Liberal Studies and The Careers You Can Gain From Studying it


A liberal studies degree program is a multidisciplinary field that encompasses Humanities, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and the Arts. One of its primary objectives is to equip students with exemplary communication skills that allow them to express their thoughts effectively through verbal or written means. Other trainings involve problem-solving and critical thinking with ethical thought.

If you’re thinking about taking up liberal studies, here are the careers that you’ll be equipped for in the future:

  1. Writer

Being a writer is a versatile job that is valuable for any industry. This is especially true in today’s modern world where a business’ website and content plays a significant role in attracting potential customers and increasing revenue. Aside from its usefulness in search engine optimization or SEO, you can also author a fictional series which can become greater than Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings series.

These are the career opportunities you can look forward to:


  • Technical Writer – This job is perfect if you’re adept at breaking down complex concepts and explaining them in simpler terms and sentences. You’ll be writing instruction manuals, guides, FAQs, and other resources.


  • Magazine Writer – On the other end of the spectrum, being a magazine writer is all about producing articles that are informative and engaging at the same time to maintain readership. You can work for traditional print publications or websites.


  • News Reporter – Another significant role is to become a journalist. This job is ideal for curious minds that can pick out an interesting angle of a story and create an objective article with facts.


  • Blogger – A liberal studies degree can also equip you to start your own blog and spread your message to the world. A website can generate income through advertising, affiliate marketing, and even selling merchandise.

Most people take up a bachelor’s degree in English and supplement it by enrolling in a master’s program in liberal studies. For those who are already employed, some institutions such as Rutgers University offers online classes which allow you to study anywhere without compromising your work schedule.

  1. Lawyer

Knowledge of the different laws in your state is essential to becoming an attorney who helps victims of injustice. Nonetheless, a liberal studies degree equips you with soft skills or personal attributes that can make working in a team easier, which can make you a successful lawyer. The ability to express yourself well with words and relating with others is a crucial skill both inside and outside the courtroom.

The four vital soft skills that lawyers should have are:


  • Relationship Building – Attorneys must be able to form positive relationships with their peers and clients. Be a professional who is easy to work with so that you can get more work and referrals. Being a lawyer is one of the best paying jobs for women nowadays.


  • Effective Communication – This skill is essential for negotiations, interviews, and investigations. You must be able to send clear messages that leave no room for misinterpretation or confusion to establish your credibility.


  • Empathy – Aspiring lawyers should know how to see situations through the clients’ perspective. This can give you a better idea of why they responded the way they did during the case in question. Acknowledging the other person’s point of view is valuable in persuading them to agree to your side as well.


  • Teamwork – Lawyers have specific areas of specializations. As a case becomes more complex, though, you’ll need to collaborate with other attorneys or professionals who are experts in a particular field of study. You must be able to work with different types of people from any social class and background to be a successful legal representative.
  1. School Counselor

School counselors, also known as guidance counselors, have various job descriptions. In some institutions, they’re primarily involved with helping high school students find the right college and the degree that matches their inclinations. In others, they provide information on psychological and social issues such as bullying and sex education.

Other functions of school counselors include:


  • Intervening with learning difficulties and facilitating the academic growth of students.
  • Helping students with special needs integrate into the traditional classroom setting.
  • Assessing learners interests, strengths, and aptitudes through standardized tests.


Expect to gain a sharp awareness of concepts in art, philosophy, history, and technology as well as their impact in today’s issues when you enroll in a liberal studies program. Communication and critical thinking are the skills that you enhance with the curriculum. The careers above are just a few of the opportunities that await you after graduation.

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