Sexual Dysfunction in Men: A common problem affecting the male population


Erectile dysfunction is a health condition affecting men that prevents them from achieving or maintaining an erection for the completion of sexual activity. In other words, a man who is having a difficult time getting or keeping an erection may be suffering from ED. Lower libido might also be a symptom of ED that men should be on the lookout for. Erectile dysfunction in Switzerland can present a problem for men if it affects self-esteem or self-confidence or starts negatively impacting an intimate relationship. It can also cause feelings of stress and anxiety given our culture’s extreme emphasis on masculinity and hypersexuality.


Erectile Dysfunction as Warning Sign


Moreover, ED can in some cases be a signal of serious underlying health conditions requiring treatment. For example, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity can be correlated with ED symptoms. ED can also be a precursor to heart disease.


Why you shouldn’t be embarrassed by Erectile Dysfunction


Many men shy away from getting treatment for erectile dysfunction because of the cultural stigma attached to it. Men who are experiencing symptoms of ED usually feel emasculated and incompetent, and often want to hide the problem from their partners and medical providers. This is problematic for two reasons. First, it can cause a major disconnect in an intimate relationship. Second, hiding problems from a medical provider is never a good idea, because knowledge of a patient’s full health history and profile is critical to the provision of care.


Moreover, hiding from ED can delay getting the appropriate help, and these days there are a number of treatments available: Sildenafil (Kamagra), Tadalafil and Avanafil. Sometimes, a doctor will be able to treat the ED simply by treating the other health condition causing it. Other times, a doctor may be able to pinpoint the cause of the ED as something more innocuous, like a chronic lack of sleep. If more targeted medical treatment or intervention is necessary, then a doctor can recommend Cialis or Kamagra jelly: the drug best suited for the patient’s particular health profile. 


Is erectile dysfunction a normal part of aging?


One thing to keep in mind is that ED can occur at any age. Although ED is certainly more common among older men, a young man in his 30s could very well be experiencing ED just the way that an 80-year-old man can. Clarifying this point is important because younger men sometimes avoid getting treatment because they are in denial about having ED. It’s a health condition prevalent enough to affect over 130 million men, so men should feel comfortable to speak up if they think that their sex lives and mental health could benefit from it!


What lifestyle changes can be made to prevent erectile dysfunction?


Although ED can be treated, men can have a greater impact on their health by making healthy preventative lifestyle decisions. For example, men should get routine checkups with their doctor, take advantage of regular medical screenings, and get plenty of exercise each day. Men should also try to keep stress levels down and seek counseling or treatment for mental health issues such as anxiety or depression, both of which are thought to contribute to ED.


Finally, one of the best preventative measures that a man can take is to stay away from drugs and alcohol, as these are generally known to contribute to and exacerbate symptoms. Staying active and staying on top of one’s overall health can be a powerful way to keep ED at bay. 

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