The rise of the US anti-establishment conspiracy


By Jaime Ortega.


The man who wasn’t aware

There was a man that suffered an accident, broke his spinal cord and ended paralyzed from his feet. He roamed his house in a wheelchair with nothing to do, but to read books, watch television and stare at the neighboring houses through his balcony.

His brother in law concerned for his mental condition, stress and personal affliction, to help ease the pain bought him a telescope so he could observe the night stars. Instead of studying the stars, the paralyzed man routinely spied on the apartments across the street. Staring at people’s windows through his balcony, he realized that one of the apartments always had a locked window blocked with a curtain that screened the blurred light.

As time passed, he became obsessed with spying on his neighbors. One day, observing the mysterious window, he saw two shadows moving violently; panicked, he decided to grab his cell phone and called the police to report assault charges. In the report, he stated to the officers that he saw what looked like “two older people fighting rapaciously” through the blurry window covered with a curtain.

When the police officers arrived to the scene at approximately 11:23pm, knocking on the door, a woman with a cooking apron came out with her two children. The officers explained to her that a neighbor had reported a suspected assault in her apartment.

The mother laughed and told the officers that her two kids started to wrestle in the living room and that nothing other had happened. The officers went inside the apartment to check for anomalies, but seeing nothing was wrong they left and reported a misunderstanding.

The enlarged shadows the paralyzed man witnessed through his balcony were nothing else than an elongated version of two children wrestling — not two people trying to kill each other.

The point of this story is that looks deceive, especially when the windows are closed and the curtains blur reality from fiction.

Miscalculation…but on point

Just like the paralyzed man that miscalculated the situation, so are those viewing  the US Government as conspiring against its own populace. In general, politicians help citizens by amending laws to protect their rights to secure their basic freedoms. Democracy is flawed, but despite controversy, history shows that living in the US comes prosperous to immigrants who flee poverty .

One out of three Americans now use Snap-card benefits to prevent starvation. Stats show 44% of American children live amongst low income families. Many of these families use the Welfare system to survive and strive to come out from poverty to achieve greater financial stability.

These and many other signs are important to understand, to discard a government conspiracy against its own people. Past empires just as we see today, had cults among their elites running government, but history shows that the conspiracy traits suggested by NWO advocates never resumed into the general population; instead, assassinations targeting rivalries in power did occur throughout the past.

Historically religious creeds and cults have never unified to represent ‘one common’ vision because difference of interest will always blockade the road for global unity in humanity. The Jesuit priest will never bond completely with the Muslim radical imam or the Mormon priest because their view of the world has become severely altered by their interpretation of faith. This results into dissension, and dissension almost always results in conflict which leads to war.

One reason why massive conspiracy theories targeting all people would never work and will never take place is because through human history, emergent rival powers, almost instinctually take absolute advantage of any government stirring a sudden national crisis against its own people. Obviously such threat would result into a civil war as observed in the Middle East, that after the Arab Spring revolutions, the former authoritarian governments lost all power once the conflicts ended.

Jesus said that “a house divided against itself, will not be able to stand,”  and this is a true historical perspective. If the US wages a NWO starting in America, history shows a civil war will automatically spark; meanwhile, Russia and China will lick their chops, take US interest worldwide and split the remnants between the two new superpowers leaving American hegemony a thing of the past.

History suggest that conspiracy advocates that view the future with conspiracy lenses blaming Knight Templars, Illuminati, Masons, Jesuits, Rothschild’s and other cults and families with all current global events, have a biased view of world affairs and distort facts just alike the blurry pictures depicting UFO’s to prove their existence.

Conspiracy theories come in many different forms, from reptilians to UFO’s, demons, hidden monsters, secret elites, ancient cults, super corporations and the list goes on and on. Despite the vast list of conspiracies, even the most avid conspirators get confused in who is running what; once again, blurring fact from fiction into a world of fantasy, drama and evil plots. In other words, imaginary superstitions.

However, the US does have one field sponsored by Neo-liberal propaganda which promotes immediate academic censorship on anything that opposes its core belief. I wouldn’t call it a conspiracy, but a totalitarian system within the US Government that ‘runs lose’ to promote a scientific agenda to extinguish any faith in the metaphysical world.

