mouth of the patient.


The same cannot be said for ceramic dental implants that need shorter surgery and is also free from metal. Plus, ceramic implants are likewise resplendent and mirrors the original composition of teeth due to its crystal clear texture.


Interestingly, angles of ceramic implants can also be customized to ensure that it fits accordingly into your mouth. Take note that a slip-up of dental implants may cause you to stutter and experience speech problems.


Moreover, ceramic implants also use biocompatible materials that are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ensure that it does not percolate through the arteries and capillaries.


Furthermore, promising findings also show that the soft-tissue response on ceramic implants is surprisingly better than titanium implants.

 However, patients must undergo regular dental checkups with the Dentist In Grand Blanc to prolong the life of ceramic implants. 

How Long Do Ceramic Implants Last?


Ceramic implants bond efficiently with the mouth and are projected to last up to 30 years. However, patients must undergo regular dental checkups to prolong the life of ceramic implants.


Also, drink plenty of fluids and avoid crunchy foods a few days after surgery. Keep in mind that ceramic implants are elastic and may crack if proper care is not applied.


Besides that, oral surgeons also recommend patients to steer clear of heavy lifting. A quick jog, however, will ensure the implants precisely fuse into the gum and prevent constant swelling or bleeding.


How Much Does A Ceramic Implant Cost?


Ceramic implants are more expensive than titanium. On average, ceramic implants which are made of zirconium cost around $500 to $600 while titanium is priced around $300 to $500.


Although expensive, ceramic implants usually provide higher value due to its metal-free construction, which is geared towards ensuring a regular operation.


Bear in mind though that the costs mentioned above are for parts only and do not include mapping, imaging, dental consultation, and post-operation checkups.




Ceramic implants ensure magnificent aesthetic results with no change in tissue color or show-through. On top of everything else, ceramic implants also have identical torque capabilities with titanium implants, making it easier to place.

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