How to Build a Green Business in 7 Easy Steps

Did you know that more than 70% of customers prefer supporting eco-friendly companies? That means they’ll often choose green businesses over those that don’t prioritize lowering their carbon footprints.

If you’re a business owner, the best thing you can do for the sustainability of your brand is to find ways to go green.

But creating a green business isn’t as straightforward as you might think. There are hundreds of ways to go eco-friendly and that means figuring out what’s best can be tough.

While any effort you make will help the environment, there are some things that work better and faster. Here are a few proven ways to go green in your company.

1. Invest in Energy-Efficient Equipment

Every business relies on electricity each day, but the amount of electricity you use is ultimately under your control. The best way to reduce your company’s reliance on electricity is to invest in energy-efficient equipment and systems from the very beginning.

Look for equipment with great ENERGY STAR ratings when you’re furnishing your office. These ratings ensure that each piece of equipment you’re considering is as energy efficient as possible right out of the box.

Keep in mind that these systems can cost more than systems without the ENERGY STAR rating. But you’ll end up saving money on your utility costs in the long run.

2. Go as Paperless as You Can

Paper waste is a reality for most businesses, but that doesn’t mean you have to follow the same trend. Start looking for ways to go digital rather than relying on physical copies of documents.

Encourage new hires to sign all documents online rather than having them fill out long forms by hand when they show up for their first shift. Transition your bookkeeping efforts to your computer and store all files in a secure cloud rather than in bulky filing cabinets. Switch to paperless bills with your utility providers, suppliers, and business partners.

If you need to print physical copies of anything at work, make sure you’re printing on printing paper made with post-consumer paper waste. This way, you won’t contribute to the deforestation caused by the paper industry.

3. Work With Eco-Friendly Businesses and Suppliers

One of the best ways to make a positive environmental impact is to work with eco-friendly businesses and suppliers anytime you need to order something for your company. When you’re searching for partners, ask each company you’re considering what they’re doing to reduce their carbon footprint.

Reputable green businesses will happily explain their eco-friendly initiatives to help you make an informed decision. If a company doesn’t have initiatives in place, you may want to keep looking.

4. Keep Reviewing Your Performance

For any truly sustainable business, the goal should be to reach net zero targets. When your company hits net zero, you’re operating in a completely sustainable way.

Your company won’t be a drain on natural resources and you won’t contribute to harmful greenhouse gas emissions.

But the only way to know if you’re on the right track is to continually review your progress. Sign up for routine environmental audits and let a professional team inspect your company’s performance. They’ll be able to identify areas where you can improve and can help you figure out how to make the necessary changes to hit your net zero targets.

5. Add Solar Panels to Your Building

Unfortunately, many utility providers rely on dirty fuel sources to produce the energy they send through the grid. If you rely on the grid for electricity, you’ll still be contributing to harmful emissions. This is true even if your business operates in an eco-friendly way.

Instead of relying on the grid for all of your energy needs, install solar panels on your building. These panels can help reduce your reliance on the energy grid or eliminate it altogether.

Work with an experienced solar installation team to make sure you’re getting the right number and type of panels to help you reach your energy goals.

6. Consider Creating a Hybrid Work Environment

Hybrid work environments give employees the choice between working from the office and working at home. And the fewer days employees commute to the office, the less your company will contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

Even better, it reduces your company’s demand for electricity.

The fewer people that are in the office on a given day, the less electricity your company will use. This can save you money in the long run while reducing your business’s carbon footprint significantly.

Keep in mind that you don’t have to go crazy with this. Allowing your employees to work from home even one day a week can still have a huge impact.

7. Make Sustainability Part of Your Business’s Core Values

If you’re truly passionate about creating an eco-friendly business, make going green a part of your company’s core values. Doing so shows your employees and your customers that you’re dedicated to reducing your company’s carbon footprint.

This can help you attract employees and supporters that share your vision and have values that align with your company’s long-term goals.

Remember that adding this to your core values will also hold you accountable. If you can’t live up to your commitment, you risk disappointing your customers and causing discontent with your employees.

Building a Green Business Is Possible

Building a green business is a great way to show customers that you care about the environment. As long as you follow these simple steps, you’ll be able to create a sustainable and eco-friendly business with ease.

Once you implement these changes, you can start looking for ways to further reduce your carbon footprint for years to come.

Not sure where to start? Check out our latest posts for more tips to help you turn your business into a truly sustainable operation.

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