Eastern Ukraine votes against Kiev



By Jaime Ortega.


Donetsk and Lugansk voted Sunday on a referendum for Ukrainian sovereignty with an uncertain purpose . Nadia, a resident of the city center of Donetsk missed rge” Russian Empire ” did not need to await the outcome of the votes, when she hit the streets yesterday morning  to find out the results: on a long line in front of the school for her daughter. It was the picture of the day . The figures confirm that same euphoria . In some cities where the vote count began the pro-Russian referendum before, ” only 5% of the vote has been against the independence” of Ukraine, according to Alexei Chmilienko said , one of the pro-Russian leaders Lugansk.

The old worker pride Dongas – is the name given to the mining area covering much of both regions and even some Russian city takes a month – guarded by masked SMG . Despite the bad press that given to the separatist , pro-Russian citizens of these territories came out to vote driven by hopes of a better life and distrust of the Ukrainian government .

In some cases weighed hostility towards the “fascists” of Kiev and in nearly all the resentment by the use of the military against the population. Only half of voters polled by saying a WORLD desire to a union with Russia .

Vasili , 53, came in mid-morning to vote in the 96 School Donetsk . “They say that this referendum is illegal, but they are the rulers of Kiev who are not legitimate , they have taken power by crookedness ” . Could not say if I want a Russian or Ukrainian Donetsk . ” We just want to elect our own leaders , people who look for us and not for their own interests or those of Kiev” .

Even the subject of the referendum was clear. In printed in haste by the pro-Russian rebel ballots that contained the question : ” Do you agree with the independence of the People ‘s Republic of Donetsk ? ” and ” Do you agree with the independence of the People’s Republic of Lugansk ?”. There were only two options: ‘ yes’ or ‘no’.


Cut ties with Ukraine

Insurgent leaders now want to form a new independent state called Novorossia , that means, new Russia. And the statement rest on the foundation provided by this referendum to sever ties with Ukraine. Among the most militant separatist leaders was Valery Bolotov , Luhansk . Following the success of this referendum he refuses to ” presidential elections on the 25th ” in these territories.

This Sunday it was almost impossible to find people exiting polls to go to vote in those elections that Kiev promotes.

The rebels have tried in recent days to lower the extent of their own practice . ” A ‘yes’ does not mean that the Donetsk region is annexed to Russia, or that would otherwise remain in Ukraine, or become an independent state,” explained Roman Liaguin , head of the election commission of the self-proclaimed popular Republic of Donetsk . The ‘yes’ last night is only a way means that the people gives them the legitimacy to continue the process , where income in Russia remains a key option .

But the Ukrainian government has said that it is these separatist referendums , which are also ” organized by the Kremlin ” ,will have no legal effect on the territorial integrity of the country . This was stated the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Specially in Kiev Kharkov , where armed insurgents have managed to win and also have not agreed on the questions or voting ballot questionnaires. But will try again in Kharkov and Odessa and Nikolayev could join them .


No official census or observers

The truth is that there was an official census , and observers could not guarantee anything . Nor minimum participation was required, although organizers had claimed that the help exceeded 70 %. Kiev warned that ” the organizers of this criminal farce ” have knowingly violated the Constitution and laws of Ukraine ignoring calls by the Ukrainian authorities and the international community . But despite all the government defended a unitary national dialogue ” in which there is no room or terrorism threats , but the openness and unity of all people of good will to secure peace , stability and prosperity of Ukraine” . It seems the only way out after an injection of legitimacy that the insurgents have received this vote.

Moscow was a silent witness , although it remains a central actor in the crisis. United States released a satellite image that would show that Russia maintains a significant military presence on the border with Ukraine , which in practice is a threat to the integrity of Ukraine and support for the Eastern secessionist  country .

Voting did not stop the fighting at several points in this part of the country . The day began with shootouts between the Ukrainian pro-Russian forces and militias. One person died in Krasnoarmeysk (Donetsk) and several wounded in a village in the Ukrainian rebel region of Lugansk when people tried to keep out of the Ukrainian armored Army. In Slaviansk Ukrainian forces claimed to have dismantled three checkpoints roads that were in rebel hands

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