What your glasses secretly say about you

Fashion used to be so much simpler. I’m talking in our childhood years. Clothes would appear in our wardrobes, freshly laundered and ready to go, and all we cared about was whether we got to wear bold colours or not. Purple was in. Orange and bright red was a must. Plain old off-white school shirts and boring grey skirts or trousers were most definitely not on the to-do list. Size mattered, too. Narrow plain sneakers with no colour? I think not. High-tops with flames on them and lights in the heel – now we’re talking. But as we age, things change. Fashion choices become more reserved. Standing out is no longer desirable. Or is it? We do like to ‘peacock’ in our own way, but usually through small fashionable gestures that hint at our personality. No more so is this the case than with the shape and colour of our glasses (see this site for a wide range of eyeglasses options).

Colour me interesting

Black is by far the most common colour for frames, simply because it is the default colour. Although black is an introverted colour that may suggest creativity, many people do not choose this colour on purpose. Moving on. White is a colour associated with tidiness and planning – these people do not like clutter. Red tells us that the wearer is ambitious and has a notable determined streak in them. Blue tells us that the owner of the frames is calm, calculated, and reliable. Green is a welcoming social colour, worn by those who enjoy being in groups. Yellow mirrors the warmth of the sun, and extends into a penchant for learning and sharing. Purple is another colour associated with artistry, but can bubble over into an overly familiar and borderline arrogant disposition. Lastly, brown frames show that the owner is stable and honest, unaffected by loud and ostentatious attempts at distraction. 

Does shape or size matter more?

Lightweight glasses are practical and on-the-move. You’re not sitting still all day. You might even be off to play tennis or golf or go swimming after work. Thin rims say “I haven’t got time for anything but streamlined simplicity”. Funky and unusual shaped glasses? That makes you bohemian, with changing interests. Vintage styles say you enjoy bold fashions (you may even be a rocker?). Lastly, thick rimmed classic designs are typically associated with hipsters, so tread lightly if that’s not your scene.

Whether you opt for plastic, metal or mixed frame materials, at the end of the day, your style is your style. Whilst people will always jump to conclusions on others based on their aesthetic, the most important thing is that you feel confident. So whether you’re labelled a “minimalist” for your rimless, simplistic frames, a “nerd” for your horn rimmed vintage spectacles, or an “athlete” due to your sleek wrap polarized shades, embrace these labels! If you like the style, then let this be a representation of your personality and wear it with pride.

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