The US government thus far struggles with unity, internal divisions have shut government on multiple occasions and will continue to fail to achieve a unifying consensus as other superpowers rise. This comes at a time when Neo-liberalism has created dissension between military, nationalism and religious consent.

Conspiracies are challenging the future of the government

During the past two years, after reviewing a myriad of conspiracy theories in social media, I’ve come to the final conclusion that the American people and the US Government no longer hold a trustworthy relationship.

The newer generations not only distrust, but completely blot out any possibility to accredit government accounts in national and international events reported in mainstream media outlets. Politicians and people suffer a static marriage adamant to absolute failure.

The rise of conspiracy theories has started to dwarf the future associated with the next generation of politicians whom aspire to lead the US government one day. According to a recent survey taken by The Daily Journalist, 70% of people believe the government holds some sort of evil plot against its citizens.

Neo-liberals attack on education: Ignorance nourishes foolishness  

The seeds of new generations are planted during the augmentation of alternative ideologies within the cultural rise of national affairs. With the rise of democratization and freedom of speech, the US political system automatically allowed for the sudden rise of conspiracies to take place. As a consequence, freedom of speech has evolved into outright demonization of US armed forces by opposing government intervention in foreign lands under the imaginary umbrella of oligarchic tyrannical plots.

With the rise of Neo-liberalism, skepticism has transcended into full ignorance. New schools of social thought have diverted history into a state of scientific paradigm designed to suppress all religious orders, thus crusading a campaign against ignorance in the name of scientific skepticism.

High Schools, universities and colleges fire professors and discipline students who question the current educational curriculum. The hypocrisy of Neo-liberalism is that it strives to find educational reforms ousting religion, but when challenged with alternative theories, these institutions that proclaim to sponsor debate reciprocate as authoritarian regimes censoring opposite ideas that are viewed contrary to their belief system.

A recent poll taken by The Daily Journalist shows that 91% of Americans believe in a supernatural being. The interesting correlation is that historically the educated (the remaining 9%) almost always remained a small minority in other empires; in contrast, the majority subjugated their authority to the reprimands of small influential elites that dictated reforms in the status-quo without popular consensus.

Theocratic, autocratic, totalitarian and democratic based countries share the same moral conundrum, mainly because all political structures always rely on a minority to rule a majority of people. With democracy, the educational system has being usurped by technocrats that foster Darwinian austerity.

The result is that ousting ignorance has boosted ignorance; skepticism has formed more skepticism. Children’s IQ’s have drastically fallen in the US because kids no longer create; they only follow and obey to never question the pillars of modern science. Other well researched theories have festered contingency with Darwinian evolutionary propaganda, which in return suppress alternative historical and scientific knowledge into a category of fantasy, fables, myths and fairy tales.

With history and other fields of study subjected to an evolutionary agenda, all discoveries must oblige with the leading theory to satisfy the national curriculum sponsored by hardcore Neo-liberals that oblige atheism. Subjects like ’Forbidden History’ not only drill holes on the evolutionary version of history, but severely haze our comprehension of the past. With the institutional ban on subjects like ‘Forbidden History’ it is comprehensible why skeptics of Darwinian Theory view education as a safe haven for atheistic propaganda.

Neo-liberals sleep with the US Department of Education to control all sectors of education, turning a blind eye on alternative explanations by immediately gunning down contradictory explanations. Thousands of scientists from all disciplines of academia around the world, conscientiously grieved with the system, kneel down to the modern ‘Catholic Church’ repression – the Darwinian hegemony!

For Neo-liberals it is important to control education at all levels to successfully inculcate Darwinian propaganda because in doing so, the next generations belief-core will blossom ideological warfare against unexplained theories to keep the atheistic lineage alive.

Evolution won the battle, but not the war!

As the Neo-liberal community continues to control the national scientific agenda presented in mainstream academic institutions to prevent the rise of religion, social media with help of the internet has help challenge the mainstream agenda creating an alternative channel to funnel history without Darwinian filters.

Methods applied to control people, historically, never turn in favor of those who apply it. People are naturally visceral with top to bottom consensus. As a result of Darwinian scrutiny, creativity and parallel explanations rattled into ignorance, and ignorance has risen sturdily to crusade a campaign against evolution by relating its canon with a plot to subvert people to a New World Order with the ultimate mission to crush religious consent.

