Afro Americans need to clean house before its too late


By Jaime Ortega.


African Americans need to clean house before its too late

Picture for one second a world ruled by chaos. A world where opportunities lay waste; where looting, law breaking and tribal sublimation consume the roots of our current, yet not perfect system. A world without police enforcement, a world where greed is in the hands of uneducated people, where governments no longer hold responsibility for anything.

A world where ignorance, violence and lack of personal responsibility fuse to create a society based on the survival of the fittest. A world where drug abuse erodes the minds of talents, zombies are let wild, and laws are created by individuals to subjugate their authority over others using force without diplomacy.

That world, is the utopian planet of Neo-Liberalism. Violence stems from human beings, people then structure hierarchical forms of government to control it, mainly using police and military to close the wounds open by rebellions to secure the interest of the overall majority.

That world is not my world.

Accusing doesn’t solve the problem, it creates it

In the biblical story of the Garden of Eden, Adam instead of recognizing his fault, blamed Eve for eating the prohibited fruit. In the story Elohim condemned the serpent, Eve and Adam; instead of identifying his personal fault confessing his responsibility, pride took control of Adam and accused Eve, the consequences of his actions painfully haunted his future.

Crime and violence in some context represent the prohibited fruit, and what we are witnessing with the rise of ignorance. The African American community is responsible for their actions, and blaming the establishment when other ethnic-minority groups are succeeding makes people unsympathetic to their struggle. Like the story in Adam and Eve, one day it will hunt them if they don’t start cleaning house and dealing with the problems of their community.

Times have changed

African American movements like Black Lives Matter encourage the misconception that police enforcement detains suspects based solely on racial profiling. Frankly, police in general roam the streets everyday minding their own business without participating in political activism that targets Afro-American hatred. Police officers have the difficult task to serve and protect communities from crime, civil unrest and riots.

Long gone the days Jim Crow laws and street lynching were an inescapable reality for most Afro-American communities down south. Unlike half a century ago, the present African American oppression is a prefabricated exaggeration crafted to justify thugs and criminals; blaming instead the lack of social progress, increased crime rates and violence in communities to government passiveness. Victimization has become the new social phenomena to excuse law infringement.

Millions of new minorities nationwide presently reside in large communities amid Afro-Americans looking for new opportunities to flee poverty. Many Hispanics, Middle Easterners, Indians, Asians, Africans and Europeans reside in low income areas searching for ways to grow financially and escape poverty to achieve greater living standards and social prosperity.

New ethnic minorities distrust Afro-Americans

The new ethnic American groups according to recent polls taken in Las Vegas by The Daily Journalist show that most minorities distrust Afro-Americans as a group; labeling them as criminals, pimps, gang affiliated drug dealers, shop lifters, crack heads, violence instigators and lazy people.

The poll suggest 93% Asians, 87% Hispanics, 91% Middle Easterners, 90% Indians, 83% Europeans and 88% of Africans view African Americans the root problem for socio-economic progress on their communities. That includes negative influence in public education for other non-Afro American kids who attend public schools.

Minorities also agreed greater protection must be enforced by police officers to secure local businesses in their neighborhoods, including less public support to organizations that provide Afro Americans constitutional rights to enhance “violent” social behavior.

Media war wages racial intolerance in favor of African-Americans

According to the Center for Disease, Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2014 the total number of firearm homicides per year mounts to 11,208, while homicides mount to 16,121. Just like computers, cops commit mistakes; the low number of questionable mistakes reported by mainstream media networks besieged against police enforcement is an insignificant number compared to the total amount of crime ranging the US.

In the past few years growing factions of Afro-American protestors backed by Neo-liberal lobbyist have initiated multiple campaigns against police enforcement evoking an end to violent raids targeting young African-Americans.

While liberal mainstream media plays an important role promoting the anti-police campaign, their cause has backfired on social media. In response to pro-African American network media, internet sites like Liveleak upload on a daily basis prejudiced videos of Afro-American teens beating Caucasians, assaulting stores and instigating violence; the videos have gone viral furthering wider racial antipathy in the web.

Afro-American internal division

African-American communities are divided in opinion. Some African-Americans backup the consensus that police brutality is not justified in their community, shifting the blame to the political system for lack of funding in their neighborhoods to achieve equal opportunities. On the other hand, African-American skeptics point that the government has little responsibility for the rise of ‘thugs and criminals’ and blame their community leaders for failing to address the real issues reflecting change in their neighborhoods to achieve social progress.

