The potential dangers posed by EMF exposure

If you use modern devices and gadgets (and, let’s face it, who doesn’t these days), you could be exposing your body to dangerous levels of EMF. Pretty much all of our everyday objects like cell phones, laptops and WiFi routers emit a constant stream of invisible energy waves, also known as Electromagnetic Fields – or EMF for short. 

A quick insight into EMF

Before considering the potential dangers presented by EMF, it’s perhaps best to have a better understanding of where it comes from. Probably the most recognizable emitter of electromagnetic fields in our lives is the sun which is constantly sending out EMFs, most of which we see as visible light. 

However, at the start of the 20th century, when consumer demand for power increased exponentially, scientists found that the electrical power lines that were built to supply energy were also capable of emitting invisible EMF. Indeed, they also discovered that many of the appliances and devices we today take for granted also generate EMFs.

Protecting yourself from EMF

Although there is still considerable debate within the scientific community about the possible extent of damage caused by EMF, most experts still recommend reducing your exposure where possible. For example, putting down your mobile phone when not in use or installing EMF protection around your phone or laptop will help mitigate unnecessary exposure. Likewise, we’ve known for a long time that limiting your time in the sun can also help reduce skin cancer.

It’s thought that very high exposure to EMF can change the cells in the body and may even cause growths or cancer – so it’s best to avoid it where possible. It’s also believed EMF could cause problems with sperm in men, reduce testosterone levels and may even damage DNA.

The two types of exposure to EMF 

There are two main types of electromagnetic field radiation which you should attempt to avoid or reduce your exposure to:

Non-ionizing radiation: Non-ionizing radiation is low-level exposure and considered to be relatively mild and not especially harmful – particularly if only in low doses. Emitters include cell phones, Bluetooth-enabled devices, computers, microwave ovens, WiFi routers and power lines.

Ionizing radiation: Ionizing radiation is high-level in the form of ultraviolet rays and X-rays. Respectively, emitters of this type of radiation include the sun (hence the reason you should always wear sunscreen and limit the time you spend outside particularly in summer) and some medical imaging technology (why you should also try to limit the number of x-rays you have in a lifetime).

In both cases, the effects and strength of the radiation can be decreased by increasing the distance between you and the object emitting the EMF. For this reason, experts suggest leaving your mobile phone in a different room at night and unplugging all electrical devices when not in use (this will also save power usage and reduce your energy bills).

In summary

The jury is still very much out when it comes to the potential dangers of so-called low-level EMF exposure but just taking sensible precautions can mitigate the chances of developing problems. Avoiding over-exposure, shielding devices, limiting your time in the sun and turning off electrical equipment when you’re not using it can all help protect you. 

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