Should the uneducated be allowed to vote?

Should the uneducated be allow to vote?

Should the uneducated be allow to vote

A dilemma for all political cultures under democratic principles

It is estimated that at least 50-73 percent of the population in most democratic nations doesn’t exactly understand for what it is voting. Basically, people are not educated well enough to discuss or understand the policies for which their political candidates stand. This would be the equivalent of saying, “I vote Republican because it is the tradition in our family;” or “I’m a democrat because my friends are voting democrats.” 

A majority of voters vote based on intuition, rather than relying exclusively on their comprehension of the candidates’ policies.  

Is it fair for citizens who don’t know anything about politics, economics, education … to have equal voting rights as the citizens who are knowledgeable concerning the candidates they select? And if it’s fair: could it also be said that those who vote without comprehension are basically playing a ‘coin toss’ game that could go either way? If it’s not fair: should the system acknowledge knowledgeable voters and only allow those who understand the system to actually vote? In other words, should the janitor be allowed to operate on a tumor and have the same rights as the doctor? 


Robert David Steele Vivas. 

“Democracy is by definition self-governance of, by, and for educated informed citizens.

When the state fails to educate its citizens to the fullest extent possible, corruption rules and plutocracy/kleptocracy kick in.

The single best book on this point that I have read is Will Durant’s Philosophy and the Social Problem, see my summary review there.

The USA is not a democracy.  It is a GRIFTOPIA as Matt Taibbi has defined it, enabled by a two-party tyranny and a government whose flag officers and senior civil servants have confused loyalty to criminally inclined and fraudulently elected politicans, with their oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies domestic and foreign.

To heal ourselves, we must first raise the educational level of all of our people, and then apply ruthless counterintelligence against all of our enemies, including dual US Israli citizens, Opus Dei, Pentecostals, and Mormons, that have penetrated our government and whose allegiance is to a foreign or non-governmental power rather than to the public interest.  Please note that in my view Muslims, along with Quakers and 7th Day Adventists, have NOT penetrated the US Government and are NOT a threat to our internal security in that capacity.

as we are finding now when we give Ethiopian kids little simple laptops and no instructions, they have all the innate intelligence they need to open the box, hack the computers, and learn what they need to learn without teachers.  Clarity, diversity, and integrity–all in the subtitle of my next to last book, INTELLIGENCE FOR EARTH, are more important than formal education — and since the school are just as corrupt in what they teach as the religions, corporations, governments, and non=profits, once could say that the uneducated are more authentic than the educated.  This is why I have published THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO.”


Jaime Ortega Simo

“There might be an agenda hidden in a wide stack of other unopened documents in congress or there might not be. (I don’t have security clearance access, so I don’t know!) But the question really is: If it’s fair for the uneducated to have the same voting rights as the educated, is it not a communist principle of equality? Should the person who worked hard to understand the system be equal to the person that gets trashed every night, doesn’t study and knows nothing about the structure on which he very well dwells? The government should look at the issue more closely.

Ultimately, the system does not choose people’s interactions with society – and especially within a model that somewhat resembles a “democratic society” (which I don’t believe exists as we are taught). But, the choice still remains. In our capitalist republic, we have libraries and vast amounts of resources to study the structure we live on and its bases; unlike other, unluckier — but still educated — third world countries that struggle to fund or support education.

We should not excuse the youth, who are able to study and read a book for free inside the local library. If one wants to go bar-hopping everyday, smoke marijuana and get trashed, and the other decides to study… it’s up to the person to determine his own goals and aspirations regardless of the cultural demands, which negatively affect education. Drinking everyday and living the Bling Bling life might seem taken out of a wild-Walt Disney movie, and ultimately sponsored by powerful financial elites that support such lifestyle. But the fact is that in our nation information is ultimately free and books are not inaccessible. This reverses the whole equation into the hands of each individual as his/her voluntary choice! Fun or knowledge?

I don’t think it’s fair that uneducated voters vote. I see the elections as a massive ‘coin toss.’ I am afraid the


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