How To Promote Teamwork In The Workplace

Teamwork is essential to improving productivity in the workplace – there is only so much your employees can do while working by themselves, and they work in synergy when grouped together. Working in groups creates a lot more efficiency and productivity rather than working in isolation. However, since rewards and compensation in an organization are generally based on an individual’s performance rather than a team’s, we often find individuals focusing on their own tasks rather than thinking of the entire team. Managers need to ensure that their employees think of themselves as a unit, rather than individual pieces of a formation. 

Managers often simply ask their employees to focus on teamwork and team performance, but merely asking isn’t enough. Managers should make conscious efforts to ensure that all their employees, especially newly employed ones, feel and work like a team. Listed below are 5 things that managers can do to promote teamwork in their workplace:

  1. Managers should lead and set an example

If managers want their team to act a certain way, they need to step-in, lead, and set an example for others to learn from. Managers need to build a teamwork flourishing attitude within themselves to promote teamwork within their office. They should involve their employees and take their opinions while making decisions in the workplace and for the business’ future. By seeing you, your employees will subconsciously promote teamwork within the office and hence achieve efficient in their work systems and workplace.

  1. Managers should set team-building activities and exercises

In order to promote teamwork, managers need to set-up activities and exercises around the office that promote teamwork. This can be done by engaging your employees in problem solving activities, setting up team based treasure hunts or presenting challenges and issues that are to be addressed by them in a collective manner. Additionally, managers need to set up trainings that can allow employees to engage in team work. Communication is a very big concern in teams as reaching out to multiple employees simultaneously can be a hindrance. Simple activities, such as learning how to create a group in Gmail, can be really helpful.

  1. Managers should focus on providing team based rewards

Instead of focusing on individual rewards, managers should focus on team based rewards. This allows individuals with a reward oriented mindset to give their most in team activities. A reward scheme that calls for participation allows every team member to do his/her best, and allows other to help a weak member as well. However, a concern managers may need to address here would be of free riders claiming rewards without having done much work.

  1. Managers should mediate to resolve team conflict

While a certain amount of conflict within the team is favorable in promoting teamwork, an excessive amount can be unhealthy and promote discourse within the team. Hence, if managers foresee or witness a possible instance of team conflict, they should mediate and try to resolve issues between team members. By doing so, they can prevent any divisions in the team, and create an overall team environment that is harmonious and productive. However, any small misunderstandings should be solved by the team members themselves, and managers ought to teach employees how to address a conflict in team building exercises.

  1. Managers should encourage and arrange office outings

In order to truly improve teamwork in an organization, managers should encourage and arrange outings with their employees. Not only does this allow employees to get to know each other better in a different context and setting, it also allows them to bond over other things. This bonding further allows them to collaborate over their work and help each other in their office environment. These outings may include going out for happy hours, participating in a marathon, hiking together, office lunches, etc.

In conclusion, while managers may wish to have a workplace culture that promotes teamwork, it might always  be as easy. However, if managers are willing to set an example, and make an effort by making a few changes and addressing certain issues, they are sure to promote a culture of teamwork in their employees. Teamwork can be very beneficial to promote productivity in the workplace, and hence is essential for all workplaces and businesses.

While managers have an array of methodologies to pursue in order to promote teamwork in their workplace, the above listed five measures are some of the most popular and proven ways to do so. Not only would they strengthen teamwork within your workplaces, they would also increase the overall productivity of your employees.

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