Swish immigration reform revives issue in Germany



By Jaime Ortega.

After the referendum passed on immigration from the neighboring Alpine country , Germany has exploded though out the social networking and likewise claim to limit immigration in the image and likeness of the Swiss .

The official government response on the contrary has been, ” lamenting the outcome of the vote ” and the main political parties ignore this body of opinion on the Internet. On Sunday, after showing the opinion poll one cannot avoid having to plan the next electoral campaign for the European elections. This is a survey by Emnid and published by Bild whereby 72% of the vote in the referendum  shows that most Germans support a new limit on immigration, whereas only 23 % oppose.

The first effects of this shocking fact have already begun to be felt by Germans . The leader of the Christian Social Union of Bavaria (CSU) and member of the grand coalition government , Horst Seehofer , has held that “Applying Switzerland’s rule would do no harm to Germany.”

More specifically, Seehofer calls for citizen to veto the decisions of Brussels. ” The concern of the CSU is that the German people be consulted in European major decisions . And within that category understand that is expanding to other new members of the Union,  including the transfer of national powers and scope of aid participating financially in Germany, ” Seehofer said .

From the Social Democratic Party (SPD ), also in the coalition government , voices appear  a little shy but in the same sense . The general secretary, Yasmin Fahimi , said that “it is understandable that people want to not only make a cross on paper every four years , but  should increasingly involve in political decisions ” and notes , as ” a very positive experience “the query that your party has recently made between their bases to approve the agreement to form the grand coalition with Merkel.

‘ The real sovereignty ‘

The opposition is not insensitive to this new approach. The leader of the Greens, Cem Özdemir, recalls that ” we require some time now to increase elements of direct democracy, as they do not try to question fundamental rights or principles of the constitution ” , while Die Linke (The Left ) requires not only in Germany direct feedback on major European issues , but also in other partner countries. ” The key decisions on the future of Europe should be taken with real sovereignty and it resides in the people , so we need direct feedback in all European countries.”

The fact that this speech, is seeing the light in the German political parties , has much to do with the newly created party Alternative für Deutschland ( AfD ) proposing the expulsion of the weaker euro countries . AfD was about to enter the German parliament in Septembers general elections launching all populist campaigns in Europe , forcing the other parties to redirect their speech to prevent other political from losing votes.

AfD leader , Bernd Lucke , was quick to declare that “Switzerland is a good example to control immigration in countries that are exposed to unwanted social immigration ” and that ” Germany has legislation pending an immigration law based on the rating and the ability to integrate immigrants . ”

The fertile land on which AdF spread these seeds is a society in which immigration has become the primary concern of citizens , according to the ‘ political barometer ‘ of German public television station ZDF from January 17 , reflects a strong increase in tension on this matter. 22% of respondents said the issue as the most important , slightly ahead of the labor market situation and well above pensions , inflation and wages.

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