How to deal with IRAQ effectively: One way strategy


By Jaime Ortega.



Ancient history shows that the Middle East is a place harden by ideological sectarian fanatism; a no mans land, where violence has prevailed throughout millennia and continues to do so as of today.

Western democracy does not and will never sequel adaptively on countries dominated by a 7th century mentality mindset. Applying democracy to solve Iraq‘s dilemma, is just ‘fantasia’ on the part of the United Nations and other socio-capitalist countries, who willingly ignore history to blindly meddle for another adequate solution to solve the reemergence of jihad via-diplomacy.

Ideologies in general are intrinsic to problems

Systems mold to form a stable idea and transform it into a solution when conflict of interest collides. The path is ideology, and the seed is establishment. They both work alongside together. One cannot work without the other, and every ideal needs to be set in practice for it to work adequately.

But the idea of exporting ideological systems has failed many times across. The Sandinista Front of National Liberation (1961) was the brainchild behind British Empire and the emergence of American capitalism. The Reagan administration during the Iran-gate scandal found itself irrigated with accusations joined with the illegal funding of neo-fascist terrorist to expel the Sandinistas out of power.

As a result of this forced ideological ideal, Capitalism failed in Nicaragua, East Timor and specially under the influence of Boris Yeltsin after the fall of the Soviet Union. Yeltsin backed by the Bush Sr. administration sponsored capitalism in Russia which in return hurt the economy, increased crime and set unemployment at a national high of %45; specially on those who relied on government jobs to survive, and benefited from its social programs.

The point is that ideologies work on some nations, but don’t necessarily work on others. So to apply the right solution to the right problem, one has to go to history and see what works, what failed and how it failed to learn from the past!

Socio-Capitalist principals have shown only to work on countries founded by past Judeo-Christian belief systems. Nicaragua for example was influenced by Roman Catholicism, alike other Mediterranean countries, and share analogous ideological dogmas as opposed to Northern European countries where Protestantism allowed opposite ideologies to sprang forward and give rise to their current political models.

They are tons of examples of ideological integrations that failed the purpose of their cultural propaganda. You perhaps can think of a few, since they are many to explore and analyze.

But some ideological amalgamations benefit more an ancient established structure for swifter change, than any ’philosophical incredulity’ the Foreign Relations Committee proposes with baseline diplomatic rearrangements. Historical outcomes show the guidelines for true change, and help reform an older system. But the older the ideology prevails, the more experience it gains to interrupt any recent political procedure, having enough experience to use it for its own gain.

That’s why Islam solidly benefits from democracy to insert its ideological spin successfully, using it as a tool to propagate its religious agenda by blurring the idea of equality and freedom rights into a 7th century mindset.

After the resignation of Hosni Mubarak on 2011, The Islamic Brotherhood with the help of secular activist got the attention of the world during the widespread revolution known as the Arab Spring. Once Mubarak’s resignation became official, the country decided to give democracy a chance by promoting fair elections. But fear was amongst seculars who started to rethink, if the succession to Egypt’s power was a double edge sword and a dangerous glimpse into the future.

Yes, eliminate the dictator, but as a result give radical fundamentalist more power to achieve their religious cause. Probably, not the best option available for progressive seculars to be stuck under a Taliban like government. Indeed the Islamic Brotherhood hid itself under the umbrella name ‘Freedom and Justice Party’ which sounds like a ‘made in China’ adaptation of a western democratic political party.

Once the voters cast their ballots during the elections, the results couldn’t have been more controversial, as Mohammed Morsi, was elected new prime minister of Egypt. Within less than 48 hours Egypt’s senate rapidly morphed into a new ideological cancer, as the Islamic Brotherhood tried to revert basic constituencies in congress in order to start a new face-lift of Egypt’s present constitution. Going back to a Sharia-Law government, that Abdel Nasser successfully stopped in the early 70‘s via-dictatorship by executing Islamic Brotherhood fanatics and sending others to solitary confinement in prison.

So what happened to Morsi? The Egyptian Armed Forces arrested him, and Abdel Fattah el-Sisi became the new prime minister. Al-Sisi was not elected democratically — Mubarak Dictatorship (part 2).

What has the Middle East history shown in the past century? Dictatorships and tyranny have far better reaching implications and results on the Middle Eastern, than any new applied model which has only shown to work on Judeo-Christian based countries. Dictators with an “Iron fist” have shown how to control sectarian incumbents, and done a fair job at it.

To rule the middle east you need tyranny, despotic oppressors of violence, cold blood and an iron fist; something the west has failed to recognize since the foundation of the UN, partly because for decades trans-national corporations have lobbied to get access to new foreign territories. urging only to grow on a financial ecosystem artificially flavored to model and mimic a free market of trade without restrictions.

Saudi Arabia, successfully applied this corporate subsidiary model that sultan Ibn Saud welcomed during the first US-Saudi oil exchange negotiations in 1943; as a result Saudi Arabia in half a century experienced more growth per-capita than any other Islamic neighbor. And every Al-Saud family member is keen on never letting “democracy” alter, rip, and divide their kingdom which grew thanks to western expansionism in KSA.