For most African-American neo-liberal’s, African American conservatives who disagree with their views are labeled as uncle toms along with other derogatory epithets. Contingencies are also growing strong between Afro-American war veterans who consider their sacrifice as part of their struggle for national freedom, and Afro-American neo-Liberals that view veterans as war criminals protecting a flawed racist political scheme: The flag burning movement sponsored by Neo-liberals free thinkers has created increased altercations between the two groups.

A psychological racial war has started to steadily escalate thanks to this controversial ideological divide, separating African-American communities that protect police intervention, over those who blame the ‘white establishment’ as the root cause for their civil struggle.

Neo Liberals hacked Afro-American resentment

The question for young African-American progressives lingers paradox in the stability of the nation’s future. Using democracy, the neo-liberals have inflated the democratic propaganda in congress to control ethnic issues by victimizing crime as an apologetic form of social injustice. Progressive democracy has not solved, but supplemented the growing animosity between Afro-Americans and new ethnic minorities.

The only solution to free African-American communities from racial stereotypes, and strengthen their broken bonds with the rest of US ethnic groups is by leaving the neo-liberalist agenda. Realistically, an authoritarian run government would radically transform the present failure of the judicial system — thus helping eliminate crime.

Government has being infiltrated by progressive thinkers that no longer sustain rational thinking. A stronger military presence in violent hoods would eliminate crime, stimulate military education and increase job opportunities under which the neo-libertarian utopian model has failed to accomplish.

Democracy is not the solution

History has repeatedly shown democracy to be the perfect system to abuse under the right social environment. We learned that lesson after the Arab Spring revolution in Egypt that hid islamization under the democratic banner led by the Islamic Brotherhood; later halted to a military coup d’état launched by former general Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.

The US on their quest to instigate the Middle East to become democratic, rallying revolts against regimes, has helped derail dictatorships into tribal rebellions turning the entire region into an Islamic sinkhole – thus the rise of ISIS, the present chaos in Syria, Iraq and Libya.

Ultimately democracy led Hitler into power in Germany. The Popular Front that consisted of a union of communist, Anarchist-syndicates, Marxist and labor movements in Spain also led to a fastidious civil war initiated by progressive egalitarianism.

First end crime, then racial profiling

The US government has to seriously review the judicial system. Prisons around the country swarm violent convicts that poison the system once reinstated back into society.

In order to safe and secure the streets and borders of the US, realist must review history for what it’s worth and use unorthodox methods to end crime from infesting cities. I solidly propose launching a ferocious military campaign in troublesome low income areas across the US to execute criminals with dangerous backgrounds to boost overall security for the nation’s stability ousting also neo-liberal austerity in government.

Democracy has failed to effectively contain the emergent criminal crisis that Afro-American and Latino communities over the decades have developed thanks to America’s drug addiction crisis. The prison system has failed to successfully reinstate dangerous gang members and criminals to society.

Fear is the key asset to stop crime, not granting dangerous criminals the opportunity to conduct more injustice like neo-liberals deem socially acceptable. This proposal will undoubtedly lead to a safer America for innocent hard working African-Americans and other ethnic groups; it would also vanquish the negative stereotype. Ethnic groups can coexist together not under the banner of neo-liberal democracy, but under hard work, unity and nationalism against the outside forces that divide it.

Once the problem of crime is finally solved and crime rates are virtually non-existent. Stiffer anti-racial laws and prosecution should be enforced to help protect hard working citizens from tedious law police misconduct. Only then, police integrity would be against the wall, if it fails to comply with ethnic tolerance; focusing the shift, into cracking down on police officers who defile the badge arresting people based on racial prejudice.

But first is first, we must help African-American and Latino communities by means of cleansing crime once and for all. To prevent a civil war, the US must clean up the gutters of society to maintain national stability at bay; then it must clean up the rooftop so it can preserve its international authority.

No change will drive a civil war

With the current neo-liberal demagogy Americans are doomed to succumb to the natural forces of history. We all win under strong nationalism, but as things stand with the ascension of neo-liberalism branches like Marxism, communism, minarchism and anarchism change is frankly impossible.

To be wise is to look into history and learn from its mistakes. If nothing is done, under a possible economic depression sporadic groups of gangs and criminals will emerge loot, riot and halt the possibility of economic recovery. Unlike the Great Depression where nationalism was deeply in-bedded on Americans, under an economic collapse, today’s generation is likely to revolt and destroy the American Landscape without possibility of recovery.

We must react.

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