The youth labels politicians thanks to Neo-liberalism, as massive conspirators created by secret societies to rule the world by deceiving the government to ultimately permeate their imaginary power around the system to the bottom of the hierarchical structure. It is this mistrust caused by heavy censorship in academic subjects like Forbidden History that has molded into an ideological cancer that will with time destroy the same system by which it was created.

People view the US Government an evil institution designed to hide demonic religious cults that sponsor atheism to create a world free of religion targeting mostly the Christian faith. The problem is that not just Christians, but alternative faiths whether scientific based or not, also view politicians as mass conspirators that promote a New World Order.

So by censoring historical data to fit the theory, even those who believe in evolution now question the scientific standards by which the academic system filters new discoveries.

The rise of Neo-liberalism would have never socially progressed without Darwinian Theory. It is the Darwinian belief system that keeps the neo-liberal establishment healthy, steady and financially prosperous. Eventually like any form of power, history demonstrates, it too will collapse into another social revolution.

The main mission for most neo-liberals is to protect at all cost the theory of evolution to prevent religious progressives from consolidating new ideological reforms to halt the spread of modern scientific thought. Darwinian evolution is the western rational filter to keep Islam, Christianity, Catholicism and Mormonism and other ideological creeds at bay.

Darwinism came from Protestantism

Neo-liberals and liberals easily forget that the liberties they presently enjoy started with the Church of England. The protestant reformation of Europe questioned the supremacy of the Roman Catholic Church, challenging its repressive prerogative authority by means of allowing all people to read the bible to foment literacy during the darkest ages Europe has ever experienced. The Guttenberg Press was the first social innovation that led to the imminent rise of education during Europe’s theological reformation thanks to the bible.

The Church of England became a superpower at the time the Spanish Empire, Rome’s military wing, started to decline financially and militarily. With the rise of Protestantism, England started social reforms thanks to the core belief that all men are created equal despite their sinful nature.

England soon experienced incredible financial revolutions. The infamous ‘Industrial Revolution’ galvanized the economy transforming the entire world. Evangelical Christians sponsored by the Queen of England travelled around the globe to places like India, Hong Kong, South Africa, British Columbia and other colonies to help spread literacy and Christianity changing the lives of millions of people.

After centuries of ideological repression from Rome, free thinking and scientific rationality was tolerated which eventually gave birth to the Origin of Species written by Charles Darwin.

It was through Protestantism, that Darwinian evolution sprang a new scientific revolution. Without the Reformation, Europe’s illustrious ‘Enlightenment’ would have never ‘evolved’ under Roman Catholicism. The Protestant movement changed Europe, ceding tolerance to controversial ideals stifled under other religious establishments that reigned prior to it.

Modern evolution spits on the plate that fed it

The Neo-Liberal establishment in the US willingly makes no distinction between Roman Catholicism, Islam and Protestantism. Protestantism was the hand that fed Darwinism, the modern Neo-Liberalist core-belief; Neo-liberals and liberals in return have mocked evangelical Christians labeling derogatory terms, as if all were brainless ignorant fable worshipers.

Ironically religion played a role in the development of most civilizations in history. Science was vital for the subsistence of the Mayans, Incas, Egyptians, Sumerians, Assyrians, Hindus, Babylonians, Persians, Romans, Greeks and myriads of other known and unknown cultures. With the discovery of even more ancient civilizations, we are only starting to grasp the technological advancement and mathematical accuracy these religious based cultures possessed; paradoxically many architectural wonders even challenge our technological achievements, showing hard to replicate despite our advancement.

Sadly the Neo-Liberal establishment obliquely has given birth to a conspiracy world that will soon reciprocate against them. Most people in the world are religious by nature, and to try to impose Darwinian scrutiny on new progressive thinkers at the cost of censoring all alternative theories can only result in the public defamation of the US Government that hearten the Neo-Liberalist propaganda with taxpayer money.


To be frank, even though I don’t agree with most modern conspiracies, I do agree that the scientific community has gone out of control with their agenda to manage all fields of study.

In essence, we should stop such fervent agenda from controlling all modern alternative theories that oppose its basic scientific tenants; because Evolution is still till this day, nothing else but a theory on the verge of collapse just as Neo-liberalism will one day revert into the bookshelves of history after another ideological form buries takes place.

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