Abdul Karim Qassem, Hafez Al-Assad, Ruhollah Khomeini, Hissene Habre, Zine El Abidinie Ben Ali, Gaafar Nimeiry, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Islam Karimov, Muhammad Omar and least but not last Muammar Gaddafi. All founders and harsh persecutors of Islamic sectarian movements, dealing mostly with Sunni radical affiliations among other less known Islamic factions. Again dictatorship is the thumb of rule, and it has proven to work effectively in the Middle East, and North Africa.

Foundation mandates the basis of the establishment of Islam

Contrary to popular belief, Islam did not began as a peaceful religion. Raids, forced conversions, and violence are the grounds of its true foundation. Not to mention that from the 9th to 19th Century Trans-Saharan slave trade, makes the North Atlantic Slave trade look like a little innocent girl. Its calculated that over 100.000.000 western and central African’s died on the routes that connect both continents, but estimates also depend on the region.

Islam has always been on its on plane, rejecting other modeled proceedings to feed its own political agenda without allowing other possibly ideological establishments the opportunity to grow. Historically Islamic fundamentalism was what gave rise to the first caliphates lead by Omar, that spread all the way to the Maghreb and South East Asia.

The Wahabi version of Al-Islam is one of the multiple sects, that never adapted to the 21 century; currently undermining politics and whatever deems necessary to never amend to other foreign diplomatic acts, and agreements giving their own justice priority on its followers behalf.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is the culmination of this ideology. And democracy will never triumph over a culturally wired self-fanatic religious agenda.

How to stop ISIL and fundamentalism?

During the early formation of the Abbasid Caliphate (1258) the Mongols seized Bagdad and besieged the city after 12 days of constant onslaughts. The Mongols nearly exterminated the Muslims after centuries of war between the two.

The war did not start out of Mongolian hands as mainstream history fails to point out. The man who almost destroyed Islam, Genghis Khan, attacked the Turko-Persian Muslim Khwarazmian empire of Samarkand to avenge the attacks being launched by the Arab and Persian Muslims in to Tartary (Central Asia).

Foul tactics used by Muslims and their legendary cruelty against the Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kazaks, led to the Mongol invasion of Iran and Iraq.

From the 7th to 13th centuries many Persian Zoroastrians, the Persian Nestorian Christians, the Turks, Chinese and the Mongols had nursed within themselves a grievance against the savagery ‘peaceful Muslims’ used to convert the non-Muslim population of Persia and Central Asia to Islam. Muslims would torture and capture Mongols which they dragged through the streets and killed for sport to entertain the city residents.

Sounds familiar doesn’t? 2004 Fallujah Insurgency were four US contractors where brutally killed and burned. Hanging their bodies on a bridge while displaying happiness to cameras across. (mental hospital stuff)

Baghdad was a rich and well endowed city, the Caliphate owed its riches to the constant looting of Persia, Central Asia, North Africa, Spain which the Muslim armies had been indulging from the beginning of Islam in 630 C.E., till they were checked by Charles Martel in France in 732 C.E. and till their brutal march across Central Asia towards China was reversed with equal brutality by the Mongols from 1200 C.E.

125.000 Mongol horsemen with Uigur in command as a response came as a whirlwind into Islamdom, and pierced through Islamic countries as a hot knife through butter, overwhelming Islam utterly. Slaughtering in gruesome fashion their Muslims enemies and pilling up bones to show other neighboring cities what would happen to them if they continued their religious Jihad.

Muslim cities became very afraid of the Mongols, and calmed the region for a few centuries before the ottoman empire re-surged only to subvert to Islam.

The only tactic that works against fanatics

The point is, that the United States needs to apply Mongol style tactics with ISIL, and not worry what its political allies and counterparts stand for. Democracy has null effects on terrorist organizations like ISIL, and on Islamic fundamentalism. If you’re not a Muslim, you’re an infidel and are consider an enemy in times of Jihad (It is written in the Quran).

– Discard democracy, for experienced and historical proven results. Forget David Patraeous “Surge” and “Rebuild and Construct” strategy by Hillary Clinton and the rest of democrats (wont work).

– No negations with insurgents.

– The US, should go an exterminate and destroy any town who is ruled by religious fanatics, wipe all out, leave no remnants.

– The more violence used, the less likely the problem will escalate. No soft measurements. Full force will talk for itself and nail the point.

– Display the gruesome tactics in television with the results, and show it to neighboring countries as a evident warning.

– Repeat as many times as necessary without meddling into negotiations (surrender the only fallible option)

– Kick out, and blow up mosques where radical insurgents gather, if problems continue to escalate. (Ideology is the key-holder of their belief system) destroy, destroy, destroy.

– Tooth for Jaw, eye for face!

– A virus cannot multiply work when its converted to ‘zero.’

– Victory is the only result and it will work (guaranteed)

By using Mongolian 12th century tactics the US, will succeed on the war against terrorism, defeating insurgents and jihadist psychologically rather than just physically. Any other option will fail to work, and eventually given more time will lead to a bomb in a major US city, with thousands of casualties from a Jihadist terrorist organization.

The sooner the better. Reality speaks for itself, so the key resides to not speak for it. Its better to prevent, than than to cure! Wake Up!

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